The Vikings

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"Mom, mom!" Hanna flew through the sanctuary and the tunnels, and landed in the kitchen. There she saw Hiccup and her mother talking. She interrupted. "Mom, the Rockheads are trapping dragons again!"

Valka jumped out of her chair. "Hiccup, saddle up Toothless!"

Hiccup nodded and left the room.

"Wait, mom, where's he going?" Hanna followed her to her room, Stonescale thumping behind her.

"To get Toothless ready. He's coming with us," she told her as she began pulling her suit on.

"That big -," Stonescale started, but Hanna shushed him.

"But mom, he's such an amateur!" Hanna complained. "He's only been riding for a couple of months!"

"Listen to yourself Hanna and open your eyes! Have you seen them ride together?"

Hanna bowed her head in shame.

"Now enough of this, both of you!" Valka looked at Stonescale. "We've got to go!" She put her face mask on and ran out of the room.

They arrived in the dragon sanctuary, Hiccup and Toothless waiting for them.

"Cloudjumper!" Valka roared. The owl-like Stormcutter dropped onto the ledge from above. She used her staff to climb up onto her dragon, then swung her staff to catch all of the dragons attentions.

She spoke directly towards the alpha, bowing, and the ice-spitting dragon roared the command for everyone to go. Hiccup watched as he disappeared under the water.

Then all of the dragons took flight, and Hiccup followed his mother and sister out of the sanctuary.

They flew towards the island that Hanna had been on. Soon, the outline of many Viking ships met their eyes. Cloudjumper let out an ear-splitting roar and Valka twirled her staff before pointing at the Vikings on the shore.

The dragons attacked the surprised trappers. Stonescale immediately began blasting open cages while Cloudjumper burned the net traps. Valka jumped to a nearby Thunderdrum before leaping to the ground. Using her staff, she sliced through a netter trap holding an adolescent Zippleback.

"The Dragon riders!" Hiccup heard one of the Vikings cry. "They won't get away this time!"

Hiccup was just sitting there awkwardly, unsure of what he should be doing. His family looked like they had it covered.

Then he heard his mother yell, "Hiccup! Burn the ships!"

He was off like a rocket. The whistle, known as the Night Fury whistle around these parts, could be heard as they soared through the sky.

"Night Fury!"

"Get down!"

Hiccup blasted the first of the three boats as the Vikings scattered. The boat was smoldering, but it wasn't burning yet. Just then, a load sucking could be heard from the water, and the crown of the Bewilderbeast stuck up. The massive dragon raised his head and in a split second, the smoldering boat was skewered on a giant spike of ice. Toothless had to swerve to avoid it.

Hanna and Stonescale appeared and set the elevated boat aflame. They moved to the next one, and after a couple of blasts, it was sinking below the waves. Hanna was directly in front of them as they moved to the next and last boat. Suddenly, Stonescale swerved, and the bola that was directed at him wrapped itself around Toothless. The Night Fury let out a roar as him and his rider tumbled from the sky.

"Not so great now, huh?" Hanna roared down at them.

"Hanna!" Valka cried, but it was too late. Before he knew it, Hiccup saw his sister and her Hobblegrunt land right next to him, also encased in a bola. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the trappers try to shoot down Cloudjumper, but the dragon twirled to avoid it. Valka was thrown off her dragon and tumbled into the trees with a scream. Her dragon dove after her.

"Great, now what?" Hiccup asked. The Bewilderbeast had disappeared under the water until Valka called him up again. The dragons were flying around, not sure what do do without a leader as the Vikings ran towards the last ship, desperate to get away alive.

Hanna began grumbling in Dragonese, "Um, excuse me?" A bright yellow Nadder who was standing nearby looked up. "Would you mind?" She gestured towards the trap holding her down.

The Nadder spiked it's tail and shot five spikes into the rope attached to the stones.

"Thanks," Hanna said as she lifted the rope off of her and her dragon.

"Great! Help here?" Hiccup asked.

"Nope! See ya'!" Hanna leaped into Stonescale, who shot them a smug look before taking off.

"Ugh! Bud?" Hiccup looked at his dragon. Toothless shot two plasma blasts to create a big enough hole for them to fit through.

Soon, they were back up in the air. Hanna was circling the ship, the Vikings cowering on deck.

"Hanna!" Hiccup turned around. His mother was back up on Cloudjumper, flying towards them. "What are you waiting for? Burn the ship!"

Stonescale was about to shoot, when something on the ship caught Hiccup's eye.

"Wait!" He roared. He rammed Toothless into her dragon just as the fire escaped his mouth. The shot missed, and Hanna almost fell off her dragon.

" Hey! Watch -! - crazy?! - you so blind - entire dragon?!" Hanna roared in his face.

"There's baby!" Hiccup told her.

"So?" Hanna asked scowling.

"No, Hanna. Look! There's a baby Sliquifier down there! A tidal class dragon. If we burn the ship, it'll die!" Valka told her. "We have to get it off first."

"Okay, how?" Hanna turned Stonescale to face them.

"Cloudjumper's too big, and I don't think Stonescale is strong enough to get it out in time. Hiccup, you're going to have to take Toothless down there while Hanna and I distract them."

Hiccup dodged some arrows then nodded to show he understood. He watched as Hanna and Valka flew towards the front of the ship, then pretended to try to get to dragon. The Vikings fell for it, and left the baby Sliquifier unguarded. With the exception of two men.

Hiccup took his chance. Toothless dove and landed on the crate. The two Vikings advanced, but the Night Fury wished his tail through the air, and as the metal made contact with their heads, they were knocked out cold. Toothless lifted his leather black wings and took off.

"That's it! Burn the ship!" Valka cried when she saw Hiccup come up with the dragon.

"Can't! Out of shots!" Hiccup cried when they reached their level.

"Great! Now you're just dead weight!" Hanna roared.

"Hanna! Just burn the ship!" Cloudjumper let out a huge ball of bright orange fire. Valka swung her staff around, shaking the end.

There was a huge sucking sound, and the Bewilderbeast appeared, mouth open in a roar.

Then, Stonescale swerved violently to avoid one last bola, and Hanna was left dangling off the side.

"Mom!" She roared desperately.

"Hanna!" Valka twirled her staff to send a Monsterous Nightmare to help her. The aqua green dragon soared towards her, but before the Nightmare could reach her, her hand slipped and she fell towards the Bewilderbeast.

The dragon went after her, joined by Stonescale, but neither of them were fast enough. Hanna was heading strait towards the Bewilderbeast's open mouth. The alpha, seeing what was coming, tried to close his mouth, but Hiccup could see it wasn't going to be fast enough. No one was fast enough to save her.

Except him.

Toothless dove, and the baby Siliquifier squealed in surprise at the sudden speed.

The Night Fury zipped past Stonescale and the Nightmare before dipping below a falling Hanna and shooting back up into the sky.

Valka watched as the signature whistle resounded through the sky. The dragon dipped below Hanna just before she disappeared into the alpha's mouth. The Night Fury dashed back up to the sky as the Bewilderbeast closed it's mouth.

Hiccup looked behind him to see Hanna draped over Toothless' back.

"Hanna!" Hiccup roared. Hanna lifted her head slowly as Toothless soared through the sky.

"What happened?" She sat up. " - knocked off Stonescale and - eaten by - alpha. Why wasn't I?"

"We caught you," Hiccup explained.

"But I - the Nightmare - going to catch me."

"It wasn't fast enough."

"If Hiccup hadn't been here, you would of died," Valka explained. "Now, do you think you can fly?"

"Yeah," Hanna stood up and jumped to Stonescale, who was waiting next to them. After hugging her dragon's neck, she soared off to the boat.

Hiccup flew up, so that there was no risk of the baby Sliquifier getting hurt.

No more than five shots later, the Vikings were in the water, swimming for the shore. Their ships were no more, and all that was left was a couple of charred pieces of wood floating in the water.

Valka twirled her staff before flying off in the direction away from the sanctuary. The dragons lifted into flight, some carrying or supporting injured dragons.

Toothless pumped his wings to catch up with Cloudjumper.

"Mom, how come we're going this way?" Hiccup asked her.

"So the Vikings don't know where the sanctuary is," she explained.

Hiccup nodded. That made sense.

Just then, Hanna flew up to him.

"Hey, thanks," she said. "For saving - life."

"You're welcome," Hiccup responded.

"Well, I'm gonna go and - yeah," Hiccup understood everything she said, but she skipped half of the sentence. As Hanna flew off, Stonescale nodded to Toothless. He nodded back.

Toothless knew they would no longer be receiving any more thorns from the Hobblegrunt. He didn't know what he would do if he lost Hiccup. A rider meant everything to a dragon.

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