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Hiccup sat at the table, eating breakfast.  His mother had gone out to feed the dragons, and Hanna had found something about the Dragon Eye.  Toothless was playing with Blade near the forge.

Hiccup didn't know what to do, but he didn't mind.  He was excited.  He had figured out his mark.  It even had colors!

He decided that after breakfast, he would go and track down his sister.  He'd take a few Rumblehorns with him.

Hiccup couldn't wait to show her the mark, which he had hidden in his sketch book for the time being.

He quickly finished his breakfast, then ran to the sanctuary to grab some Rumblehorns, but the Dragon haven was empty.  Hiccup suddenly reminded himself that it was feeding time.  He would have to wait for his mother to return.

So, he decided he would use the empty sanctuary as a training arena.  He mounted his Dragon and took off.  They sped around the outerwalls a few times, before dropping altitude until they were just above the water surface.  Their speed once again caused a wake, almost taller than they were.

But then, Hiccup pulled Toothless up.

"Alright, I know this is going to sound weird, but I think that's enough speed for right now."

"What?!" Toothless roared.

"Well, mom's going to be back any minute, and we should save your energy for the journey.  We have no idea how far Hanna and Stonescale went."

Toothless sighed.  "Fine."

They continued to soar slowly around the sanctuary, taking in all the different colors, and how pretty it really was.  They continued, that is, until they heard a wave of squawking getting closer every second from outside the icy walls.

Suddenly, blotches of all colors and sizes zoomed through the cracks in the walls.  They kept coming, and once they were all in, a large, sucking sound was heard from the water below them.  The Bewilderbeast rose out of it before settling down in a comfortable position.

"Hiccup," a voice spoke from behind him.

He turned around to see his mother, fully dressed in her uniform, standing atop Cloudjumper.

"Hey, mom.  How was feeding time?"

"Great.  The dragons all had a good meal."

"Awesome.  Anyway, I need to go and find Hanna.  Can I take Skullcrusher and Windblow out with me?"

"Sure, but be quick about it."

"Thanks!" he exclaimed before rushing off.

He gathered the two Rumblehorns and zipped out into the open sky.

"So, what exactly are we finding?"

"Whatever it is, we'll track it down fast," Skullcrusher exclaimed, bucking his head.

"I need to find Hanna.  I have to show her something," Hiccup said.  "Plus, I'm bored."

"Oh, that's easy."

The large dragons sniffed the air before letting out a threatening growl and charging forward.  Hiccup followed them as they headed south.

It was a smooth ride, and they were getting close to Hanna when Hiccup spotted some unsettling ships approaching on the horizon.  As they got closer, he realized who they were.  He would recognize that insignia anywhere.

The Bloody Barbarians.

"Hang on guys.  We're going for a ride."

The ships seemed to be minding their own business.  That is, until they spotted Hiccup and Toothless.

Cries of "Night Fury!" And "Thar he flies!" rang out as the ships turned towards the dragons.

Hiccup didn't want to engage the ships just yet, but when murderous bolas and arrows were shot at him, he had no choice.

He commanded the Rumblehorns to attack the ships, before swooping down on them himself.

He blew holes in the sails, blasted Vikings off ships, and sent some swimming for their lives.

The Rumblehorns began sinking ships, flying through the decks and blasting the masts.

Hiccup spotted a group of teens aboard one ship, and immediately recognized them.  He was able to easily find Darius, who was aiming a bola launcher right at him.

Toothless let out a plasma blast that left the teens with just splinters to launch.

Soon, the remaining ships turned tail and ran, picking up vikings that had been in the water as they left.

Hiccup watched them go.  Sometimes he wished he could actually travel somewhere without being attacked.

The Rumblehorns suddenly stiffened, and turned towards the East.

"There she is."

Hiccup peered into early sun and was able to make out a silhouette moving towards them.  He flew towards her.

They exchanged greetings before Hiccup launched into what had just happened.

"These ships, they came out of nowhere.  It was crazy.  We had no choice but to attack them."

"Whose were they?"

Hiccup hesitated before answering.  He knew his sister had a crush on Darius.  "The Bloody Barbarians."

"What?"  she asked, a saddened look upon her face.

Hiccup nodded.  "When I was out exploring the world with Willow, we were ambushed by them.  They have a rival with Willow, and by siding with her we're now their rivals also," he explained, rubbing his dragon's cheek.

"That's awful," Hanna mumbled, truly heartbroken.  How could her crush be so cruel?  She wouldn't believe it.  She couldn't believe it.

As they began their flight back to the sanctuary, Hanna's mind whirled.  Her crush hated dragons.  Her crush wanted to hurt her brother and his Dragon.  How could she still like him?  She wanted to hate him so badly, but her heart wouldn't let her.


Hiccup and Hanna flew into their rocky home, keeping an eye out for their mother.  The Rumblehorns had returned to the sanctuary after Hiccup thanked them.

"So, did you find anything out about the Dragon Eye?"

"What?" Hanna was confused.  The Dragon Eye?  What would she be doing with that?  Then she remembered her lie.  "Oh.  No."

"Oh.  Well, I found my mark."

"Your what?"

"A friend of mine had this idea.  She said I should get my own insignia.  I dreamed about it last night."

"Really? What is it?"

"It's hard to explain.  I drew it-"

"I thought you didn't have anything to draw with."

"I borrowed one of yours.  Sorry."

Hanna turned away.  "Shame on you!"

"But I had to!  I was about to forget it when I woke up.  I had to draw it!"

Hanna chuckled.  "I was just messing with you!  I can't wait to see it."

The pair dismounted their dragons when they reached the kitchen, and Hiccup ran to his forge, where he put the drawing.  He rummaged around in some stacks of paper before pulling a small piece from the stack.

"Here," he showed it to his sister.

There was silence as she stared at it.  Then, she took the paper and peered at it.  "What is that?"

"That's going to be my insignia."

"Uh...," Hanna was staring at the weirdest thing she had ever seen.  It looked a bit like the top of a scull with horns.  The scull's jaw was dislocated and hovering beneath it.  The figure had six teeth.  Three at the bottom of the scull, and the others on the jaw.

Hiccup read her mind.  "It's not about what it looks like, it's about what it means."

"Okay, so... what does it mean?"

"It depends on who you are."

"So... what does it mean to me?"

"I don't know; that's for you to decide.  And it shouldn't really have a meaning yet.  The meaning evolves over time."

"Okay, whatever you say," Hanna handed the paper back to her twin.

"I have so many ideas on what I could put this on, besides on Toothless's tail."

"But, you can't put them on paper because you don't have anything to write with," Hanna said pointedly.

Hiccup sighed before banging his head against a table in a forge.  "It's impossible to live without being able to draw or write!"

His sister laughed.  "Oh, man.  I'm glad I'm not in your position.  I'd have no idea what to do with my life!"

Hiccup groaned before hitting his head again.  His dragon, who had been gazing into the Sanctuary from across the room, turned and warbled sympathetically at his rider's despair.

"Oh, Toothless, what am I going to do?  I can't wait to get to work on all these plans, but I have too!"

"We could always go for a fly," the Night Fury suggested.

Hiccup sighed again.

Hanna walked to Stonescale, who was sniffing in a basket of rotting food.  "Well, while you guys figure that out, we're going out," she said as she mounted the Hobblegrunt.

"Not so fast."

The siblings' heads turned towards their mother who had just entered, her dragon behind her.  "Now, that you're here, you need to get started on your chores."

She handed each of them a slip of paper, before turning and clapping her hands.  "Chop, chop!"


"I can't believe that wretched boy! How can he slip our grasp again!"

"Father, he rides a Night Fury, the most ferocious dragon out there.  I can imagine he'll slip our grasp multiple more times before we finally capture that Dragon."

Darius walked into his house behind his dad.  He shut the door as his mother greeted them.  His father ignored her.  Instead, he slammed his fist against the wall.

"Son, anyone in their right mind would think you were working with the boy and his dragon!  That better not be the case!"

"Are you serious?!  I hate dragons as much as anyone else on this island, I'm just the only one who's brave enough to be realistic."

"Son, I believe that you hate dragons, but others-"

"No, you don't!  You're just saying that.  I know you, father, and you don't believe in me at all!"

Darius stormed to the back of the kitchen, threw open the back door and walked out, slamming the door behind him.  He grabbed a sword out of a wooden bucket next to the door, and stomped into the woods.

How could anyone think anyone could not hate dragons.  They were selfish beasts that pillaged villages for food.  They were greedy, taking all an island's food and still coming back for more.  They were mean and ugly, and looked best on a wall.

Darius gritted his teeth and clenched his sword's hilt.  A gust of wind stirred up the needles that blanketed the forest floor.

A squirrel scuttled up a trunk.

The neigh of a horse carried from the village.

A roar from a faraway dragon echoed through the trees.

The wind picked up again, and a leaf slapped him in the face.

"What the-," Darius muttered.  There were barely any leaves on this island.

He turned and spotted a piece of paper, fluttering away from him on the ground.  He bent down and snatched it up before it could blow away again.

Looking at it, he gasped.  It was a picture of him.  He had his arm around a girl he had never seen before.

The detail was incredible.  The girl had her hair up in a bun, with a few strands loose.  She wore a short, slitted skirt over leggings, with classic, viking fur boots on her feet.  She was smiling and had her head on his shoulder.

Darius was also really surprised at the detail put into himself in the picture.  He was wearing the same clothes he had on, and his dark hair was as shaggy as usual.  Whoever drew the picture must have been watching him at some point today.  But who could it be?  No one in the village could draw with this much detail and accuracy.

He looked up as the wind blew again, ruffling his hair.  He looked again at the drawing before folding it up and pocketing it.  It would be on his mind for a long while now.

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