Well, it's been a while

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For context, I was writing this actively in 2016.  It's now 2023.

First off, I deeply apologize.  As a reader on Wattpad, I too have seen writers abandon good stories, and it always sucks.  I always thought perhaps I would come back to this story, but unfortunately, I think it's time to end.

To attempt to provide some closure, following this note is the draft of the next chapter.  There's not much, but after that, I will outline the notes I had for the rest of this trilogy.


The island loomed on the horizon,  made golden by the setting sun. Hiccup took a deep breath.  "Okay guys, here's the planWe'll break off here in a momentNatalia and I will land just outside the villageThen, Goldstar will go and meet up with you guysYou will all hide out of sight, while Toothless shadows us.   When he gives the signal-"

"A vertical plasma blast," Toothless added.

Hiccup continued, "You'll meet us, help free Hanna, and we'll be out of here."

The dragons and riders all nodded.

"Oh, and Willow, be sure you and Marina stay especially out of sight."

The glowing Flightmare and her rider nodded.

"Okay," Hiccup looked at Natalia. She gave a nod.

"Here we go," Toothless warbled quietly as he and Goldstar split off from the group.

Hiccup and Natalia soared quickly and quietly over the island, before landing just outside the village.  They dismounted, and Hiccup spoke.

"So... What's our plan?"

"I've been thinking about it.  So, the obvious place for them to be keeping Stonescale would be the arena, right?" Natalia asked.

Hiccup nodded.

Natalia continued, "So, if you were a traveler doing research on different Dragon fighting tactics, it 'd be reasonable to be shown the arena, right?"

Hiccup nodded, begining to see how this could play out.

"So there's our story.  You and I are travelers doing research on different Dragon fighting customs."

Hiccup thought about the plan.  "Hmm... We should have disguises..."

Natalia smiled, before opening her saddlebag.  She pulled out a hand full of colorful feathers, like the ones that adorned her hair and outfit.  She handed half of the feathers to Hiccup, while Toothless sniggered.

Hiccup looked at what she had handed him.  "Uh... What am I supposed to do with these?"


"Good morning.  Yes, hello.  How do you do?" 

Hiccup and Natalia were walking through the village.  It was the next morning, and the town was bustling about with morning shoppers.  Hiccup, being the only one of the pair that could speak Norse, was greeting everyone in his normal awkward manor, trying and failing to not draw attention to them.

"Um, why is everyone looking at us?" Natalia asked quietly.

"Maybe because they've never seen us before, and we do look a little weird..." Hiccup replied, referring to their feathered attire.

Both he and Natalia were covered in the feathers, crowning their head with them and covering their clothes.

Suddenly, Hiccup noticed a thick man, decorated with the chief's belt walking towards them.  Hiccup recognized him as Chief Drangont from his adventures with Willow.

As the chief approached them, he spoke. 

"What are you doing in my town, strangers?"

Squiggley, one last time

That's all I had written.  I had planned for Hiccup and Natalia to say they were travelers traveling from different islands to study different approaches of dragon killing. 

They go to the arena.  Idk if Stonescale would be there or not, but Hanna wouldn't be.  So Hiccup and Natalia have to track down Darius.

Essentially, this book would be a large finding-sister adventure, and in the end, they'd get Hanna back.  Maybe Darius would have joined them.

The third and final book would have been called Lost and Found: Home   The cover would have been the typical cover of this series, but on this image:

Essentially, it would have taken place in the era of HTTYD2.  Hiccup and the gang living peacefully at the sanctuary.  Astrid, recovering from her bought of depression, would have led the other teens on dragon hunting adventures.  They stumble across the Sanctuary, where they discover none other than Hiccup Haddock and his mother, sister, and Night Fury. 

I'm not sure what all of the plot would have been about, but eventually, the teens would have bonded with their dragons and the gang would be back together.  They'd move back to Berk, maybe the King and Queen would build a new Nest just off Berk, and everyone lives happily ever after with their dragons.

There we have it.

As for me, like I said, it's been a while.  Naturally, writing has become a large part of my life.  I still absolutely love How To Train Your Dragon, and the influence shows, as I have now written an original book centered around dragon racing.  This book is not on Wattpad.  I'm writing it, and the six book series, to hopefully publish in the big leagues one day.

Throughout college, I've minored in creative writing, and this book series here has played a huge part in my writing career.  It will always hold a special place in my heart.  I guess it's good when you go back and read your old work and notice how much better you've gotten, as I have done with this book 😆.

I deeply appreciate all the comments all my readers have left on here.  They've been very encouraging, and it's so much fun to see you all react to everything I write.  You all have helped me to see that, even writing for myself, others can enjoy my work.  I can bring smiles to strangers faces.  Make their days with an update.  And maybe in the future, you'll pick up a book of mine in Barnes and Noble, and I'll make you smile once again.

This has been a bit of a mess, but thank you all❤️  I hope you all take care, and I hope you've enjoyed my work.

Thank you for the support.  And here is my sad, but hopefully closure-ful (lol what word is that) goodbye.

See y'all on the pages.


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