Willow Returns

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AHHHHHHH!  Guys, there is near nothing I can do to tell you how sorry I am!  It's been probably three months!  I'm not going to give you any dumb excuses, because you probably don't want to listen to them.  (and yes, I lied in the last chapter, sorry...)

I thank all of you who are reading this.  Those of you who stuck with me, even though I ceased updating.  I don't blame you if you left.  But, to those of you who are here, I am offering up a peace offering, and I guess it's a bit of a reward for waiting so long for a new chapter.  I am going to publish not one, not two, but THREE chapters today!  I really hope you enjoy them!



"Okay, Hookfang. Your turn!"

The Nightmare walked up to the Dragon Eye, which Hiccup had proped up on a stool in the kitchen. He crouched behind it and opened his mouth on a slow burn, creating enough light to light up a picture.

"Whoa," Hiccup breathed. It never did get old.

Hanna immediately began to copy down the picture in her notebook, translating what the runes said.

"Monsterous Nightmare," she read out loud. "Stoker Class, fast, gel coats body, yada yada yada. We already know all of this."

"Okay." Hiccup switched it to another projection.

"Terrible Terror," she quickly scanned what it said. "Alright, keep going."

Hiccup switched to another projection.

"Okay, stop," Hanna comanded, "This one's new. Large, double set of wings, bright orange, can shoot fire from mouth, tail, and underbelly! Wow! It can also swivel its eyes around to see behind it. It's called a Singetail!"

"Huh. Sounds familiar."

"Really? I've never heard of it before," Hanna told him as she finished writing everything down.

"I probably heard something about when I was with Willow."

"Speaking of Willow," Hanna spoke as she tried another combination on the Dragon Eye, "she should be coming to trade soon."

"Really? I forgot!"

"Whoa, Hiccup, look at this!"

Hanna stared at the projection on the wall. It was a map, a treasure map to be specific, and it led to an island about half a day's flight away from the Sanctuary.

"Whoa!" Hiccup exclaimed as he walked towards the wall.

"Oooh! A map!" Hookfang exclaimed.

"Really? Oooooh! I wonder where it goes!" Meatlug chattered excitedly.

"It leads to treasure!" Hanna exclaimed.

"Really?" Stonescale asked, "Let's go!"

"Okay, Gang, wings up. We're going to find some treasure!" Hiccup announced as he scribbled the map down in his notebook.

The Dragons all filed out of the kitchen, chatting excitedly.

"Alright. You ready, Toothless?" Hiccup asked when he finished copying the map down.

Toothless warbled a reply as Hiccup removed the key from the Dragon Eye and wrapped it around his neck. He took the Dragon Eye and slipped it into his dragon's saddle bag before mounting the Night Fury and taking off into the Sanctuary.

He met his sister and the four other dragons outside of the Sanctuary. He wasn't sure why, but Hiccup felt a connection with the dragons from Berk. They had begun to follow him and Toothless around on missions, and Hiccup had gotten used to the four extra dragons being around.

They set off in the direction of their destination. Soon, after a few hours of flying, it came into view.

They landed on the beach and Hiccup and Hanna dismounted. The ground shook, scaring the dragons. As Hanna calmed them, Hiccup pulled out the map.

"It looks like we go into the cave, bud," Hiccup pointed to the entrance to a cave not far from where they were standing.

"What was that?" Hanna asked.

"Probably just a small earth quake. They probably don't happen often."

Just as he said it, the ground shook again. Once Hanna had regained her balance, she put her hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow at her brother.

"After-shock," he shrugged it off. "C'mon, the map points this way."

Hiccup led his sister and the six dragons into the caverns.

"Oooh, I don't like this," Meatlug chattered nervously.

The Zippleback took its chance. "Just imagine," one head whispered, approaching the Gronkle from behind.

"Little monsters crawling through the dark,"

"Looking for fleshy, rock-eating dragons to devour, in a frenzy of teeth and talons!" Belch finished Barf's sentence in a roar.

Meatlug cowered down, shivering.

"All right, you two, cut it out," Hiccup told the Zippleback. The two heads just gurgled a laugh and bumped horns.

"Hiccup, are you sure this is safe?" Stormfly asked.

"Positive! The treasure is just this -"

The ground began to shake violently.

"After-shock, huh?" Hanna roared as she struggled to stay standing.

"Everyone, get in the air!" Hiccup called.

"Way ahead of you!" Hookfang exclaimed, flapping his wings.

"Hiccup, we have to get out of here!" Hanna exclaimed as she mounted Stonescale.

"No. Hanna, you lead everyone out! I'm going to stay down here!"

"And do what?"

"Find that treasure!" Hiccup roared as he dove down into a pit in the floor. He and Toothless zig-zagged around falling rocks, keeping an eye out for anything that might lead to the treasure.

"Whoa!" Toothless screeched as a boulder nearly hit his left wing.

"We've got to get out of here," Hiccup mumbled. He scanned their surroundings. "Toothless, there!" He pointed to an opening that led to another room in the cavern. Rocks wern't falling into it. They would be safe.

Toothless sped off towards the room, dodging falling rocks and boulders. They arrived in it, and not a second too late. When Hiccup turned around, the entrance was blocked.

He sighed, relieved. He turned around and spotted another way out. "C'mon, bud, let's go." he was about to tap Toothless' head when something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He turned.

"Wait a minute, Toothless," Hiccup told his dragon as he dismounted. He walked to some spikes of rocks that were sticking up from the floor of the cave. Wedged between them was a small treasure chest.

Hiccup took the chest and opened it. He gasped at what was inside. "What in the name of Thor?" he shut the chest before mounting his dragon.

They took off, heading out of the cave.


"So, what's in the chest?"

"Can we see?"

"I wonder if it's dangerous. Ooooh, can we have it, can we have it?!"

"No," Hiccup told the Zippleback.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme!" the two heads attacked him.

"Guys, stop it! I'll open it once we get back!"

"But we wanna see it now!"

As he watched Hiccup argue with the dragons, Stonescale smirked. He turned a deep red and hummed his fin. The vibrations rang out, causing all the dragons to become agressive.

"GIVE US THE CHEST!" the Zippleback roared, lunging at the Night Fury and his rider.

"MINE!" Hookfang called as he dove towards the chest. He knocked it out of Hiccup's hands and disappeared beneath the clouds.

"What?!" Hiccup exclaimed. "Toothless, dive!"

The dragon obeyed and zoomed after the Monsterous Nightmare.

"Stonester!" Hanna roared angrily.

"What? I was just playing around."

"Calm them down, right now!"

"Fine, fine."

The Hobblegrunt turned a sky blue and vibrated his crown. The dragons calmed, and Hookfang stopped.

Toothless pulled up next to him and took the chest back. "Thanks, bud."

Toothless warbled a reply as Hanna shivered.

"It's getting colder, and night is falling," she said.

Hiccup pat his dragon's head.  "C'mon, let's put some speed on; we're almost home."

"Alright," Toothless began to speed up, but then lifted his head and perked his ear-flaps.  He slowed almost to a stop.  The other dragons had done the same.

"What is it, bud?"

"There's something up ahead."

Before Hiccup could ask what, a banshee-like scream split the cold, night air, and a bluish flash was seen beneath the clouds.

"Everyone, dive!"  Hiccup commanded.

The dragons followed his command and shot below the clouds.  As they sped towards the commotion, Hiccup saw three ships surrounding a rider and her Dragon.  Willow and Marina, to be exact.

"Surround the Flightmare and her rider! Fire at will!" Hiccup cried.


"Yeah, let's go!"  Belch exclaimed.

"Alright, bud, let's show 'em what we're made of," Hiccup said, before signaling for his Dragon to fly ahead at top speed.

At the sound of the Night Fury whistle, Willow looked up from the ships, who were firing rounds of arrows and bolas at her.

"Hiccup!" she cried.

Hiccup barely heard her.  He was too focused on the ships below them.  They all bore the same and familiar crest on the sails.  The Bloody Barbarians were attacking again.

They too had heard the Night Fury whistle, but their reactions were quite different.

"The Night Fury!"

"Where?  I can't see him!"

"There! No, there!"

A purple glow illuminated behind them, and the Vikings turned just in time to jump out of the way of the Plasma Blast.

Toothless soared over the ship seconds later, giving the Vikings a clear view of the new insignia on the tail-piece.

They stared after him, and didn't realize their ship was filing with Zippleback gas until it was too late.  Belch sparked the gas, and the ship rocked and caught fire from the explosion.

Hanna was hovering above Willow, scanning the ships.  She couldn't believe Darius's tribe would do this.

After throuroughly scanning all three ships, she found that neither Darius, nor the rest of the teens were on the decks.  She then dove, and blasted a ship's mast.

Hookfang flew to the second ship, lit fire, and flew through the sail.  The edges caught fire, and soon the entire sail was flaming.

Willow and Marina, recovered from being on the defensive, switched to offensive, and began freezing the crew on the ships.

Soon, all three ships were ablaze, and beginning to set sail back to their island.  Hiccup and Toothless took one more lap around the boats, before soaring up to where Willow, Hanna, and the dragons were waiting.

"Great job everyone.  Willow, Marina, it's great to see you guys!"

Hiccup looked at the trader, and once again, her odd necklace striked him as familiar. 

When he had first met Willow, she had explained that her necklace, a wooden circle with fabric nailed to it, she had made out of the cloths she was found in.  When Hiccup had seen it, he was sure he had seen the yellow wave pattern over pink somewhere before, but he could never place it.  He still had no idea where he had seen it; the familiarity was so faint.

"Hi, Hiccup!  How've you been?  Been busy with the Dragon Eye?"

"Actually, we were coming back from a-"

"We found a treasure map in the Dragon Eye!"

"And we found the treasure!"

"Actually, Hiccup and Toothless found the treasure," Meatlug pointed out.

Marina looked around at the new dragons.  "I see you've found some new friends."

"Uh... Yeah, I suppose you could put it like that," Hiccup said as Barf and Belch began to fight.

Toothless warbled in annoyance. 

"Uh, guys, we should probably start heading back.  It's beginning to flurry."

"Hanna's right.  We should get back home," Stormfly told them.

"Alright, C'mon gang.  Let's go."


"Open it, open it!"

"I bet it's full of gold!"

"But that's booooring!" the Zippleback complained

The gang, Willow, Marina, and even Valka and Cloudjumper, were gathered in and around the forge, waiting for Hiccup to open the chest.

Hiccup unlatched it, and opened it up.  All the dragons and humans crowded forward to see what it was.  He pulled out a circular piece of metal with a glass center.

The reactions were all very different.  Stormfly perked her tail, interested.  Meatlug looked as if she was about to explode.  Toothless raised his head, a look of interest in his eyes.  Hanna gasped, while Stonescale, Barf and Belch, and Hookfang looked at the treasure with a mix of disapointment, bordem, and confusion.  The rest of the creatures in the room just looked confused.

"What is it?" Barf asked.

"It looks safe," Belch added.


"It's a Dragon Eye lense," Hiccup said, ignoring the two-headed Dragon.

"Oooooh, this is amazing!  If this one is out there, that means there must be more!" Meatlug exclaimed.

"Wow.  Can you believe it, bud?"

"It's amazing," Toothless agreed with his rider.

After the excitement of the treasure dimmed, they all spent the rest of the night trading.  Hiccup and Willow began to catch up on everything, and Hiccup even bought another one of Natalia's paintings.  This one was a long, thin fabric with each of the class symbols on it.  The painting was almost free.  All Willow asked was for two colored sketches of Hiccup and Toothless's new insignia.  She said she would like one, and the Natalia would probably want one, as it was her idea for Hiccup to get one.

Near the end of the night, Hookfang was asleep on the ledge that looked out upon the Sanctuary, Barf and Belch was curled up in a corner, Meatlug was laying next to Blade, the green Gronkle that supplied Hiccup with Gronkle Iron, in the the forge, and Hiccup was drifting off to sleep next to Toothless.

The next evening, they all gathered outside the Sanctuary to bade good travels to Willow and Marina.  Small flakes were falling from the sky again, signalling Winter was coming.

Hiccup knew they were off to the North Pole, their island base up north, to restock and rest before setting out again.

Willow gave each an individual farewell.  When she reached Hiccup, she hugged him.

"Take care," she whispered.

"I will."

"Bye, Toothless," she pat the Night Fury's head after she pulled away.  Marina and the Night Fury nuzzled their good byes, before Willow turned, and took off into the night.

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