Let's go home

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Three years later
"Aaaaaannnnnndddd....... DONE!" Connor wiped his head with his forearm and Cliffjumper examined his work.
"Not bad." He comments. He places a servor over the spot that used to be a giant hole in his chest. But now it was weld shut. "Not bad at all."

For the last three years Cliffjumper has made his way into our family circle. I hardly ever go to the house any more. I'm always in the barn with Cliffjumper! He teaches me about his home planet Cybertron and there language. I find it fascinating and I always want to know more. He talks ALOT. Especially about a femme bot named Arcee. He talks about his old team and how he misses them. He can't go see them cause he doesn't have enough energy. His fuel sources is Energon. We do are best to try and find Energon but lately it hasn't been going well. We keep clear of dark Energon cause that's what makes him a zombie.... err.... Terrorcon. I have to be honest, as great as my bond is with him it's nothing compared to the bond he has with Connor. They are always together. I rarely go to the house...... Connor doesn't even live there anymore!!
He patches Cliff up when he can and finds things for Cliff to do.
Like the barn was totally empty before Cliff, now it's his own gym. We made a steel dummy, chains hang from the ceiling with two large rings on the ends so he can do pull ups, and a giant wrecking ball that he uses as a weight. On the side is a metal bed.... um..... birth.
Where do we get this? The junk yard. It's a family business and when the boys find something to good to scrap they bring it home for Cliff.
As for my...... condition.
We don't have the money for therapy so Cliff being an alien from another planet with advanced technology was able to hack into the internet and find a way to help me.
I take small doses of loud sounds in the form of Cliffjumpers metal grinding workouts, when he shoots three shoots in the air and when he plays a bit of rock music. As far as the doctors say... I'm almost cured.
Today Connor finally finished patching up Cliffjumper. As a form of celebration we have a surprise for Cliff.
"Close your optics Cliff." I say starting to walk out of the barn.
"Aww come on sparky." He wines.
"Close them." I say more sternly.
"No." He says crossing his arms like a child.
"Don't make me get the hose." I warn. His optics widden and he puts his servors up in surrender.
"Alright. There shut." He says closing them. I open the barn door and motioned for Grant to bring it in. The sound of a garbage truck can be heard as he backed it into the barn just in front of Cliffjumper.
"Ok." I say taking my camera out. "Open them." He opens his optics then gasps is disbelief. I move the camera to the truck. The back was overflowing with Energon!!!
"Is.... is this what I think it is!!" Cliffjumper says excitedly. I nod my head happily as I zoom in on his faceplate.
"Now you can go back to Jasper." I say.
"And find your girl." Connor adds.
"Where did you get this?" Cliff asks us.
"I went back to the place where Connor and I found you. Minus all the recage it was full of Energon." Grant explained.
"Guys I..... I don't know what to say." He says almost crying.
"A thank you would be nice. Spent over a week finding all the right ones." Grant jokingly complained. Cliff chuckles and we all laugh.
"Ha ha ha! Thank you Grant." Cliff says." With this much Energon I can go back to them... I can go back to her." That last part he said quieter but I could hear him fine.
I watched as he refueled and I grew sadder. I would miss Cliff. He was like another brother to me. Or that super cool uncle that you want to grow up to be like someday. He has all the crazy of Connor and protectiveness of Grant.
"I'm gonna miss you Cliff." I say to him.
"I'm gonna miss you to Sparky.... but I'm not gonna miss that hose!" He jokes. I half laugh at this.
"Will I ever see you again?" I ask. He looks at me sadly but with a sweet smile.
"I don't know. Could be sooner, could be later, could be never. But even if it's never. I will never forget you." I smile at  him and hug his helm.
"I won't forget you either." I say holding back tears.

"Awww. That's sweet." I look up and see Connor and Grant in the doorway of the barn.

"Come to say your goodbyes to." Cliff says putting me down.
"What? No."
Me and Cliff look at each other then at Connor.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
He looks at Grant.
"You want to tell her or will I." He says. Grant sighs and walks up to me.
"I talked to some friends in town and they said they needed a job. Aaaaaannndddddd I found out that Jasper needed a junkyard since its had a lot of smashed cars coming in." My eyes widen. "I made a call and they said I have to be there in a week in order to claim the property."
My jaw dropped.
"Sooooo....." Connor jump in the air. "We're going to Jasper!!!!"
I scream out of joy then hug Grant tightly.
"Alright Sage go get your stuff we're leaving in two hours. I smile then run off to pack my stuff.

Two hours later
I put my final bag in the trailer and slam the trailer shut. I look at the house one last time the walk to the barn.
"Ready to go sparky?" Cliff asked.
I nod my head yes and smile at him.
He holds out his servor and I climb on. He carefully stands and I climb into his shoulder.
"Well everything's all set. Ready to go Cliffjumper?" Grant asks.
"Ready." Cliff replies.
Grant chuckles to himself. "Good.... Cause I've been wanting to say this for three years." He looks up at Cliffjumper. "Get your stinking tailpipe out of my barn!!!!!" He demands.
"Yes sir!" Cliff says saluting and laughing at the same time.
"Shotgun!!" I yell as he transforms into his vehicle mode around me. I land in his passenger seat and lock his door before Connor can run over and get in.
"Oh come on!!!" He wines.
"Sorry Connor maybe next time." I laugh. He pouts then goes around back to help Frank book on the trailer. Once that's done Grant sits in the driver seat and Connor gets in the back.
"Goodbye farm, Hhhhhheeeeeeeeeelllllllllooooooooo Jasper!!!" Cliff cheers. His dashboard lights up with ever word as he speeds down the road, leaving a trail of smoke behind.
I lean against the door and watched the scenery change from open farm land to dessert wasteland.

Goodbye farm, hello Jasper.....
Can't be that bad right?

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