lost time

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So Connor and Sage are in school and Grants working at the junkyard. I'm back at base in my old room. It...really... hasn't changed.
I sit on my birth and just sit there thinking. I've been gone for three years. Three years! How did I let that happen?! I sigh forcefully.
I'll just have to make up for lost time I guess. I walk out of my room and up to the roof where I find Arcee siting over the edge. Behind her is a pile of stones that are ment to be my grave.
I take a deep breath then walk over to Cee and sit on the ledge with my peds hanging over. The air just became very still and awkward. I hate it.
"So... you've been distant." I say breaking the silence. She doesn't answer.
"Come on Cee. At least look at me for Primus sake! I come all the way back from the dead and your acting like I don't even exist!" I don't want her to be like this. We were so close once. Now it's like she's not my Cee. y partner.
"Why?" I hear her say." Why did you come back?"
"I... don't think I follow." I say confused.
"You where saved by that family. You where repaired. And you where off the radar for three years. You could have lived the rest of your lifecycle in peace. So why, after three years did you come back." She says bringinging her knees to her faceplate.
I run this through my possessor. Trying to find a decent answer." Uhhh... I missed my team, my family." I say nervously.
She looks at me intently. "Why else?" She asks plainly. I sigh again and continue to speak.
"Cause even though I had peace. It wasn't the peace I wanted. The peace I wanted was one that I could be a war hero. That I would tell my story to my sparkling and they would look up to me and I would love them with all my spark. And I had hoped that... that... they're carrier would be a small, agile, deadly, focused, levelheaded femme. Who at times can be a stick in the mud." She punches my shoulder lightly and let's out a faint laugh. Then she looks back at my grave and she saddens.
I don't like to see her sad. If this thing makes her sad it's gonna have to go. I change my hand into my gun and fire multiple shots at the rocks and watch as they fly in different directions.
"CLIFF WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" She demands.
"I got rid of the thing that made you unhappy." I say plainly.
"You do know you just defiled a grave right."
I shug my shoulder in response." It's my grave. And I don't need it anymore. Cause there ain't no grave that can hold my body down." I say with a bit of pride in my voice.
"What am I gonna do with you." She sighs.
"You could thank me." I say leaning closer to her.
"Thank you?" She asks confused.
"Your welcome!" I cheer.
I pull her into a side hug and squeeze her tightly.
"I missed you." She mumbles to me.
"I missed you to Cee." I tell her. We sit there for a bit then go back inside.
"Wanna spare? Like old times." I ask.
"Like old times." She says and we walk to the training room.
I start by throwing a light punch in her direction and she easily dodges. She follows that with two light hand to my side. She then proceeds to knock me. I catch her leg then flip her and she lands on her hands and pushes off the ground and lands back on her feet. She readys to go again.
She charges at me, jumps and lands on my shoulders. She raps her peds around my neck tightly then proceeds to hit my helm repeatedly. I slam her into a wall to knock the wind out of her. It works and she loosens her hold on me. I use this time to slam her into the ground. She closes her optics and catches her breath.
"I win." I say panting. She sighs in defeat.
"Alright. You win. Now get off me!! You weigh a ton!!!" She wines struggling under my grip. I smirk at her then get off. I hold out my hand for her and she takes it.
"There's my Cee." I say pulling her up.
"We should go get the kids." She suggests.
"Is it three already?!" I ask.
She nods her head.
I follow her out of the training room and into the main room.
"Where have you two been?" Bulkhead asks raising an optic ridge.
"Training room. We where sparing. I won." I say gloating.
"Yeah... same old Cliff." Bulk says sighing. Bumblebee walks in.
::has anyone seen Smokescreen? I can't find him anywhere.:: he buzzed.
"The kids missing? Again!" I ask.
At that moment something walked through me. "HOLY SCRAP!!!" I yell jumping back. When I land I hear something break.
"Cliffjumper I NEEDED THAT!!!" Ratchet yells at me.
"Sorry Doc." I apologize.
"Hahaha!!!" I hear laughter. I turn back to the team and see the kid. He and Bumblebee start laughing hastaricly.
Real funny kid." I say rolling my optics. I smile as I replay the event in my prosesor.
"Smokescreen! What did I tell You! This is exactly the type of behavior that and Autobot shouldn't have." Arcee scolds him." And Bumblebee you know better." She says to the scout.
"Oh come on Arcee. We where just having some fun." Smokescreen defends himself.
I burst out laughing.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!" I clutch my side as I continue to laugh. "Did... did you see.... did you see my reaction!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! It was priceless!"
I eventually calm down and wipe some Energon from my faceplate. "Oh yeah.... that was a good one."
"We're gonna get along great kid." I say patting his back.
We all transform and drive to the school.
"Race you!" Smokescreen says speeding past me.
"Oh it's on!!!!" I call after him and start to race past him.
"Eat my dust Rookie!!"

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