chapter three

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As the next morning rolled around Jayla got up first to get dressed and take a shower. While she was in the shower Y/N woke up and dong on her phone the contact number said Mark.

Mark: Good morning!

Y/N: Good morning! What's up

Y/N looked at her phone confused and haft asleep

Mark: Meet us on the deck in 15 minutes to hang out

Y/N read the message and watched Jalya come out and went in to take a shower. She got out and brushed her teeth dressing in ripped jeans and a t-shirt. As the girls made their way to the deck they smiled seeing all the things to do. As they made it to the deck Yugyeom,Bambam, and Jackson ran up the them hugging them both.

Jackson hughed Jayla tight and smiled at her. Y/N hugged the boys and smiled. "How about we all go play a Scavenger Hunt?" Yongjae asked. They all nodded in agreement
"Me and Jalya will be a team" Jackson said
"I call Yugyeom" Bambam shouted
"Me and JB then" Jinyoung said
Mark silently point at Y/N and she nodded her head.
Yongjae thought for a minute "I will join Bambam and yugyeom " he said smiling.
They all got thier lists of things to hide and set off in different directions.

*Jackson Pov*

Jackson smile at how much he loved his friends for setting up this thing today so he could see Jalya. Him and Jalya walked around holding hands and looking for the stuff on the list. He looked over at Jalya and smiled at how beautiful she looked when the sun hit her face, she looked like an angle, a beautiful fantasy to him. He kissed her cheek and picked up in item putting it in thier basket.

*Youngjae Pov*

Yongjae, Bambam, and Yugyeom ran around the boat
Vigorously looking for the items on the list. They were determined they would win and that was that.

* JB pov*

JB and Jinyoung smiled calmly walking around to hide the items. They enjoyed the view of the sun or the ocean and found many items.

* Mark's pov*

As Mark walked around with Y/N and she talked to him he felt more comfortable around her. "I'm Mark Tuan by the way, I'm for AL." He said smiling. Y/N smiled at him "That's cool I'm orginally from Pennsylvania." She said smiling at him. As the day went on they didnt find much items but they had become friends and that was good by them.

*Normal pov*

As the game came to an end JB and Jinyoung had found the most items winning the prize. They smiled proud of themselves. Y/N stode by Mark and watched the others joking around and giggled. They decided to eat while they were out since they had sent all day doing the Scavenger Hunt. Sitting at the table Y/N stop by Bambam and Yugyeom. Bambam heard a good song come on and started dabbing making everyone laugh so hard.

As it began to get dark Jackson and Jalya sneak off to the indoor pool leaving Y/N with the others. They put on thier swimsuits and jumped in. Jackson swam up the Jalya and splashed her chuckling slightly. He regerted it though he started a war but it was fun. Jalya looked at him and splashed him hiding under the water from him. Jackson chuckled and picked her up throwing her safely back into the water with a splash. They had fun and swam for a while. Before they when to thier rooms late that night he hugged her and didn't want to let go. "Sleep well ok?"He said smiling at her. Jalya blushed and smiled "you to goodnight Jackson" she hugged him tight and head off into her room to rest.

*645 words*


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