4: Surprised

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We find Dr. King and Asher in the same place— the infirmary. I knew King would be here, but a board member is a surprise. The two of them are leaned over a spread of papers as we approach, whispering back and forth angrily.

Before we get over there, I take a deep breath and try to even out my nerves. It won't work, but maybe I can tame them just long enough to spit the words out. By now, I should be used to telling the doctor I've screwed up, but Asher's a different story.

The youngest of the board members by far, Asher stands a couple inches shorter than Kit and still has a head full of blonde hair. His face is softer than the other leaders, but worry lines circle his eyes and line his mouth. If he brushed his hair today, it was done a long time ago and with his fingers. Strands stand on end around his ears. His navy jumpsuit sits unzipped at his neck and screams "Iron me, please!"

At least King looks put together. As the head physician at Cheyenne, a white coat covers his own navy jumpsuit. Pens and tools weigh down the pockets. A brush of red flashes across his cheeks, as always from the heat and activity of our job. His aged face is hard, despite the wrinkles. The black frame glasses perched on his nose hang precariously close to the edge.

Kit clears his throat, and they both straighten up.

"Poppy." King pushes his glasses up and blinks at me in shock. "Why're you back? You worked earlier. Are you okay?"

I wipe at my eyes and laugh nervously. "I'm fine. Um, I need to ask permission to leave the complex."

Asher shifts beside him. "Why? What happened?"

"I— um— You see—" I rub at my neck as the heat rises up in my face. My breathing comes in quick, sudden bursts. Get it under control. Spit it out.

"She accidentally left a piece of her required reading for work outside on our mission yesterday," Kit finally supplies as they two adults peer at us.

"Can it be replaced?" King asks.

I shake my head. "I took the original paper copy."

"You know better, Poppy."

I recoil, pulling my chin back into my chest and hanging my head. My gaze shifts to my black shoes, to the white tile of the infirmary floor, to anywhere but his scolding look.

"Trust me, Doctor, she's already punished herself for it. We just want to go out and get it."

King sighs. "I guess if the board approves, it's fine."

"Are you two on this term's resource scavenger team?" Asher asks.

Kit prods me with his elbow, and I look up unwillingly. "Yes, sir. Kit and I are both part of it."

"Do you need the rest of your team, then?"

"No. I'll serve as the team medic, and both Echo and Kit are certified guards."

He looks at Echo and Kit each, surveying them. "Can you make sure the medic returns in one piece? She's slightly important."

I let my gaze slip over to Kit. He stands with his chin lifted higher than normal, all playfulness and childish whimsy put aside. I've seen him toughen up like this before in front of the board, but it still stuns me. He sets his jaw in place and nods once.

"I'll always protect Poppy before myself," he says.

Goosebumps race across my arms, and I shudder. Always? We're close, but I wouldn't think he'd throw himself between me and a cybernetic. I wonder if this has anything to do with my sister... Does he still feel that guilt?

"And you, Miss Echo?"

Echo smiles brightly, bouncing on her toes a little. "Of course, sir! I couldn't let anything happen to my bestie." She kicks my foot playfully. "The medic will return in one piece. I promise."

I hate that they both have to protect me— just because I'm a medic. For the millionth time, I wish I'd shown aptitude in any other career track. Being a cook seems like a valid option at this point.

If I had an ounce of talent in the kitchen.

I'd even work down in the sweltering generator room if they'd stop asking people to die for me.

"Alright. If you three can handle it, you have my permission. I'll send the guard at the door a quick notif to let him know you're coming." Asher unclips a hand-held tablet from his belt and starts speed-typing. "Make sure you completely gear up. Don't skip steps just because you're in a hurry to beat nightfall."

"We won't, sir," Kit says before nodding. Then, without hesitation, he tugs me towards the door, holding my elbow in a vice grip. Is that resentment I feel between his fingers?

Echo hurried along behind us, straight to the elevator, and up to the top floor. Here, the halls are silent. No rushing footsteps or giggling voices. No roar of a fight or the clinking of silverware. Just the machinery in the walls hums to us as we walk down the familiar hallway.

We slip on our gear without comment, dread hanging in the air. Even Echo puts her mask on in solemn silence. It's like this before every mission. This may be our job— resurfacing to find various supplies— but it's one that not many people want. That's undeniable as Kit straps on a gun the size of my bone-thin arm. He checks the clip then snaps it back into place with a satisfied hum.

Echo goes for something smaller and less deadly: a rebuilt paralyzer. Still, hearing the hum as she checks the portable battery's charge almost sends my stomach to my toes. One would think they're preparing for war, when instead, these are precautionary measures.

Whether we find animals or machines in that huge expanse outside the blast doors, they are both prepared.

"I'll talk to the guard," I say, glancing at Kit's mask. Once he puts the heavy plastic over his face, talking won't really be an option. He can communicate with anyone else wearing a mask through the wireless channels, but the white material muffles his voice to anyone outside.

Kit nods and says, "Let's do this," before clipping the mask into place.

The personal protective gear we wear outside only adds to the anxiety growing in my stomach. The white and black masks, the light-weight plastic body shields, the electric blue weapon in Echo's hand... The two of them are exact replicas of the Artificials that roam the mountain rage above us, searching for human life. Designed to help us protect ourselves if we run into a machine, the suit doesn't protect us from detection like the complex itself does.

No, outside of this blast door that looms over us, we're one hundred percent vulnerable.

"It's a little late for this isn't it?" the guard says, eyeing us.

"Yeah, probably. We have permission, though."

He fiddles with the black keycard hanging from his belt. It has the letters "CC" stamped on it in white. Only door guards and board members are allowed to carry those.

"Yeah, I know. Asher let me know you were coming." With a sigh, he swipes his card, and the door starts to hiss open. "Hurry back before it gets too dark."

The purple night seeps into the crack between the doors, bouncing off the silver walls around us. As I help the guard slide the metal out of the way, Echo and Kit slither out into the open.

"We'll try." With that, I wave and slide my own mask over my face.

The darkness is disconcerting for a half-second while the circuits connect. Power rushes into the screen, and suddenly, I'm thrown into a sea of green. Vines and other foliage crowd my sight, lightened only by the sun setting somewhere nearby. Giving my body a second to adjust, I shift anxiously on my feet and wiggle my fingers.

Once I'm sure everything's synced up, I ease through the thick wall of flora and into the open. Echo and Kit are waiting, one set of eyes on me and the other on the trees.

"Ready, Pops?" The wireless comm tints Kit's voice with crackling and gritty machine-ism.

"Yep. Lead the way."

If he shows any ounce of emotion, I don't see it. All I see is the blank, black screen where his face once was. Breathing in a lungful of filtered air, I follow after him. Echo takes up pace behind me, weapon ready.

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The walk lasts no more than thirty minutes. The closer we get, the louder the river rages in front of us. The night wakes up slowly, frogs and crickets coming out to say hello to us. Mice and chipmunks rush underfoot. They carefully avoid our heavy steps and don't spare us a second glance. An owl coos down at us as we pass.

The closer we get to the water, the more dangerous our mission gets.

"Be on high alert, Echo," Kit says, as if reading my mind. Already my palms are sweaty just thinking about it. Crossing won't be a problem, but...

"What do you think we'll see this time? A wolf? A moose? Oh, oh, a cougar?" Echo squeals in excitement.

"Let's hope none of the above," I flatline.

"Don't worry, Pops. I'd fight a bear for you."

"I know you would. That's why I don't want to run into one."

Echo cackles, a nervous explosion of noise. She only falls silent when the white-washed river appears in view.

Kit puts a hand out to stop me, his body shifting into pure defensive mode. "What in the world..."

I peer under his arm, the smoke catching my attention first. Then, my eyes fall on something much more threatening.

Standing on the bank of the riverside opposite us is an Idyllic.

A/N Which new character is your favorite? I like Kit. Lol. 

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