Chapter 3 - Peter Pan (Finale)

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Peter patched up Mark as best as he could. Mark was badly injured and there was no way Peter was making him walk. Once it stopped bleeding Mark leaned up against a tree and stared out into the ocean. They sat in silence before Mark finally spoke.

"Who's Hook?"

"What?" Peter skipped a few stones in the water.

"That pirate, Starkey, he said he was defending Hook." Mark said, watch the waves lap up on the shore. Peter sighed and looked Mark in the eyes.

"Mark... I haven't been very honest with you." His eye saddened, losing their bright light. "There's so much more to this story, to this stupid fairy tale I'm living." Peter looked up at the bright blue sky. "I'm a fake. The Lost Boys are fake. The pirates are the only ones who have carried on since Peter Pan."

"What do you mean everything is fake? Aren't you Peter Pan?" Mark took the boy's hands in his.

"I guess I should start there then...

Peter Pan was an honest boy who never wanted to grow up. He had friends who never wanted to grow up, too. They were the true Lost Boys. When a baby crawls out of its crib and is not claimed by a parent in 7 days, Peter Pan comes to save them. His fairy friend Tinkerbell would sprinkle them in fairy dust and take them to Neverland." He pulled the small glowing pouch out of his pocket, "He had Curly, Slightly, Nibs, Tootles, and the Twins and Tinkerbell as his friends and he was the king of Neverland. But he was the enemy of a terrible pirate. Captain Hook was named for his hook hand. A crocodile ate his hand and he replaced it with a Hook and sought to kill Peter for making the crocodile attack him. One day Peter was walking about the beach when Tinkerbell came to him and said there was a new Lost Boy. He flew to Ireland where I was and took me to Neverland. I knew my name was Sean, but Peter called me Jack. I admired him so very much and wanted to always have him as a friend forever." Tears filled his eyes and he started to cry, "But that didn't last long." Mark rubbed his back gently as he continued on with the story. "Hook had a friend, his name was Starkey. He was like his right hand man, and Hook knew that one day he would be the next captain. One day Hook came up with a plan to poison Peter with a cupcake, which Starkey would bake."

Jack opened the bag of fairy dust and started to cry heavily. Mark gave him a tight hug as Jack pulled out a tiny necklace and held it gently in his fingers. "Tink found out about the cupcake. Peter thought it was from his friend, Wendy. He ignored Tink's warnings so she took it from him and ate it herself. Peter was in such pain, and so were the other Lost Boys. The Lost Boys went home with Wendy, John, and Michael so they could grow up. Because that's part of life, moving on." He closed the bag and tucked it away in his pocket, wiping the tears away from his face. "Peter knew Tink wouldn't have wanted him to be angry, but I wanted revenge. In the middle of the night I stole Peter's sword and snuck out to kill Hook. I thought it would be easy, but boy was I wrong. On my way in I found Starkey. I tried to kill Starkey, but he was so much better than me. He gave me this scar on my cheek." Jack traced his finger along his scar. "Peter saw I was gone and came to save me, and Hook heard the fighting and woke up to defend Starkey. Peter fought with Hook until he finally pushed him overboard. The same crocodile that took his hand ate him, only leaving his hook to float in the water. Starkey was so heartbroken and enraged. He stabbed Peter and knocked him off the ship." His voice cracked at the end and he started to cry again. "I ran. I ran for my life. But I ran away from reality. Away from the pain, away from the fact that all my friends were dead and gone. I pretended to be Peter Pan. The boy who lived the dream life. I gathered my own Lost Boys and even named them the same thing. I've even got my own Wendy." He looked Mark in the eyes, "But if everything is so fake, then nothing is real. I'm not living a life; I'm living a lie."

Mark's face was streaming with tears. He pulled Jack close and let him cry in his shoulder. "If you're scared of living a lie, come with me. I'll show you reality."

"B-But the pirates-"

"They're avenging a loss just as you are. We all need time to heal and accept reality, which means letting of the past and waking up." Mark sighed, "Even Peter Pan has to grow up someday."

Jack cupped Mark's face in his hands and kissed him deeply. They shared a long, passionate kiss. This was everything to both Mark and Jack. This is what Jack needed to do, what Peter would've wanted him to do, move on.

Later Mark, Jack, Amy, Lily, and the Lost Boys flew home. The boys, Amy, and Lily went to stay with Mark's family. Mark stayed home for a couple years and when he was 18 he got an apartment with Jack. They both got a job doing YouTube and eventually got married. They were grown up and they moved on, and Jack never forgot what Mark said;

Even Peter Pan has to grow up someday.


Did I get your feels?

I hope this wasn't a bad story or had a sucky ending, it was something that I just really wanted to write and though would be a great idea.

Anyway, if you have any questions just talk to me and I will be glad to answer them for you :) I know That whole story was probably a little difficult to understand, but that's what you get when you write a 3,000+ word book in 5 and a half hours.

Thank you guys so much for reading, love you as much as Jack loves Mark <3

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