Chapter 5

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Word count-1763

Tony slightly regained consciousness tied to a chair. He rolled his head and noticed Cal tied to a chair next to him. She had a thickly rapped bandage around her stomach and there was blood soaking through it. He knew that she really needed medical attention and wanted to get her some help, despite feeling the pain in his own stomach. He realized that there were several armed men around him and one was talking to the camera pointing at them. He shortly lost consciousness again.

He regained consciousness again after waking up several times in pain, with several men pulling shrapnel out of his chest and then putting a circular bit of metal in the wound. Still waking up he heard a familiar voice. "He's waking up." Cal said, getting up to put a cup of water next to where he was lying. He harshly pulled the tube from his nose, groaning in pain. He reached for the water but knocked it over. Yinsen (the other person in the room) coughed, catching Tony's attention as he continued shaving. Tony tried to roll forward but wires from his chest preventing him from going anywhere.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Yinsen warned him. Tony turned back to see what was stopping him. He discovered a car battery with wires connected going straight to his bandages. He patted them and felt the metal in his chest and ripped into the bandages in distress. Cal fought the urge to fuss him and help, but Yinsen had told her before he woke up, that she should just leave him and let him adjust. Tony kept panting with shock, wondering what had happened to him. He looked around and saw Cal leaning against a wall connected to two car batteries, one on each side of her. Her head was down so he couldn't see the look of concern that she had as she looked at him through her lashes. He was also looking at her in concern, he was like a lost child, he didn't have much of an idea of what was happening to them both.

Tony was only wearing a jacket, green fingerless gloves and his suit pants. Cal was wearing the mid-thigh shorts and the grey short-sleeved shirt that she wore under her formal clothes from the presentation, except it was covered in dry blood and the sides were cut up where the circular metal was. Yinsen was wearing a full suit.

Later on, Yinsen was cooking something in a pan over the fire. Tony was sitting on the edge of the bed, the battery was now moved to the metal container next to him, which they used as a table. Yinsen had previously given Tony the mirror so he could see the device. "What the hell did you do to me?" Tony harshly questioned the other man. Cal was leaning against a table, on the opposite side of Yinsen, with her arms crossed and head down. She hadn't taken it as badly as Tony had but that was because of when HYDRA had been experimenting on her.

"What I did? What I did it to save your life. I removed all the shrapnel I could, but there's a lot left. And it'd headed to your atrial septum. Here, want to see?" Yinsen asked. Cal looked up and grabbed the small glass bottle containing the shrapnel from the two Starks. Yinsen stopped stirring the food and turned to Cal as she tossed him the bottle. He caught it and held it up to Tony. "I have a souvenir. Take a look." He tossed it to Tony who caught it with one hand without looking away from Yinsen until he looked at the bottle. "I've seen many wounds like that in my village. We call them the walking dead because it takes about a week for the barbs to reach the vital organs." Tony cut him off.

"What is this?" He asked, glaring at Yinsen, not caring about 'the walking dead'.

"That, is an electromagnet, hooked up to a car battery, and it's keeping the shrapnel from entering your heart." Tony rolled his shoulders slightly and zipped up the jacket.

"What about her? Why has she got two?" Tony asked nodding towards Cal. She sighed and stood up, taking the batteries with her.

"Because of me trying to stop the blast getting to you, the shrapnel had gone through to my lungs and managed to damage my bronchi which makes it hard to breathe occasionally. My electromagnets are keeping the irretrievable pieces of shrapnel from embedding deeper into my lungs." She had her head down after her explanation, seemingly ashamed of herself. She was ashamed of herself because she had never really shown weakness since she had been abducted by HYDRA. They would hurt her if she showed any weakness so showing it now was awful to her.

Tony knew that Cal hated being seen as weak. So he tried not to look at her with sympathy. Now there was a large silence in the room, no one was sure what to say, so nothing was said. That was until Yinsen noticed Tony looking at the camera in the corner of the room. "That's right. Smile. We met once, you know, at a technical conference in Bern. Cal remembers me."

"I don't remember." Tony said, now more alert.

"No, you wouldn't. If I had been that drunk, I wouldn't have been able to stand, much less give a lecture on integrated circuits."

"Where are we?" Tony instantly asked.

Yinsen went to reply, but the locked metal door was banged on and a man spoke through the small gap in a foreign language.

"Oh, shit. They're gonna be pissed with me." Cal said. Tony looked at her confused.

Yinsen quickly stepped to Tony. "Come on, stand up. Stand up!" He grabbed Tony's arm and whispered to him. "Just do as I do." He moved away. "Come on. Put your hands up." He looked at Cal who was leaning against the table again. "Cal! Put your hands up and stand up!" She complied, already knowing that they were going to drag her out. Several armed men entered.

"Those are my guns. How did they get my guns?" Tony asked in slight shock.

"Do you understand me? Do as I do!" Yinsen told him. The main guy started speaking in a language that out of the three of them, only Yinsen and Cal could understand. After finishing his sentences, he motioned Yinsen to translate.

"He says, 'Welcome, Tony Stark, the most famous mass murderer in the history of America.'" The guy motioned to himself and started speaking again. When he finished he allowed Yinsen to translate again. "He is honoured." The guy spoke again but this time he held out a picture. Cal recognized the word Jericho when the man was speaking, but she couldn't see the picture. "He wants you to build the missile. The Jericho missile that you demonstrated." The man passed the picture to Yinsen so Tony could see it. "This one." Tony looked at the men and they could tell what he was going to say because their faces darkened.

"I refuse." He told them. Cal jerked forward. "No! Leave him alone!" She shouted at them, knowing what they were going to do. The armed man closest to her grabbed her and yanked her backwards, holding his gun to her head.

They were all rushed to a room with large water barrels in it. Cal's head was pushed in first, not too long because her lungs were damaged and they wanted her alive, but it was long enough to cause her large discomfort. When she was pulled out, she was pushed next to Tony, her batteries were strapped to her hips so she could be pushed around without causing problems. Tony looked at her in concern. "You okay, Cal?"

"Yeah, I'm used to it by now." Before he could ask what she meant, he was forced into the water, and he was put in for longer. As if knowing that she was going to try and help Tony, a guard pointed his gun towards Cal. She put her hands up in mock surrender and stepped back smirking. They were used to her attitude by now, so they knew that no matter how much they threatened her life, she wouldn't comply straight away and with respect but they now knew that she would do what they said if Tony's life depended on it.

As they kept dunking Tony, he could see, in his mind, the electromagnet and heard Cal calling his name, although he knew that it was all in his head. After they had finished dunking Tony, they forced sacks onto their heads and pushed the three out of the cave that they had been residing in. Once outside the men tugged the sacks off of three's heads and proceeded to shove them outside. They all squinted at the harsh light. Cal's eyes watered, being in the cave for nearly a week without sunlight made it hard for her to see as quick as Tony could. After Tony had readjusted to the light Cal gripped his arm. He looked at her and saw that her eyes were tightly shut. "Guide me, I can't see." She whispered to him. He shook his head, somehow in such a bad situation she had managed to amuse him. His smirk instantly disappeared when he saw that they were surrounded by boxes of his weapons under camouflage nets. As they walked to the boss Tony nudged Cal and sharply whispered to her, telling her to open her eyes. She furrowed her brows but did so anyway. After finally adjusting, she saw Loads of 'Stark Industries' weapons. Her heart plunged. She had assisted in the destruction of innocent people, she realized that now.

The boss spoke to them and Yinsen translated. "He wants to know what you both think." Tony instinctively tugged Cal slightly behind him, wanting to leave her out of it.

"I think you got a lot of our weapons." Yinsen translated to the man and he spoke again.

"He says that they have everything you need to build the Jericho missile. He wants you to make a list of materials." The man spoke again. "He says for you to start working immediately, and when you're done, he will set you free." Tony smiled and shook the man's hand.

"No he won't." Tony commented.

"No, he won't" Yinsen confirmed.

"Of course he won't." Cal added.

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