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Bright lights flashed around the street, most being from flashing cameras. Snow lightly flurried down from the sky, slowly accumulating on the ground. The cold air breezed through my hair, making a shiver go down my spine. My free hand tightened my coat around me, my other hand still waving at the congregating people.

The annual drive-through-the-kingdom, or whatever it was actually called, always seemed to land on one of the coldest days Rithian had. No matter how cold it was, it could never be canceled. It landed on the same day every year, right at the beginning. Always on January 15th. 

The cold air continued to whip at my face, making me wish I had brought a scarf. My sister had. Celia wore a beautiful sky blue scarf that gave her even more of an air of elegance. Knowing I needed to be looking at the people, I turned my head, continuing to wave. Ignore the cold, it was a surprise I wasn't used to it. Rithian was a cold kingdom.

I felt a subtle tap on my shoulder, making me turn my head to the seat next to me in the car. Celia was looking at me, a hand on her scarf.

"Do you want my scarf? Your ears look like they're about to fall off," she said, a smile resting on her lips as she tilted her head curiously at me. I blinked, processing what she said.

"Are you sure?"

"I can handle it for the rest of the ride. Here; take it." She unwound her scarf from around her neck, handing it to me. I smiled in thanks, wrapping it around my own neck, burying the bottom half of my face in it to try to warm up.

I glanced ahead, judging how much time we had left before we went back to the palace. Probably around ten minutes, I decided. Mother and Father's backs were turned to each other, focusing on their own sides. It didn't surprise me.

I sighed, turning to wave once again. I began to space out, barely even hearing the first sign of trouble. Someone's face took on a look of shock in the crowd, making me focus again, just in time to hear the second shot.

A third one rang out just after the second, making me realize what was happening. Someone was shooting. I heard the car engine rev to life, the tires squealing as the car began to speed off, our driver trying to get us away from the scene.

The screams of people rang out, covering up the sound of a fourth shot. I ducked down, hands gripping the door of the car to keep myself from flying to the side. I felt something hit my side, assuming it was Celia, who wasn't able to grab the side of the car fast enough as it sped off. 

I looked over, a little concerned when Celia wouldn't stop leaning heavily on me. I saw why. Her white clothes were stained red, blood already dripping onto the seat. Her head rested on my shoulder, her eyes still open, though they stared blankly at the seats in front of us.

I screamed.

Not even realizing the car had stopped, I felt myself getting dragged out, tossed on the ground so that medics could get to Celia. I watched as guards grabbed her, running into the palace with my parents trailing close behind, completely abandoning me.

Slowly getting to my feet, I stumbled inside through the doors, feeling sick to my stomach. I didn't even reach the infirmary in time, a guard found me in the halls, stopping me in my tracks.

"She's dead."


"Princess Celia is dead."

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