Chapter 2

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 As soon as the seal on the first letter was broken, the servants sprung into action formulating a plan, eager to lighten their missing master's workload. The first task seemed simple enough, all that they had to do was stop a band of thieves. The only problem...

"Well how're we supposed to capture them if we don't know what they look like? And how do we know where they'll strike next?" Baldroy groaned. "I'm a soldier and a chef. I shoot down enemy troops... and I make dinner! I don't solve crimes! I don't even know where to start," the chef huffed, disillusioned.

"All of the shops they've hit have been in the same general area... so how about we stake it out? Mey-Rin will be able to spot anyone coming a mile away!" Finny suggested in his high-pitched, airy voice.

"Right you are!" The maid replied confidently, still eager with the hopes of impressing the man she was infatuated with when he finally returned with the young master.

When night fell, the armed servants were in position. Mey-Rin, with her sniper rifle, was perched atop the tallest building they could find in downtown London, using her extremely far-sighted vision to scope out the area. Baldroy was waiting down below, hidden in the shadows with his own gun, while Finny was nearby ready to use his strength to hurl the heaviest objects he could find at the thieves.

After a few hours had passed, Mey-Rin thought she saw a flicker of movement near one of the shops down below and gave the secret signal the group had devised in advanced. Baldroy and Finny sprung into action, racing towards the shop that the owl-eyed maid had indicated. Unfortunately, the only thing they succeeded in doing was scaring the unsuspecting shop owner, who had hurried there in the night fearing that he had forgotten to lock the door.

Meanwhile, the cash register of a shop down the block was bled dry without the servants even noticing until it was too late.

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