Chapter 13

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Moon's POV

"Another attack?" Daryll groaned. "Seriously, why can't they take a vacation?"

"You tell me," Rain replied, pulling out the Ender Greatsword.

I watched as this hooded figure pointed towards us, silently commanding his army.

"Who is that?" I asked, as I shot down a zombie.

"How should I know?" Razer replied, stabbing a creeper.

Andre pulled out an axe and threw it at a skeleton. "Damn, I hate these moments."

Sheila laughed. "Really? Because I think it's fun." 

It was pretty obvious though, seeing how she was chopping up every mob that came even remotely close to her.

"Your girlfriend is scary." Kyle remarked.

"Yeah, she's beautiful alright," Alex agreed.

"That's not what I said!"

I snickered as I shot down a couple of mobs.

"How are you holding up?" Rain asked.

"Fine," I replied. "Hey? Where's Meeps?"

"I don't know!" Razer replied. 

"Do you think she died?" Sheila asked. 

"Wow, you're all blind," somebody remarked.

"How are we blind?" I asked. "You're literally invisible!"

"Clearly you don't see the floating sword." Meeps replied.

I quickly ran into a building and ran up the stairs until I got on the third floor, from there, I could see bodies everywhere.

Kane was shooting the mobs down with a crossbow, when I saw someone sneaking behind him.

I reached to grab an arrow, only to find out that my quiver was empty.

Cursing, I looked for anything I could use. Only to realize that it was impossible now.

"Kane!" I heard someone scream. "Behind you!" 

The attacker stabbed Kane in the chest with a sycthe, before throwing him off of the cliff. He didn't even wait to see if Kane was dead or not, he just held something up and vanished.

Oh no. Oh no. Please. No.

An iron sword was on a table, and I sighed, knowing how bad I was at using a sword.

I don't have a choice now, do I?

I ran into battle, not even stopping to check on Kane, knowing that it was too late for him.

I stabbed a zombie, and barely dodged an arrow at the same time.

I watched as Dexter get hit by a fireball and crash into a building, just as the hooded man lifted something into the air...

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