Chapter 2

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Kirtanta's POV

Devon, one of my closest friends, was walking with me to see Ceris.

"So, Devon," I asked. "Don't you think Stella would be a great queen?"

"Yeah, she would," he agreed. "Once she grows a spine."

"I think she already has one," I said.

"Literally or figuratively?" He asked.

"Both," I said.

Devon nodded. "Yeah, you're right," he replied. "Sorry, we've just had Ceris for so long, it's just going to be strange."

"I know," I said. "But we can't expect Ceris to rule forever."

"What says she can't?" He asked. "She's 300 years old."

"Vordus and Zeg died, and they were over a thousand years old." I answered.

"That's true," Devon sighed. "Sorry."

"It's okay,"  I said. "I know how loyal to you are to Ceris."

At that, Devon groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Crap! I forgot to grab something!" He replied.

"Is it important?" I asked.

"Yes! I have to show it to her!" He said. "You go ahead and tell her I'm sorry, but I'm going to be a little late!"

"Don't worry," I replied. "I will!"

"Thanks, Kirtanta!" Devon shouted as he ran off. "You're the best!" 

I continued on walking to the castle. Actually, it's more like a tower.

"Your majesty?" I called, knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

"She's not here," somebody replied.

"She's not?" I asked. "But she said she would be here. Is she okay? Where is she?"

"Talking to the endermen, telling them to calm down and not to throw anybody into the void. That normal everyday Queen stuff she probably does." She replied, opening the door and I saw my new friend Stella.

"Oh hi, Stella," I greeted. "Wait, what were the endermen doing?"

"They almost threw me into the void," Ceris' descendent said, as she studied some notes. "Typical reaction I get these days, people just think I'm a hostile undead Netherkin."

"Well, whoever thinks that is stupid," I told her, causing Stella to smile a little.

"Sorry I'm late!" Devon said, gasping for breath. "I forgot..." his voice trailed off. "Where's Ceris?" He asked.

"Dealing with some issues," I replied. "Should we wait?"

Stella looked outside. "She's not dealing with the endermen anymore," she reported. "I'll go look for her and tell her that you're waiting for her."

"What if she kills you?" Devon asked.

"That would be a problem," Stella replied.

"Okay, we'll wait," I said. "If you don't return in a couple hours, we'll come get you."

Stella nodded, and left.

"Hey, what are these?" Devon asked.

I looked to where he was pointing.

Long deep scratches was etched on one of the walls, hidden.

"I have no idea," I replied, shaking my head.

Random moment in my life

My brother: goes on my mom's phone and changes it so whenever she types in "shower" it autocorrects to "shit"

Me at 6:30 PM: *playing Minecraft*

My mom via text message: Go take a shit

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