Ch. 6

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The sea god held a hand to his nose which was leaking golden ichor at a steady pace while looking back at Percy in utter shock and disbelief.

"Percy," he started before he was cut off.

"What the Hades is your problem?"

Poseidon was taken aback by the anger in his son. He thought he might be angry, having another demigod child had felt like a bit of a betrayal to Sally despite the fact she was happily married but he could never have predicted Percy being this angry.

"It was an accident." The immortal argued gaining confidence as he felt his own anger flare up. "I am a god and your father, you should show me some respect."

Percy's face was red, his glare was harsh and he did not acknowledge the words of his father.

"It's not like I was married to your mother." Poseidon continued but stopped when he saw Percy's expression change. "What?"

Percy shook his head, "You think I'm upset you had a kid because of Mom?" He asked in disbelief.

Poseidon did not answer, now confused as to why Percy was so angry.

The demigod shook his head again, trying to control his anger but much like his father, he found as an adult his temper was like the sea, not that easy to get going but once it was in motion, it was even harder for him to control. He turned around and kicked a stool across the kitchen which broke apart when reaching the wall on the other side. He turned back to his father, his anger still very evident in his face.

"I'm upset at how selfish you can be sometimes. Yes, out of all the gods, you are one of the best but you can be selfish just like the others and it makes me want to put my fist through something."

Poseidon still looked a little confused at the reason for Percy's reaction. "What do you mean?"

Percy ran a hand through his short hair, "Why is Tyson here?"

Poseidon raised an eyebrow but Percy continued before he could speak. "Something is wrong, isn't it?"

Poseidon's eyes went wide in realization at last. He opened his mouth to reply but Percy held up his hand stopping him. "This is what I mean, selfish. You couldn't control yourself and now another child is forced into a tough childhood and the absolute shitty life as a demigod. You gods care so little about others, even your own children, that you go around and fuck anything with two legs. Then, once the child is born, you hide behind your ancient laws and basically leave the children to fend for themselves. It's arrogant and irresponsible and the fate these children have is on no one's shoulders but your own."

Poseidon's expression turned more solemn at Percy's argument. Despite how much he tried not to think about it, the life of demigod was truly nothing to ever wish upon a child. While Percy was everything a father could ask for in a son, his life had been anything but easy; full of struggles, danger and loss of loved ones, it was a miracle he turned out the way he did, let alone survive to the age of twenty-one. Now because of his own carelessness, another child would face the same hardships because of him and his irresponsible actions.

Neither spoke for a minute; Poseidon, unsure of what to say while Percy used the silence to calm himself down. He was angry at his father's actions but hitting him was too far. He already began to regret it as his temper simmered. After a few minutes, Percy took one last calming breath before looking at his father.


Poseidon refused to meet his son's eyes.

"In the city. They live with their aunt…."

"They?" He exclaimed in disbelief.

Poseidon sighed, "Twins, my first ever, a boy and a girl. They are just barely five."

Percy was silent again for a moment, still reeling from the knowledge that he had not one but two mortal siblings now.

"Write down the address."

Poseidon looked up confused, "Why?"

"You have Tyson up here for some reason and he's not going to do anything but scare the life out of these kids. I think my appearance will be slightly less horrifying to a pair of five year-olds. You can tell me the mission you had for Tyson and I'll take care of it."

The sea god felt a deep internal conflict as he looked upon his son.

"This is not your problem son. I know you have no desire to get involved in demigod matters, Tyson will take care of it."

Percy smiled even though it was a little forced. "This isn't a demigod problem. This is a family problem. And I won't stand by if my siblings could be in danger. Now, I'm guessing it's a monster or some other kind of dangerous issue since two children of Poseidon together, even that young, would have a powerful scent. Since you can't get involved, the responsibility falls to me. Now Dad, the address, please."

Poseidon stared at his son for a moment, a small smile creeping its way onto his face before a piece of paper materialized in his hand. He handed it to Percy who glanced at it briefly before tucking it into his pocket.

"Are you sure about this son?"

Percy smiled again, this time more genuinely. "I am. Now I'm going to need a couple Redbulls so how about you do that godly thing you do when you want something and conjure me some up."

The sea god chuckled and walked over to his refrigerator, pulling out two cans of the energy drink surprising his son immensely.

"I've grown rather fond of these over the past year. They're quite good."

Percy laughed at the thought of his immortal father drinking Redbull before he cracked one open and pulled up one of the unbroken stools.

"Now, let's hear it. I want to know everything."

-x- Line Break -x-

Percy handed a twenty dollar bill through the window of the cab and opened the door. The cool morning air felt refreshing to him. The previous night had been anything but peaceful. A fight with Jason, followed by the godly combat of his father and Zeus had quickly put a damper on any buzz he still had once he left the bar after telling Artemis off. He now realized that may not have been his most intelligent move of the night but the sheer nerve of the Olympians had set him off. Violent moon goddess or not, he had about already had his fill of Olympian drama and was done with them as far as he was concerned.

What exactly had been their plan? Get him to sleep with Aphrodite then expect him to run back to Camp Half-Blood with a smile on his face.


He sometimes wondered how it was that they managed to remain in power for so long. But he then remembered it was because they had demigods who fought the majority of their battles for them, then told them it should be their honor to defend Olympus.

He mentally scoffed at their arrogance. They weren't all like that but it was Zeus who set the example for the others. He really couldn't describe how good it felt to see his father put Zeus in his place. It had made the drama filled night well worth the headache.

He was surprised to find the moon goddess of all people apart of whatever terrible ploy they had to bring him back into the fold. She had no love for men but he was always respectful of her and her hunters and thought he had earned her respect in return. Now he wasn't so sure. Then again, he really didn't care either. She tried to deceive him with their weak attempt at disguises. Sure, they hadn't looked like themselves but he had been around immortals enough that he could feel when they were close. Their divine bodies gave off a different kind of energy. Most mortals saw it as beauty but he knew better than to be deceived by the mist.

"Where are we going?"

Percy stopped in his tracks. He had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he totally forgot where he was going. He looked at the street sign ahead of them and mentally cursed; he had already walked too far.

"Uh, back a few blocks actually." He muttered quietly but Clarisse heard him clear as day before she slapped him hard across the face.

"What is wrong with you Prissy? You look like your head is still back in Afghanistan. Wake up, this is serious."

Percy felt his cheek stinging, bringing him back to reality as he shook his head.

"Yeah, my bad. Just tired from the lack of sleep; let's get moving."

Clarisse eyed him for a moment but didn't comment as they began to walk back the way they came. Percy looked around at the buildings, eyeing the people he saw as well. His father had failed to mention how rough the area his demigod children lived in was. They were currently walking through the Bronx at seven in the morning. After getting the information from his father, Percy decided it was best to go now rather than wait another minute. He had woken up Clarisse wishing to have someone he trusted with his life to watch his back from any mortal or monster dangers they came across.

As they came to the street Poseidon had given them, they turned down it and made their way to the large apartment complex the address indicated. As they reached the doors, Percy noticed a couple homeless women sitting close to the entrance. Something about them made his skin crawl but he ignored it and made his way to the doorway. Just as he was about to open it, one of the homeless women spoke.

"Did you get lost kid? I don't think you belong in this part of town."

Percy stopped. Something about these two was definitely off. He'd lived in New York his whole life and these two just didn't seem like the typical homeless person you came across.

"Nope, just here to visit a friend." He reached into his pocket and dropped a few dollars in front of them. "Why don't you just mind your business and we'll do the same."

One of the women scooped up the money and looked at her companion in glee, "Did you see that Heather? The great Percy Jackson gave us some money to mind our business. How honored are we?"

Percy froze. His hand instinctively went to his pocket but the women moved with remarkable speed. Percy was hit in the chest so hard he was sent flying back where he skidded across the pavement painfully.

Clarisse was tackled to the ground. She struggled, managing to roll over so she was on top of the woman but her companion sent the daughter of Ares sprawling with a kick to the face.

As Percy stood up, the women's bodies began to change before his eyes until a bronze leg and some of the ugliest faces he had seen became visible to the son of Poseidon. He cursed himself for letting the mist fool him. The two Empousai stood over Clarisse before the one apparently named Heather kicked her hard in the ribs leaving her gasping for breath.

Percy pulled out Riptide, flipping off the cap as he rose to his feet.

They both turned to him, fangs barred as they charged together. One pulled out a dagger while the other used only her claws. They overwhelmed Percy and he struggled to backtrack, blocking a dagger strike and ducking under the claws of the other who raked them along his back as she stumbled past him.

He growled in pain as he felt the Empousa open up gashes in his back. He spun around, fueled by his anger and kicked the one wielding the dagger in the chest. She gasped as the breath was ripped from her body, stumbling back a few feet. The other monster lunged at him before he could turn, tackling him and pinning him facedown into the sidewalk. She opened her mouth to bite into his neck when a fist collided with her face sending her off Percy and onto her back.

Clarisse pulled Percy to his feet as she tugged on the bracelet on her wrist that materialized into a spear that crackled with electricity. The two Empousai got to their feet and stood a few feet away from the two demigods looking at them hungrily.

"Come to save your siblings have you Percy Jackson?" The one named Heather hissed. "I'm afraid they belong to our lord now. Powerful weapons they will become in the future."

Percy's eyes widened at her words. Riptide hung at his side, gripped so tightly his knuckles were white. Clarisse was beside him, her spear crackling with electricity.

"Only kill one of them, I'd like to ask the other a few questions." He muttered under his breath so only she could hear him.

The Empousai both lunged at the two demigods, one thrust a dagger into Percy's midsection. He jumped to the side, using the flat of his blade to smack of the ugly looking monster in the face. She growled in pain and spun around, swinging wildly at him. He backtracked, careful to avoid her blade while using the flat of his to smack her around, bruising her face and driving her insane with anger but leaving her otherwise unharmed.

Finally fed up, the Empousai ran at Percy full speed. She made to tackle him when he suddenly ducked, the butt end of a spear skimming over his head and cracking the Empousa in the forehead sending her to the ground in a heap.

"Damn it Prissy," Clarisse smirked. "You must be losing your touch."

Percy rolled his eyes, "No, I had to make sure to keep this one alive because I know you well enough to know you would kill yours first chance you got." He gestured to the pile of monster dust beside her while Clarisse just shrugged with a slight smirk still tugging at her lips.

Percy turned back to the dazed monster and pinned her down with a foot to the back.

"So, Heather was it?" He asked casually. "I believe I asked you a question. Given your current situation, I think it would be in your best interest to start talking."

The Empousa seemed to come to her senses and struggled under his foot but her attempts to free herself did not get far.

"Go to Tartarus half-breed." She hissed back, spitting on the ground as she spoke until Clarisse kicked her in the face, leaving her hissing in pain as blood leaked from her nose.

"I've been there actually," Percy mused in a slightly amused tone. "I really don't see what you monsters whine about so much, it really wasn't that bad."

Before the Empousa could respond, shouting from the other side of the street put both Clarisse and Percy on alarm.

"Hey! What the Hell are you doing to that lady? Get off her fool!" A half-dozen older teens were crossing the street, looking less than pleased at what they saw. They looked to be in their late teens, maybe early twenties; a mixture of ethnicities, black, white and Hispanic and mostly decent sized males.

"Fucking mist," Percy cursed under his breath.

As they reached the sidewalk, Clarisse reached to her back and pulled out a gun, aiming it for the head of the lead teen.

"Piss off kid, this isn't your business." She growled but the teens did not back off. The continued looking ready to kill Percy and Clarisse first chance they got.

Percy pressed his foot harder into the Empousa's back, "You really want to help her out? Take a good look before you do and see if you still feel the same."

The teens glared at Percy but he simply snapped his fingers twice, removing the mist that shielded the monster's true form, before he pointed down.

The teens looked down at the woman in confusion before one by one their eyes widened and looks of horror appeared on their faces. They looked torn between fear and disbelief as they saw her true form.

"What the hell is that?" One yelled in fear.

Percy smirked, "This is the sweet old lady you're trying to defend.

"What the fuck is that? Who the Hell are you two?" Another yelled.

Percy couldn't help but smirk at his fear, "We're wizards kid. Now get lost before you get hurt."

The group of teens looked confused until Percy flicked his wrist and a puddle of water rose up and hovered next to him, "That's right, wandless magic bitch, get to steppin before I unleash some Harry Potter shit on your ass."

The group of teens stood frozen before Percy narrowed his eyes and the water shot toward them. A few screamed before the entire lot spun on their heels and sprinted away from Percy and Clarisse and their captive.

"You know," Clarisse whined, "you could have let me shoot them."

Percy didn't respond, instead driving Riptide through the monster's shoulder causing her to cry out in pain.

"Who is your master?" He growled twisting the blade as the cries of pain got louder.

"I'd rather die Jackson. Enjoy this moment, you're as good as dead anyway."

Percy twisted the blade again but when she didn't speak, he sighed, "Fine. Enjoy Tartarus you ugly bitch."

His sword moved with lightning speed as he pulled it from her shoulder and drove it into the back of her head before the Empousa dissolved into a pile of monster dust.

Percy shook the dust from his blade before putting the cap to the end of the weapon as it shrunk back down into a ball point pen that he tucked into his pocket.

"Well that was productive." Clarisse grumbled to which Percy sighed tiredly.

"Let's get to my siblings before we run into any more trouble."

Clarisse scoffed, "If only we were that lucky, I forgot how much fun it is to kill these things."

Percy made his way into the door, taking the stairs up to the twentieth floor where his siblings were apparently living. Once at the door for apartment 221B, he stopped for a moment, trying to think of how exactly the best way of handling the situation would be.

"Well?" Clarisse asked wondering why he wasn't knocking.

"I'm thinking," he snapped a bit at her. "I can't just walk in and say give me the kids. These aren't monsters, this needs to be handled carefully, I don't want a warrant to go out for our arrest for kidnapping my siblings."

Clarisse sighed impatiently but didn't respond. A minute later, Percy decided to wing it as best he could and knocked on the door a few times. As he waited for someone to answer, he could hear a few voices but they were muffled through the doorway. After a minute and no answer, he looked at Clarisse confused. She merely shrugged and knocked on the door again, this time louder.

The knock was met with silence on the other side.

"Maybe they don't answer for strangers in this neighborhood." Clarisse offered but Percy felt the familiar tingle on his skin that alerted him to danger present. The hairs of the back of his neck stood up as he stared at the door, one hand reaching to his pocket for Riptide while the other checked to make sure the gun was still holstered at his side, hidden beneath his shirt.

Clarisse pounded on the door again to make sure not just that apartment but the entire floor heard them to which Percy silently glared at her. He reached for his back pocket, pulling out his wallet from which he removed a credit card before tucking his wallet away again. He slid the card into the crack of the door, feeling his way to the lock until he felt the card slide underneath it. A gentle push slid the door open as he mentally sighed with relief the door only had one lock.

He silently crept into the apartment as Clarisse followed just as quietly. The stepped inside, finding it to be very small, barely larger than a studio and all rooms visible from the doorway.

"It's empty, no one's home." Clarisse announced as if Percy couldn't see what she could. The minute she finished speaking though, she felt a familiar feeling she had felt many times before in her life. She glanced at Percy to make sure he had noticed as well but the ballpoint pen gripped in his hand and narrowed eyes answered her unasked question.

Percy walked a little further into the apartment, stopping the middle of the room. He glanced back at Clarisse, an unspoken conversation occurring between them.

"Let's go, we can come back later when someone is home." Clarisse said seriously. Percy slowly nodded and turned to the door. Clarisse took a step towards the exit, her hand slyly creeping towards her wrist. The second her other foot hit the ground, a spear materialized in her hand as she spun to her left, thrusting the weapon into open space. She would have looked foolish had a scream of pain not filled the previously silent apartment.

The entire room erupted into chaos.

A half-dozen monsters that hadn't been visible a moment before, appeared around the room. Three Dracaena, an Empousa, a Cyclops and another Percy couldn't see clearly yet were scattered across the room. Percy scanned the room, Riptide at the ready until he found to small children crouched down behind the Cyclops, looks of utter terror on their faces.

A Dracaena lunged at Clarisse as the one she had stabbed dissolved into dust. She took a step back, flipping her spear in her hand and driving the butt into another of the Dracaena's faces. As the monster stumbled back, she plunged the business end into the monster that had lunged at her, wrenching it out as the monster began to dissolve. The Empousa thrust her own spear towards Clarisse, grazing her side and opening up a gash just big enough to really piss the daughter of Ares off.

Percy kept his eyes focused on the Cyclops. He only objective was now to make sure nothing happened to his siblings. As he glared at the one-eyed monster, one of the Dracaena used his distraction to lunge towards him.

Without even glancing in its direction, Percy ducked, flipping the monster over him where it landed at his feet. Before it could recover, he slammed his foot into its throat crushing the monster's windpipe as it tried and failed to breath until it made the quick trip to Tartarus.

The Cyclops stepped forward with a large club clutched in its mitts. The monster barely fit in the apartment and its movements were hindered by its limited mobility. Percy waited until it had stepped away from his siblings before charging. He used his mobility to keep away from the Cyclops, forcing it to awkwardly try to navigate the room.

Percy sprinted towards it, jumping over a chair and going into a baseball slide, slashing across the monster's Achilles tendon eliciting a cry of pain as it dropped to a knee. Percy jumped to his feet behind it and didn't hesitate to drive Riptide down to the hilt through its back. The Cyclops barely had time to grunt in pain before its body began to dissolve.

Percy looked up to find Clarisse pulling her spear out of the last monster, a look of satisfaction on her face. Before he could speak, clapping came from the corner of the room, drawing both demigods' eyes as Percy quickly backed up to put himself in front of the children.

"My, my," a voice spoke with a dark laugh, "the mighty Percy Jackson, here to save the day again." From the sound of the clapping materialized a medium sized figure dressed all in black. The voice showed it was a male but gave little other details about the speaker; a hood covered his head and provided an unnaturally dark shadow that gave him the appearance of nothing more than a black void where the face should be.

"You truly do not disappoint; the mighty hero of Olympus here to save the day yet again." Amusement could be heard in the voice as he seemed to be looking at Percy though it was only a guess by the direction his head was pointing.

"Who are you?" Percy growled unamused by whoever this was and the fact he was in the apartment of his siblings with a crew of monsters.

"Right to the point Mr. Jackson." He said pointing in Percy's direction. "I've always admired that about you. But I don't think this is the time," he mused, "no, I think I'll have to save that for a later date my friend."

Percy scowled at the way the man seemed to be enjoying this so immensely. But before he could respond, Clarisse did.

"There won't be a later date." She spat charging from the other side of the room. Just as she was within striking distance, the man spun and held up a hand.

Clarisse froze in her tracks, a look of genuine fear on her face at the power being used on her. She wasn't sure why, but she was completely immobilized. It wasn't that time had stopped, just her. It was as if her body was suddenly frozen, unable to move anything more than her eyes.

He turned back towards Percy shaking his head slightly.

"Slumming it a bit these days Jackson?" He mocked. "Though I suppose without your true love, you probably don't care much who you use as your little girly sidekick."

Percy felt his anger spark at the man's words. He knew how to get Percy going and was doing exactly that.

He turned back to the still immobilized Clarisse and tilted his head to the side slightly.

"I believe I was having a word with my dear friend Percy, I think your part in this conversation has ended." He brought his other hand around and thrust it towards Clarisse. She was knocked back by an unseen force straight into the wall where she crumpled to the ground in an unconscious heap.

He brushed his hands together casually, "There, alone at last."

"What do you want?"

The figure stared at Percy and despite not being able to see his face, he assumed a smile was plastered on his face.

"Want? Who says I want anything?"

Percy opened his mouth to speak but the man continued.

"You know, the legends about you build you up pretty high; the mighty slayer of Kronos and leader of the Seven who sent the Earth Goddess back into her slumber. I really just had to see the man behind the legend for myself. Whether or not you live up, that is yet to be determined. Only time will tell my old friend."

Percy felt his anger bubbling up. He was simply being toyed with and he wasn't a fan of it. If he was alone, he would attack but he refused to leave his spot in front of the children. As his anger continued to grow, he felt a familiar tug in his guy. The kitchen sink and counter shook before water burst out of the faucet. It shot toward the figure who seemed genuinely surprised, vanishing just in time before it hit him and reappearing a few feet away. The water shot toward him again but this time he was ready. He jumped away at the last second as the water went through the window, sending shards of glass to the street below.

"Enough!" He snapped pulling a dagger from his waist and hurling it in the direction of the kids. Percy slid to his knees in front of them, Riptide barely being raised in time to stop the blade from striking Percy in the chest.

Percy rose to his feet. Water still poured from the sink still but he hesitated to use it again in case the man attacked his siblings again.

"What do you want? You want to kill me? Fine, let's fight. These are children; they are not a part of this!"

A dark laughter filled the room, so loud the man threw back his head to really enjoy his amusement.

"Kill you? I don't want to kill you Percy. Killing you would be a gift; a chance for you to be with that little slut in the Underworld."

The hand holding Riptide twitched but Percy kept his cool. "Then what do you want?"

"No, no Percy. This is just the first date. Despite what others might say, I'm no whore. I can't give it away on our first encounter. This is just the beginning my friend. We will have a long courtship I'm afraid, filled with lots of foreplay and other fun activities. But in the end, you will know the hand that took everything from you. Be patient Hero of Olympus, we're just getting started."

Before Percy could reply, a shadow descended on the figure as he vanished from sight.

His anger vanished instantly as Percy turned around making sure his siblings were okay. He looked at Clarisse who was starting to come around before taking a knee in front of the terrified children.

"Are you hurt?"

The boy shook his head nervously, staring at Percy as if he were a monster.

"It's okay now. He is gone, I'm not going to let anything happen to you two, I promise. My name is Percy and you might not believe this, but I'm actually your older brother." Both children's eyes went a little wide but they didn't respond. Percy looked at them sympathetically, "Why don't we start slow, what are your names?"

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