Chapter 13

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I woke up to the smell of roses and saw there was a bunch of roses placed on the bed, with an outfit next to it.

I wonder where Brandon is I thought to myself jumping out of bed but felt pain in my lower abdomen. I then remembered what happened last night making me blush. I looked around and saw how beautiful the bedroom looked.

I decided to take a shower which helped relax my body then got dressed and went out. I only realized now how beautiful this place is. I wonder whose it is as Brandon never mentioned anything about this.

Going down I saw he was in the kitchen looking as handsome as ever.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Good morning princess. I was just coming to wake you up," he said coming over and giving me a peck on my lips.

He was just about to go when I grabbed his hand making him turn towards me.

I jumped into his arms hugging him tightly.

"Please don't go," I whispered into his chest.

I missed him so much. All this just feels like a dream to me and as soon as I open my eyes he will be gone.

"Princess. What is wrong?" He asked holding me.

Please don't leave me. I missed you so much. I cried

"Relax baby.  You won't lose me. Not now. Not ever. Okay. Stop crying," he said wiping my tears and kissed my forehead.

I nodded my head pulling my arms away reluctantly.

"I made lunch and you going to finish everything on this plate,"  He said with a smile.

"Lunch? What time is it?" I asked

" It's 12: 30 sweety.

"I slept till so late. Why didn't you wake me?" I questioned

"You looked exhausted so I never had the heart to disturb you now dig in. You have lost a lot of weight," he said.

I nodded my head and began eating. It was chicken and mayo with fries. It tasted divine and only at that moment, I realized how hungry I was.

"This tastes delicious. Who thought you how to cook," I asked.

"My mum.  She used to be in the kitchen all the time and I loved helping her princess.

"Okay," I nodded stuffing my food with more.

"Easy there. You will choke," he said.

"I'm sorry, I said embarrassed. It's just so yum and I'm starving

I soon finished all and had my coffee while having small talks with Brandon.

He washed the dishes and we went to relax in the lounge.

He was lying on the couch while I was on his chest hearing his heartbeat.


"Yes sweety,

"How did you find out about me?" I asked.

"Scott told me," he replied shocking me.

But but I thought

"He won't tell me," he said completing my sentences to which I just nodded.

"Well, he did not only tell me but also made me hear a thousand words before he told about you. Also, he was going to give me a beating. Although you my girlfriend seem like he will forget our brother bond when it comes to you," he giggles.

"I guess so," I said with a yawn.

"Sleep princess. I'll wake you up later then we can go grocery shopping and then I'll drop you off at home. You will only be staying there till the middle of this month. I will not allow you alone anymore whether you agree or not and if you don't I will carry you over my shoulder and bring you home. Do you understand he asked in a stern voice making me look at him?

I couldn't say anything because I don't have a say in the matter so I just nodded my head with tears in my eyes.

"Princess please try to understand," he pleaded.

"It's okay. I agree I said sniffing. I don't want to lose you again and if forcing me to move in with you is the only way for us to be together then I have no choice but to agree." I whispered while sniffing

"Sweety. I don't want to force you rather I would prefer if you would agree. You kept making excuses to move in. Is there a problem that you are avoiding," he asked.

"I'm scared of your parents. What if they don't accept me because they not sure how I was born. I don't want to get hurt or keep my hopes high. At least by me staying away may not help completely but still, it will be better than being around you most of the time." I said as I played with his shirt button.

"Sweety. My parents already know about you since school days. They are not worried about your background or your family. They were happy when I told them about you so relax. They will adore you and they can't wait to meet you.

"Really. Do they know about me and agreed, just like that?" I jumped up straddling him.

"Yes, sweety he said with a chuckle. They want you to move in as well because of our mafia business. Are you happy now?" He asked.

"Extremely. Thank you. I love you. I said hugging him.

"And I love you too sweety. What would you like to do now? he asked as he caressed my cheek with his fingers.

"For now just lay in your arms. I have missed you so damn much in these three months," I sighed.

"Sure. Why don't you sleep? I'll be right here when you wake up," he said.

"Okay," I said cuddling more making myself comfortable in his arms. Soon sleep took over me.

2 hours later.

"Sweety I felt someone shaking me from sleep. I opened my eyes and saw it was Brandon.

"Hey princess. Would you like to go to my place or yours," he asked with a cute smile.

"I'll go to my place. Come see me tomorrow please," I requested

"Sure sweety. Come let's go, he said making me wear a jacket.

"I don't want you catching a cold now. It's freezing outside," he said.

"He dropped me off at my apartment and drove away saying he has some urgent work or else Scott will kill him and someone will bring the groceries for me. Going up to my room, I had a shower and went to bed hoping that things will remain like this yet little did she know that that good thing always comes to an end.


Hey everyone. Another update.

How was this chapter?

At least now we know why she didn't want to move in.

So what is going to happen next? Any guesses. Please comment. Hope before the end of this month this book will be over. Let's hope.

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Sneak peek for chapter 14

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