Chapter 29

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How come you'll look alike. Caroline. You said you were always in Canada since you were born? Bella asked.

"I was always told that," I replied

"Carolina," Mrs. Greco called coming up to me to hug me with tears in her eyes.

"My baby girl. We missed you so much," Mr. Greco said as they were confusing me.

I was hell confused now.

"Why don't we sit down and talk about all of this," Scott said.

After we all were seated Mrs. Greco started talking

"19 years ago I gave birth to twins. Edward is my big son. Carolina and Katerina are twins with just 10 minutes difference. At that time we still studying towards our MBBS. "

"We had to take Katerina out as she was falling ill often. When we returned from the doctors we saw someone had broken in and the guards and maids were lying on the floor unconscious. I was worried for Carolina as she stayed with the nanny. She was never the one to trouble, always smiling," Mrs. Greco said.

When I went to look for her she was gone. There was a letter left on the bed that said:

"Revenge taken"

"Lorenzo's brother had taken revenge on us because he lost his 5-year-old kid. My baby was gone. We looked and looked but we couldn't find her. We asked his brother but he refused to say he sold her to some men. We looked everywhere he could have sent her but couldn't find her," Mrs. Greco said. I missed you so much. I thought of you all the time sweety.

"You'll are my parents?" I asked shocked. They were alive. For all these years.

"Yes," Mr. Greco answered hugging me.

I was still in shock. Is it true or they playing some game with me, but they won't lie about something like that now would they, and Katerina looks just like me.

I was overwhelmed by this news that my head started spinning. I felt dizzy and the next moment all I saw was darkness.

Opening my eyes I noticed that I was in our room with Brandon holding my hand.

"Hey princess how are you?". He asked

Ignoring his question I hugged him.

"I'm scared, Brandon. What if they are lying. What if they going to take me from you. I don't want to go. I love you and I want to stay with you. Please. Don't send me to them please," I begged

"Princess calm down. They not going to take you. I am here for you, relax, but what they said is true," He said making me look at him.

"You want to know why I rushed to marry you. It is because I found out part of what happened. I couldn't believe that an innocent soul like you would have just been left at the orphan so I started investing and found that it wasn't true. I went to the orphan you were brought up in. The lady told me that you were around 8 months when she found you lying on street beside a drunkard. You were crying a lot and she didn't have the heart to let you go. There was a chain around your neck which said, Carolina."

"This is the chain," he said taking it out from the draw.

"I was also afraid to lose you so that is why I married you. Dad is also aware but we decided not to tell you until we found out if your real parents were dead or alive. I didn't want to shatter your hopes princess."

"Brandon I know whatever you do for me is for my well-being. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have made it so far. I may have already been dead. Thank you so much,"

"Don't thank me, sweety. you that's why I did all of this."

"What must I do with my parents?" I asked.

"I can't tell you what to do princess but all I can say is that you should follow what your heart wants," He replied kissing my head.

Nodding my head I got off the bed with Brandon holding me.

"We will give you'll some privacy," Scott said as everyone stood leaving the room.

I sat on the single sofa alone...I didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Do you have anything to ask or say?" asked my brother.

I looked up and shook my head.

"All my life I have been an orphan. I never knew what a family was until I met Brandon. He gave me a reason to live. I don't know what to say because all this is a shock for me. I am glad to meet you all but can you'll give me some time?" I asked with hope.

"Sure we can. We will be staying in a hotel for the next few weeks as your brother has work and we have to perform a few surgeries," dad said

Nodding my head I looked at my sister. She was very quiet.

"Mum?: I called surprising all of them.

"Yes sweety," she replied with a smile

"If I request something would you give it to me? It's nothing too big."

"Sure you can. I will fulfill anything you ask for"

"Your dad and Edward are busy with work. Katerina must be getting bored alone. Can she stay with us, please? I would love to spend some time with her," I requested with hope.

They looked hesitant but agreed. I wonder why but I feel something isn't right because from the time she has been here she was really quiet. She hasn't said anything and always looked scared.

Saying our goodbye they all left. Before my brother could leave he went to hug Katerina but it looks like he was saying something which made her scared.

After they left I went to speak to Katharina

"So how are you?" I asked with a smile.

"I am okay and you?" she said in a soft voice.

"I'm good just surprised. So what can you tell me about you?"

"There isn't anything to say about me. And what about you?" she asked.

"Well, I am married now. I went through a lot but I'm glad it's all over and I found you'll. Would you like to freshen up?" I asked.

She nodded her head with a smile.

I took her to one of the guest rooms leaving her to take a shower while I went to get her something to wear. I knocked but never heard a response so I entered. She just walked out of the bathroom with a towel around her.  She was also wearing a similar chain to the one Brandon gave me.

"Oh I'm sorry I knocked but you never respond so I just wanted to give you these," I said as I laid her outfit on the bed. I was just about to leave when I saw some marks on her hands and chest.

"Katerina, what happen?" I asked pointing to her wounds.

"Oh, it's nothing she responded with fear. You can wait while I change in the bathroom," Saying that she left.

I was sitting on the bed waiting and lost in my thoughts when she came by me.

"Kat. Answer me honestly who did this?" I asked 

"Lina forget about it, please. It is nothing."

"No, it is not nothing. What is going on. If you trust me you will tell me. I know we just met but you my sister."

"What happen?" I heard Bella asked as she entered.

"Sorry I was getting bored so I wanted to spend some time with you'll," Bella said coming and sitting next to kat but she moved closer to me.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

I heard her heartbeat as she was in my arms.

"Kat your heart is racing. Please tell me what is happening."

"Yes, sweety. Tell us. We can help you," Bella said so looking worried.

"I don’t want to go back home. Please help me run away, please. I am begging you. I don't want to stay there. They abuse me a lot. All of them. They starve me. They don't buy me clothes. Men interfere with me and they just laugh and entertain it,"

"What ! why would they do that?" Bella asked.

"Because they hold me responsible for your disappearing. I did nothing I swear Lina. I was only 6 months. How is it my fault she cried holding onto me tight."

"Shhhh you safe now, "I said comforting her.

"No no I'm not. They got me married last month to a guy named Lucas Lombardozzi."

"What the Italian mafia. He is one of the worse most ruthless men in Italy," Bella said.

"Scott and he speak because they in the mafia together but Scott always say don't ever mess with him."

"I am scared. I have seen him. He scares me a lot. He was supposed to come to Canada to take me as he went to  Russia after we got married."

"He hasn't made a move or hurt me but I am still scared. He was supposed to come for me today. I don't want to go please Caroline. Bella. Please do something.

"Sweety. I wish I could but Scott won't want to interfere because he knows that guy. He doesn't waste time."

"I'm scared," She cried.

"Why don't you sleep. You are very scared. Just relax. Okay. Maybe he won't hurt you alright. Relax and sleep," I said as I made her lay on the bed. She is very scared. What is going to happen? I just met my sister. I don't want to lose her.

There was a knock on the door. It was Margret.

"Mam Mr. Black wants you'll to meet his friend in the study."

"Sure, we will be right there. "

Covering Kat, we both went down to study.

The door was open so we entered. The guy's back was facing us. I went and stood beside Brandon while Bella beside Scott.

"This is my wife Isabella," Scott introduced

"And this is my wife," Caroline.

Lifting my head I greeted but never shake his hand as he looked angry like he was about to kill.

"Caroline and Bella. This is our old friend who works with us in the underworld Mr. Lucas Lombardozzi, Brandon said making Bella and I look at him with shock.

"Ka Katerina husband," I stuttered making Brandon and Scott look at me.


So Caroline has a twin.

Will she go or will they save her?

What is going to happen?

Please share your thoughts.

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