Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

6 months later.

I am in my ninth month and these months have been hectic. I suffer a lot from back pains and I get moody but Brandon has been understanding and helpful.

He always supports me and laughs with my mood swings saying that he will tease me about it after my pregnancy so I don't have to hit him.

Now I'm going to have a bath and my body is sore. I had a quick shower and was going to relax when I felt my water broke. I was now in panic mode as I don't know if anyone is around.

"Caroline. Look I brought...

"Bella!!!", I screamed as the pain hit worse.

"What happened?" she asked rushing up to me.

"My water broke, "I said holding my tummy.

"Don't worry. Let's get you to the hospital," she said as she held me.

As we walked out Margaret was present there. She helped take me to the car as well.

I soon reached the hospital and Jenny was waiting for me.

My labor pains were really bad.

"Please wait here while we take her. Don't worry she will be in good hands," Jenny said.

Bella pov.

I tried calling Brandon and Scott from the time we left home but there was no answer so I called the office straight.

"Black enterprise good day "

"Hello, Isabella Black is speaking. Can I speak to Scott or Brandon," It's urgent.

"Sure mam please hold,"

After a few minutes, Scott answered 

"Baby I'm in an important meeting," he said.

"Caroline is in hospital," I said in a worried voice

"What!! he yelled

"Yes, she went into labor. I am here with her. Please inform Brandon," I said.

"Okay, sweety. We will be there soon," Saying this he hangs up.

I was waiting and waiting but no one came out.

Please let her be alright. Please.

"Baby I saw Scott and Brandon coming. How is she?" Brandon asked.

"No idea. They have been in there for quite some time now," I said 

Not long after a nurse came out with a baby in her hand.

"Congratulations Mr. Black," it a baby girl, and she is healthy

"And how is Caroline?" I interrupted

"She is okay. Just tired and unconscious. She will be taken to the room then you'll can meet her," she said.

Nodding I went by Brandon to look at the baby.

"She is so cute and adorable," I said.

"She sure is," Brandon said.

Not long after two ward boys where rolling Caroline out. She was sleeping peacefully.

At least everything is okay I thought

I guess I could only experience carrying a baby once in my life

"What are you thinking about love?" Scott asked as he held me.

"Nothing. Just that I could only experience this once," I said

"I'm sorry sweety,"

"It's okay. I still love our babies. They are my life and you are my soul mate,"

"I love you," He said.

"I love you too,"

Caroline pov.

I opened my eyes and the brightness hurt my eyes making me shut my eyes and opened them slowly again. I looked around the room and saw Brandon looking into a baby crib

"Brandon," I called.

"Princess, How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Tired. Can I have some water please?"

"Sure," he said putting a straw in the cup and made me drink some.

"How is the baby," I asked.

"She is good," he said.

"She? I have a girl?"  asked.

"Yes. Baby. Would you like to hold her?" he asked.

"Yes please," I said eager to have her in my arms.

He picked her up and placed her in my arms.

She had blue eyes. Her cheeks were chubby and cute and her lips were pink. She looked so adorable.

She was wrapped in a light pink blanket.

"Any idea on names?" he asked.

"Yes Roseline," I said. She loose like a beautiful rose.

"Yes, she does,"

There was a knock on the door and entered was Scott and Bella

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Bella asked.

" I'm good just tired."

"Have you'll decided on names?" asked Bella.

"We named her Roseline," Brandon said.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Bella said as she kissed her forehead.

"You should get some rest. We will visit you soon," Scott said heading out with Bella.

I breastfeed Roseline while Brandon sat next to me.

Why don't you go home? I'll be fine here I said.

Nope. I am not leaving you or our baby. I'm staying.

But what about Liam and Leah? They will be alone.

"Don't stress babe. Bella will see to them," he said kissing my forehead.

Sighing I decided to just keep quiet because it would be pointless arguing with him.

After I finish feeding my baby Brandon took her and placed her in her crib while I moved a little.

"Princess what are you doing?" he asked.

"Come lay next to me," I said patting the bed

He removed his coat and laid by me letting sleep take over us.

Two days later.

I am now at home. Mum and dad came back last night from California. They were excited to meet rose.

Even Liam and Leah were happy.
As for Bella kids, Ethan and Aiden were over the moon. As soon as they saw her they were kissing and pinching her cheeks making her cry. And when they saw her cry they started crying. Seems like they will be more protective than Liam.

And they name her rose for short.

Nadia and Evelyn are always with Leah. They keep her and play with her while the three boys are always around Rose.

"So would you like one more," Brandon asked.

"No way. I'm exhausted now. Please no more," I said.

"I'm joking sweety. I'm happy with what I have. Thank you," He said.  

"You should rest. I'll bring you dinner in the room. Then you can sleep. Tomorrow we will move back to our old room," he said.

Okay, I said as I laid in bed waiting to eat something.

Soon Brandon walked in with a food cart trolley.

The food was covered.

He sat on the bed and removed the lids.
When food looks delicious. It was roasted chicken with chips and greek salad which was covered with salad dressing. I started eating as soon as Brandon gave it to me. I couldn't eat this type of food when I was pregnant because I use to feel nauseous.

"This is delicious babe," I said with a smile.

"Thank you. I made it especially for you as I know you have hardly been eating proper foods," He said as he was eating his food.

After we finished he took the food and placed it on the cart he took out another plate but this was covered.

"What is this?" I asked.

"See for your self baby,"

Removing the lid I saw it was a chocolate cake. Taking the plate I gave the first bite to Brandon.

"Thank you but it's for you baby,"

"Nope it for us. You also need some," I said as I fed him half while I ate another half.

He placed the plate in the cart and kissed me on my forehead and hugged me.

I hugged him back. This is the best place to be. We were lost in our moment when Roseline started crying.

Picking her up I removed my top and start feeding her while Brandon took the trolley away.

I love my children so much and I won't let any harm come upon them.

I was done feeding so I picked her up so that I could make her burp. While I held her close to my chest I saw someone peeping through the door.

Come in I called and saw it was Leah.

She came up and sat on the bed looking at me while I held Rose.

"Mummy. Will you fowget (forget) about us now she?" asked in her baby language.

"No my angel. Why you say that?" I asked as I laid Rose on the bed

"Because of nose(rose)," she said as her eyes welled up with tears.

"Come here on top of me," I called and she came with a sad face.

"Baby. Mummy will never forget about you or Liam. She loves you a lot. Just like how I love rose. And she is your baby sister. Will, you love and take care of her like how you take care of Liam,"

"Yes," she said with a smile.

"Now don't cry. I will never forget about you'll," I said.

While sitting with Leah in my arms we all fell off to sleep.

"Princess," I heard someone call. Opening my eyes I saw it was Brandon.

I noticed Leah wasn't with me and Roseline was in her crib

"Where's Leah?" I asked.

"You'll be asleep so I carried her to the room,"

"Why don't you sleep in a comfortable position," he said helping me lay down.

Not long after he came and laid next to me pulling me into his arms.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too sweety and thank you for giving me three beautiful angels," he said.

Not long after we fell off to sleep.


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