A Checkup

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A/N sorry I didn't update sooner, I ran out of backlogged chapters and ended up binge watching a new season, so enjoy 2000 extra words ;)

"I really hope it goes ok tomorrow," Jack said out loud. He was sitting on the couch in the place that was apparently his and Signe's home; it was a fucking rich house. The rooms were bright and homey with a welcoming vibe to it, and the surroundings did feel familiar to Jack as he sat there with his head resting against the back of the couch.

"The court case?" Signe murmured, curled up beside him. Jack nodded and tilted his head at her.

"Yeah... I'm worried. What if they say no, and that Mark can't be his own citizen? What if they decide to continue what the Koreans tried to start? What if they decide to keep Mark locked up like some prisoner or an animal?"

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Signe coaxed. "I'm sure you guys will do great..." She paused and looked out the large window that was beside them. "Speaking of which, where did he go? He's been gone a while."

"I don't know..." Jack leaned over Signe to peer outside. When Felix had gotten the call two days ago, Ken had been persuaded not only to free Mark from all of his chains, but to also let him go outside the premises under Jack's watchful eye. This gave Jack and Signe open time to teach Mark the basics in how to act like a regular human.

Mark suddenly emerged from the countryside and came over to the lavish house that was separated from society, his hair wet and his skin moist, wearing only his jeans and no shirt.

"Oh there you are." Jack slid off the couch to look through the window better, and he smiled up at Mark. "Did you get washed up in that waterfall?" He asked. Mark nodded. "That's good. See, doesn't it feel better to be a little cleaned up? You were starting to get a little dirt on ya." Mark shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair as Signe turned away from the tv to look over at the two boys.

"Oh Mark, the order we placed for those clothes came this morning if you want to go try those on now," she told.

"... ok," Mark rumbled quietly.

"They should be at the front of the house." Signe pointed to the front door. "Big cardboard box, you can't miss it." Mark lumbered to the front of the house, disappearing from the two humans' sights for a moment. Jack sighed and slumped back in his seat, then looked over at Signe.

"We're starting to act like parents," he chuckled as he shifted his foot cast to adjust it. Signe blushed and her cheeks got rosy pink at his words.

"I guess so," she shyly agreed. Jack smiled and gave her a little kiss on the cheek, making Signe blush and look away as she placed her hand over her mouth, abashed.

"I know I don't have my memories back yet... but I think it's safe to say that I love you," Jack said with a small smile on his face. Signe smiled back.

"I love you too, Sean," she replied as Mark returned to the window. The giant was wearing a brand new red and black flannel, but he was having trouble buttoning it.

"Problem Mark?" Jack called out, noticing this.

"... I don't... understand...?" Mark mumbled, tugging at the shirt. Jack sighed sympathetically and climbed out of his seat again.

"Look, you take the button," he started saying, demonstrating with his hands. "And then you just slide it in to the hole, and push it through..." It took Mark a few tries before he managed to button up his shirt, and he smoothed a wrinkle out of the fabric as Jack grinned.

"There. How's that?" He asked.

"...It's comfy," Mark admitted, giving his small friend a warm smile.

"Good, because you're going to wear that to the court." Jack thought for a moment before adding, "I know you're not used to how the human society works, but just don't do anything rash, ok? Just be patient, and the fucked up system will hopefully let us get us out of the loop." Mark nodded.


"Hey Sean," Signe interjected. "The movie just ended. You want to start another one?"

"Yeah sure." Jack looked back at Mark. "You wanna watch through the window buddy, or do you wanna go to sleep?" He asked. Mark pointed at the tv. "Ok then, if you get tired just let us know." Jack went over to the tv and tapped the screen, zooming out of the credits and scrolling to a different movie.

"What are we watching Sean?" Signe asked, twirling a strand of her short curly hair.

"Uh... Guardians of the Galaxy!" Jack declared. Signe smiled.

"That movie came out so long ago," she pointed out. Jack looked back and gave her a playful pouty face.

"But Chris Pratt's amazing!" He huffed. Signe smiled.

"And I'm sure if there was a movie about you then Chris Pratt would play as you," she giggled.

"I would fucking hope so! That'd be badass!" Jack got back in his seat as the movie loaded, and he seemed to finally realize his words; he frowned and turned to Signe. "... Did I just remember something?" He wondered. Signe blinked a couple of times before her eyes widened.

"You did," she realized. Jack grinned.

"I sounded like my old self didn't I?" He asked hopefully. Signe smiled and nodded, putting her hands on his cheeks and kissing him on the forehead. It was now Jack's turn to blush and look away with a smile plastered over his lips as they returned to watching the movie.

Throughout the movie, Jack kept remembering the names of the characters and pointing them out to see if his damaged brain served him right; he had gotten every name matched to every character accurately. Jack and Signe, of course, were delighted about this; maybe Jack would recover his memories after all.

Mark had watched the movie with fascination, stunned by the technology of mankind, but once it was over he gently tapped the glass to get the couple's attention.

"Are they trapped in there?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

"Huh? Who?" Mark pointed at the tv.

"Th-the people!" He stuttered. "In the-the thing! In the big box thing!"

"Ooohhhhh..." Jack sat up. "No it's ok Mark, it was just a movie," he coaxed. "A movie is something that is recorded by people playing certain roles so that they can tell a story." Mark relaxed at this, but still looked a little concerned.

"They're ok...?" He asked. Jack nodded, smiling at Mark's kind thoughtfulness.

"Yeah, they're ok," he assured. "It was a recording. All of this didn't actually take place in space, they edited it all and recorded it safely in a studio on Earth." Mark's shoulders slumped as he leaned back on his heels, looking relieved.

"Good," He murmured, looking a little embarrassed. "Space is cool though..." Signe smiled and got up.

"Why don't we all go to bed now? It's eleven and you need to be well rested." Jack waved his hand.

"But sleep is for the weak!" He whined. Signe rolled her eyes.

"Glad to hear you still sound like yourself," she teased. Jack smirked, but before he could open his mouth and reply, someone knocked on the door. Mark shrank back and hid at the back of the house as Jack sighed.

"Who the fuck is that at this hour?" He and Signe went down the stairs and headed to the front door.

"Hello." A pretty and young platinum blonde girl shyly waved. "Uh, sorry, I know it's really late, but I'm here about the case for Mark... McLoughlin?" She said, guessing on Mark's last name.

"Um... his last name's not McLoughlin, he doesn't have a last name." Jack looked the girl up and down. She was wearing a white jacket with grey work pants and a light pink shirt, she also had a little silver watch around her wrist; she also was holding a white med kit. Behind her was the latest model of a black KIA. In the seat beside the driver's was a young fluffy Labrador, who was sitting obediently in her spot and looking at the big house. "Who are you again?" Jack asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir- uh, Jack- I mean-" Jack interrupted her with a friendly smile.

"Just call me Jack, please."

"Ok, Jack, well um, my name is Amy Nelson, I'm a doctor..." Amy blushed in embarrassment. "Well, not a "doctor" doctor, not yet at least." She chuckled nervously. "Sorry, sorry this is just my first time on the  job."

"No it's ok, you wanna come in?"

"Yeah, that'd be great." The three entered the home as Mark snuck a peek through the window, and his eyes widened he saw the new person before going back into hiding.

"Wow, this house is soooo big," Amy commented. "Anyways, uh, where is Mark?"

"He's outside somewhere. Would you maybe like some tea?" Signe offered.

"Sure, that'd be great." While Signe left to make the tea, Jack and Amy sat down beside the window.

"Mark," Jack called out, knocking on the window. "You have a visitor!" He waited a moment before frowning. "Maaarrrhhk?" He called. Then finally Mark looked out from behind some trees and shyly came out of hiding. Amy's eyes widened as the giant came to the window.

"Wow..." she breathed. She put her hands on the glass and looked at the giant with fascination as Mark stared back.

"So this is Mark. Mark, this is Amy," Jack introduced. Mark opened his mouth and then closed it, looking like he wanted to say something but couldn't quite put it into words. Amy pressed her forehead against the window and gave a shy smile.

"H-hi Mark." At the sound of her voice, Mark seemed to finally collect himself as he gave a warm smile and shyly waved back.

"Hello," he rumbled softly. Jack smiled and sat back.

"So Amy, you said you were here about the case? Why?" He asked. Amy looked over at Jack.

"Well, Ethan sent me here to do some data research," she admitted. "Meaning he wants me to take some... samples." Mark tilted his head, confused by what this meant, but Jack raised one eyebrow.

"Samples," he echoed. "You mean, you want to have a sample of his blood!?" Mark's eyes widened at this, and he nervously sat down, looking up at the window.

"Well... yeah, actually." Amy nodded and looked down at Mark, her eyes still filled with a child like wonder. "Plus a saliva test, some routine questions on habits, things like that," she continued. "It's not to hurt him or to be mean to him or anything though, I'm just suppose to find some data to back your case up."

"So, Ethan's on our side then?" Amy shrugged.

"Well he may be your friend, but he has to play fair and consider the well being of everyone else. Still... he is rooting for you."

"That's... good? I guess," Jack muttered. Amy got up and set the med kit on the coffee table, opening it up to some syringes and swabs for DNA testing; it also had a few other things for medical purposes of course, like medicine in case someone needed first aid.

"Oh god... those needles are huge!" Jack exclaimed.

"Well, he's a big boy, wouldn't you agree?" Amy pointed out. Jack looked at Mark, seeing that the giant looked uneasy as he stared up at the two humans.

"Yeah, but... I don't any harm to come to him."

"Understandable," Amy sympathized. "I don't want to hurt him either..." she down at Mark and smiled softly. "He's really cute," she venerated. Mark's eyes softened with surprise, and then he bashfully looked down with a shy rumble and ran his fingers back and forth through the grass. Jack smiled and chuckled softly.

"He is really sweet," he agreed. "He's such a gentle giant, and he's so cool! I mean, I'm afraid of heights and all, but when I'm sitting on his shoulder or in his hand, I actually don't feel scared because I know that I can trust him." Amy nodded, listening intently with bright eyes. "Plus he's my buddy, and he saved my life multiple times," Jack added.

"Well, I'm sure he's very sweet. Can I go discover that for myself?" Amy asked. Jack shrugged.

"Sure... just be careful, he's easily spooked, apparently." Jack nodded to the window to point out that Mark was staring at the medical box in Amy's possession, anxiety flickering in his eyes. Amy got up and collected her things, and she headed outside as Jack watched through the window.

"Hey there big guy," Amy said softly as she approached Mark. Mark was looking down at Amy curiously, then laid down on his stomach and looked at the young girl on her eye level. Amy smiled and set her med kit down. "Wow, you're so big up close..." she murmured in awe. Mark gently blew a warm breath of air on the girl, making her giggle as her hair stirred in the breeze.

"Well first things first," Amy started saying as she dropped to her knees and opened the box. "I'm going to have to check your heartbeat and then listen to your breathing, and then all the other normal check up stuff, and then I- oh!" Amy stopped midsentence when the giant suddenly scooted closer and gently sniffed the young doctor in training. Amy was surprised by this and didn't move as Mark rubbed his cheek against her, but then she smiled and embraced the friendly gesture, and she continued on with assembling her equipment.

"That's his way of getting to know you," Jack called from the window.

"I can see that!" Amy replied with a giggle, getting back up. "Ok Mark, can you turn over on your back for me?" Mark did as he was told, and Amy held a notepad to her chest as she climbed onto his hand and went up his arm. Mark watched her as she sat down on his chest and pulled a pen out, and she counted his heart rate before writing something down.

"Now can you turn over on your stomach for me?" Mark waited patiently until Amy had gotten back off of the titan, and then he turned over on his back. Then Amy settled herself in between his shoulder blades.

"Take a deep breath for me..." Mark inhaled deeply, and Amy listened. "Good, now out..." Mark sighed softly and relaxed, and Amy had him do it again. "Good... no signs of wheezing, clean healthy lungs..." she trailed off in though as she wrote down some more notes, and then she got up and returned to the ground. Jack was still watching from the window as Signe came out of the kitchen with a fresh brew of mint green tea.

"How are they getting along?" She asked, standing by Jack and looking through the window.

"Well, so far they're doing pretty good," Jack answered. "Mark's shy around her, which is really cute." He smirked. "I think he likes her."

"Oh." Signe looked for a moment before giggling. "That's so sweet."

"Yeah." Jack took a sip of his cup of tea and licked his lips. "Do you have any coffee by any chance?" He asked hopefully.

"No, sorry, I finished the last of it before I heard you were still..." she trailed off, and Jack nodded sympathetically.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. Signe smiled and shook her head, blinking to hide her tears.

"You don't need to say that. You were marooned and stuck on an island for an entire week, and you don't remember anything about who you are. I'd hate to even think of what might have happened if Mark hadn't been there."

"I remembered you though," Jack gently interrupted, fixing his ice blue eyes on his girlfriend. "Not much, I'll admit, but still. I was able to recall your face, your eyes, and even your voice. And in a way..." Jack smiled. "It gave me strength." Signe sniffled and smiled as she teared up, and she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "Aww, come here you," Jack suddenly said, setting his cup down and gently pulling Signe into a hug. Signe rested her cheek against Jack's chest as she let herself be embraced by the young Irishman, and she couldn't help but cry a little in his arms.

"Ok, so Mark has a strong and healthy heart, very good lungs..." Amy was coming up the stairs, looking at her notes. "And his teeth are astonishingly neat and clean, and they're also all in there, even the wisdom-" she stopped and looked at the couple. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" She asked.

"No it's fine." Signe rubbed her nose and pulled away as Jack turned to Amy. "You were saying?" He prompted.

"Well, he's in excellent shape. I mean, really good shape, better than most of the lazy American citizens that have taken over out country," The young blonde continued. She shyly added with a slight blush, "I even had him flex, his muscles are outstanding." Jack glanced at Signe with a small smirk and eyebrow raise.

"So Amy," Signe rolled her eyes at Jack before she started speaking. "What samples do you need?"

"Just a salivary and blood one," she answered. "And also I still need to ask some questions."

"Why don't you go ahead and ask your questions then? The tea's ready," Jack suggested. Amy smiled.

"Ok." She took a seat and had a sip of her tea before humming in content. "This is really good," she said in awe.

"Signe absolutely loves tea!" Jack exclaimed cheerfully before Signe could say anything. "She makes it all the time, and..." Jack trailed off as he realized what he was saying, and he cleared his throat and put his chin in his hand, covering his mouth and shutting up.

"So what questions do you need to ask?" Signe asked, hiding a smile. Amy took another sip before she set her cup down and returned to her notes with a pen.

"Well for starters, do you know how old he is?" She asked. Jack thought for a moment before slowly opening his mouth, thinking back to the videos and what he had seen on those monitors.

"Twenty seven?" Amy wrote down his answer.

"Does he have a full name, or is it just Mark?"

"For now, yeah."

"And does he have any partners?" Amy asked.

"I don't think so, no." Jack shook his head, and Amy scribbled down his reply.

"Are there any other giants on that island?" Jack pursed his lips and thought for a moment.

"... just one other," Jack admitted. "I don't think there were any others though besides him."

"Do you know anything about why Mark was created?"

"Yeah actually, the Koreans had this base in the cave where I found Mark, and they had these videos that show he was meant to be used in war. But as you can see, Mark couldn't hurt a fly." Amy nodded in agreement and tapped the butt of her pen against the notepad.

"And has Mark ever tried to hurt you?" She asked. Jack shifted in his seat and scratched his chin.

"Just once really," he admitted. "But it wasn't his fault, I don't think so at least..."

"What happened?"

"Well we were out exploring the island when we came across these weird ruins in the mountains, and we got into this weird arena thing. When Mark hit the ground though, this ringing noise came out of the floor, and he got agitated and then tried to hurt me." Jack quickly added, "But it wasn't his fault, I don't know why it happened but he just couldn't control himself. It's only happened just the one time because of that ringing noise."

"Was it a low note or high pitched?" Amy asked, tilting her head.

"It was a low ring, but right in my ears it had this shrieking high pitch scream in it," Jack described. Amy nodded thoughtfully.

"Maybe it was that ringing noise that set him off," she agreed. "Animals react at different sound frequencies to do different things. A high pitched ringing can get dogs and cats to react negatively, while low pitched noises can agitate an elephant. So maybe it's the same with Mark, the ringing unsettled him and got him riled up." Jack's eyes were wide with fascination.

"... cooool!" He said. Amy smiled and looked back down at her notes.

"Yeah it is, but that's just a theory," she reminded. "Anyways next up, what is your relationship with Mark?"

"He saved my life," Jack answered. "Multiple times actually. If it wasn't for him I'd be dead, and in more than one way. I do wish I remembered everything I had here, but I know that I consider Mark as a close friend." Amy nodded and closed her notepad.

"Ok, I think that's all the questions, thanks for your help."

"Yeah no problem." Jack got up and followed Amy outside, who was going over to Mark. Mark was sitting in the same spot still, dragging his finger through the grass and quietly entertaining himself.

"Hey Mark," Amy greeted cheerfully. "So before I go, I need you to do me a favor, think you can help me out?" Mark looked at Amy before shrugging.


"Great, now I need you to give me a saliva sample and a blood sample," Amy asked, getting out one of her syringes. Mark's eyes widened as he saw the syringe, and he shrank back with a whimper.

"No needles," he whined softly.

"It's ok buddy," Jack coaxed, hobbling over to the giant and rubbing his thumb. "It won't hurt, you'll just feel a small prick, and then it'll be over. It's like getting stung by a bee."

"I don't like needles," Mark protested softly. "Th-they hurt." Jack tilted his head and leaned against Mark's hand.

"It'll be ok little buddy," he promised. "Amy's a doctor. Her job is to heal, and she's gonna help us win, ok? All she need is a little tiny bit of your DNA so that she can make sure you're healthy." Jack thought for a moment before adding, "I know whatever the Koreans did was horrible, but here things are different. People here don't screw each other over for money, instead they actually help one another and do their job." Mark looked at Jack for a moment before his gaze switched to settle on Amy. His eyes softened with a trace of nervousness still in them, and he swallowed nervously before giving the young blonde a small nod.

"Thank you Mark." Amy walked over to the two friends and looked up at the gentle giant. "It won't hurt, I'll be gentle," Amy assured. Mark rumbled softly and shifted nervously, looking away as Amy set to work. At first he felt the cold metal press against his wrist, and he flinched on instinct before mumbling an apology and forcing himself to stay still. Then when the needle went in, he braced himself before relaxing. It didn't hurt at all, Jack had been right.

Once Amy was done, she put the syringe to the side and doctored up the tiny dot where the point of entry was.

"There, see? All done," Jack said, patting his larger friend on the hand. Mark looked down at the two humans and gave the Irishman a shaky purr, relieved that it was over.

"Now I just need the saliva sample," Amy directed. Mark laid down and rested his cheek on the ground as Amy rummaged through her things. She pulled out a white cloth and went over to the giant's head. Mark opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, and Amy calmly collected her sample and then put it in her case.

"Alright, that's it."

"That's all you need then?" Jack asked as Mark sat up.

"Yeah, thanks." Amy nodded and packed her kit up, and she looked up at Mark with a smile. "It was nice meeting you Mark," she shyly said. Mark purred and smiled back.

"Yeah, you too," he rumbled. Amy nodded and then turned to Jack. "It was nice getting to finally meet you too, Jack, and tell Signe I enjoyed her tea."

"Yeah, no problem," Jack replied. "Have a good one." Amy waved before walking to her car and getting into it and greeting her dog with a smile.

"She's pretty," Mark shyly rumbled. Jack looked up at Mark and smirked.

"Is she now?" He winked, and Mark reddened.

"Y-yeah? That's a compliment," he mumbled, suddenly abashed.

"Yeeeaahhh, whatever." Jack sighed and looked up at the window, where Signe was sitting and drinking her tea. He smiled to himself, and then said, "Come on buddy, let's turn in for the night. We've got a big day tomorrow."

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