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"Mahrk!" Jack stood on the giant's chest with his arms crossed. "Mmaaarrrk!" He whined. "Wake up! It's already almost nine!" The warm surface under the Irishman shifted, and a groan reached his ears as the giant stirred and opened his eyes.

"Jack?" He yawned and lifted his head. "Why are you-" Jack jumped and stomped on his breastbone, making Mark flinch in surprise.

"Come on, come on Mark!" Jack waved his arms before he turned and climbed off of his friend. "I promised Ethan we'd be playing that new game by nine o'clock, and your ass is still in bed!" Mark groaned and turned over on his side.

"I was already up all night," he complained. Jack smiled.

"And who's fault was that, ya workaholic?" He tugged on Mark's sleeve, but the giant's arm lifted, taking Jack along for the ride. He yelped as Mark sat up, and he found himself splayed over the giant's thigh.

"You were saying?" Mark giggled. He ran his hand through the red floof on his head, glad that Jack had persuaded him to dye his hair. Hw didn't know what it was, but it just made him feel closer to Jack and Ethan. Although, they had yet to persuade Tyler to ruin his curly locks.

"Ha, ha, ha!" Jack jested. He pushed Mark's incoming hand away and jumped back onto the bed. "Get dressed! You're wearing nothing but a tee shirt and your bottom sweats!"

"They're called pjants," Mark scoffed. He got up and went to go get dressed, and the depression in the bed where he sat bungeed back to normal.

"Whee!" Jack fell over on his back when the bed went back to normal, and Mark glanced over at him with a grin and chuckled.

"Nice to see you're still a man-child, leprechaun," he teased.

"Fight me you red headed bitch!" Jack snapped. Mark laughed and walked out of the closet, in the middle of buttoning his lucky flannel up.

"You're adorable." Jack sneered at his friend before he grinned and laughed. Mark smiled and picked Jack up, and he gave his Irish friend a gentle hug against his chest. Jack relaxed and pressed against the giant's shirt. His green hair contrasted with the warm red and black colors, but the Irishman was ok with that.

"Don't think this means you can call me cute and get away with it," Jack muttered with a small smile.

"What, meee!? Big old crybaby Markiplier? I wouldn't dream of it!" The red haired giant giggled again and pet Jack's head. He was still holding Jack against his chest when he carried his tiny green haired friend out of his room and walked Into the living room.

"Hey Mark," Tyler called out. He was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast.

"Hi Tyler!" After a brief conversation with Tyler, Mark continued into a study room with soft black panels covering the walls. Jack stirred in Mark's hand and sat back against his fingers.

"For a big guy, you sure take forever to walk to another room," he complained, smirking.

"Excuse me, I didn't wanna jostle you around!" Mark pretended to take offense and huffed at Jack, and Jack snickered as he was put down on the desk. "There, now you go ahead and get your computer up, I'm gonna go make some coffee; no way am I recording with an empty stomach." As Mark said this, his stomach growled.

"Fine you weakling." Jack rolled his eyes. "Make me some too!" Mark scoffed and left the room, and Jack stood there beaming. He then turned around and walked across the desk to go behind the giant computer monitor and walked up to a human sized door. He opened it and went in.

Inside the small human room was Jack's new recording place. He had soundproof walls too, a shelf full of wonderful things fans had given him, and he also had a smaller shelf full of books. He wasn't much of a reader, but he figured it covered up the asymmetric area. Jack tapped the wall with a dull thud before he went over to his computer and booted it up.

It only took a few minutes before everything was ready, and with Jack's luck of the Irish, Mark walked back into the room with his big cup of coffee, an eyedropper, and a small human sized mug.

"Special delivery!" He called out in a singsong voice.

"Thanks Mark," Jack giggled. Mark smiled at Jack and sat down at his desk, and he carefully transferred some of his coffee to Jack's cup.

"There you go, weakling."

"Ah shut up you big goober." Jack came over and picked his cup up and took a sip. "Mmm! That's some good coffee there," he mumbled as he drank some more. Mark chuckled as he set his computer up.

"So, are you going to do it?" Jack glanced up at Mark with a questioning look. "Are you gonna ask Signe the question?" He asked, clarifying his question with a huge grin. Jack's cheeks turned a rosy pink, and he nodded with a smile.

"Yeah. Today." Mark squealed.

"Aww! When!?" He gasped.

"This evening." Jack laughed at Mark's excitement. "I'm taking her out on a picnic to watch the sunset. I figured it was about fucking time to propose to her."

"Well then congrats!" Mark rubbed Jack's head. "No way is she gonna say no!"

"Hey, don't touch the hair!" The Irishman laughed as he ducked away from Mark's hand. "You'll mess it up!"

"It was messed up before I touched it." Jack flipped his gargantuan friend off before he laughed and ran into his recording room.

"I'll let Ethan know we're ready."

"I'll go make sure Tyler's ready too," Mark called after him.

"Ok!" Jack got in his chair and pulled Skype up. He only had to wait a few seconds before Ethan answered.

"Hey! You ready?" Ethan exclaimed. "I've been waiting for five whole minutes!"

"What can I say?" Jack shrugged. "You can't rush perfection!"

"Ha!" Ethan laughed. "Don't say things like that Jack, I'll end up laughing to death!"

"Can I at least have your money if you do die?" Jack asked. He smirked at the computer screen as Ethan gasped.

"No! You don't need it." The two friends chuckled, and then they both sat there for a few seconds before Ethan spoke again. "So how's your memories?" Jack shrugged.

"I've been remembering bits and pieces. That shrink you sent me to really knows her stuff," he answered.

"Good. I'm glad." Ethan smiled. "It's good to have you back man."

"I haven't gone anywhere. I was only on the island for a week tops," The Irishman reminded. "And I've been back with civilization for three months now! I've made real progress with my amnesia, and Signe..." Jack let out a dreamy sigh. "She's been so supportive, and I've remembered more about her. I remember her sister, her parents, her birthday, her favorites..." Ethan smiled.

"You're gonna ask her, aren't you?" Jack looked up and nodded.

"Hell yeah I am! She's waited long enough, and I remember I was gonna ask her when-" Jack stopped and put his hand over his eyes. "... I remember that I was going to propose to her after the cruise," he mumbled. Then he dropped his hand and sighed, and he looked at Ethan. "I'm sure glad you kept the ring though, it's sure handy to have now."

"Yeah, no worries, I'm the ring man remember?" Ethan winked as Jack heard Mark come back in the room.

"Jack!" Mark gently knocked on the wall. "Tyler's ready."

"Great!" Jack logged into the game and waited for his friends. "Let's get this show on the road!"

"Sean!" Signe called out. "Did you get the blankets?"

"Yeah!" Jack hauled his ass down the stairs with two blankets bundled up under his arms. "I got them!"

"Thanks green bean." Signe giggled as Jack packed the blankets, and she finished wrapping the sandwiches up. "Where are we going anyway?" She asked.

"It's a surprise," Jack told her in a playful tone. He pecked her on the cheek and took Signe's pack away from her.

"Hey!" She yelped. She made a grab for the backpack, but Jack held it high over his head and kept her from grabbing it. "Sean!" Signe laughed. "Give it back!"

"I don't want to!" Jack yelled in surprise when Signe pushed him, and they both tumbled onto the couch. They laughed and sat up side by side, and Jack quickly wrapped his arms around Signe's waist and pulled her closer.

"Sean!" She let out a giggle as Jack hugged her. "You're silly," she laughed as she hugged him back.

"That's me!" He said in a singsong voice. Signe suddenly ran her hand through the Irishman's hair, and Jack yelped as his hands flew to his hair.

"No!" He yelped as Signe grabbed her bag and darted out of reach. Jack fell over on his side and burst out laughing. "How could you!?" He wailed with a grin. Signe smirked and walked out of arm reach as she went back to their bags and finished packing.

"There. All done." She smiled at Jack as the Irishman got up, and Jack's thoughts melted away as he smiled back. God she's so amazing... His breast was buzzing with the excitement he had to contain, and while he was eager to pop the question, he had never been so nervous in all of his entire life.

I'm glad I remember enough to think that! Jack realized as he helped Signe take their bags to the car. As he went inside to get the last pack, his mind blanked out as another memory hit him.

Jack sighed happily as he scrolled through Twitter. My god there's so much fanart! He was still floored by the fact that people would dedicate hours of their time not only to watch his videos, but to also draw him. It still took Jack's breath away, and the fan art was so awesome!

Before Jack had started YouTube, he had seen how his friend Felix got cool fan art, but it never occurred to him that he too would receive this kind of flattering attention. Six months later and it still made Jack's chest glow with obeisance and awe at the amazing community he had; he felt so lucky to be surrounded by such awesome people.

At the moment, the YouTuber was looking for a good thumbnail to use. Since Jack was going to post a video where he played a fan game, he figured it was only appropriate to also use someone's fan art, with permission and credit where it was due of course.

He suddenly stopped scrolling, and his thumb stopped above the screen. "Ooh..." Jack clicked on the picture that had caught his eye and grinned. "Wow, this one looks epic!" He exclaimed. It was perfect. "Ok, now who's the artist?" He murmured to himself as he searched. A few minutes later, he found the artist's account.

"Wiishu?" Jack read out loud. "That's a cool name." He went ahead and messaged the artist, asking permission to use their cool drawing. Smiling, Jack set his phone down and continued eating his cereal, excited to hear back from Wiishu. He had no idea at the time that they would become more than just acquaintances, or friends...

Jack stared off into the distance for a few seconds before he smiled. Remembering how he met Signe was the last piece of the puzzle; he remembered everything now! The Irishman realized that he had tears in his eyes, and he wiped them away when Signe called from outside, "Sean? Where are the napkins?"

"I've got them," Jack yelled back. He dug through his pocket and pulled out the promise ring, and he looked at for a few seconds before he smiled and rolled it up in the napkin. "I'm coming!" He zipped the bag up and took it with him, and Jack left the room enamored and confident.

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