Chapter 2: Nightmare

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The boy with amber eyes yelled out into the white empty void.

"Anyone here?"

He walked around, seeing nothing but emptiness.

"Where is everyone?"

He kept walking and walking, but each steps he took was making him more and more anxious.

"Can anyone hear me?"

The emptiness of the void is slowly driving him insane.

"Please don't leave me alone..."

He slowly squatted, covering both his ears, as tears were at the edge of his fiery amber eyes. He's scared. He's lonely. But where are his brothers when he need them the most?


Suddenly a voice called out to him. He stood up and turned around, he was pretty sure that that voice belongs to his brother. He couldn't tell which of his brothers own that voice, but it doesn't matter, as long as he's sure that that voice belongs to one of his brothers, he's not alone now.

"Ais? Was that you? Or is it Taufan? Duri? Hali? Solar? Gem-"

"Why are you calling out for me?"

"Huh?" The amber eyed boy turned his back towards the voice, as he was confused with the question.

The moment he turned his back, everything suddenly went dark. He wasn't in the white empty void anymore, but in a destroyed city. The sky was maroon red as the scarlet red moon shined brightly down at his surroundings. Something smelled nasty, too nasty that he felt like puking. His surroundings explained the nasty smell, he could see multiple rotten corpses laying around.

But that wasn't what he's paying attention to.

What caught his attention was the brother that stood in front of him.


He stared at his golden eyed brother with his widen amber eyes. He's too speechless to say anything. Without knowing the reason, he felt like crying. He slowly walked toward his older brother with an open arm, wanting to hug him for some reason.

But the next thing he knew, his brother was headless.


He immediately rushed towards his headless brother, trying to catch his body.

"Gempa? Gemap wh-" He cried out, "What's going on? Why is your head-"

Suddenly the amber eyed boy could hear two different voices.

"He's dead."

"He's alive."

"He's gone forever."

"He's still alive."

"He's not here anymore."

"He's still here."

Who's right? Who's wrong? The fire elemental user couldn't think straight. It stressed him. He wanted to know the right answer, but the both voices had different answers with each other, they confused him, until the point the amber eyed boy didn't realized that he was surrounded by his own fire. He was sobbing loudly, he just wanted a clear answer.

"What do you mean? Gempa is still alive."

There a stood a boy in front of him. A brunette boy with dead sapphire eyes, as he carried an unusual smile.

"He's still he..."


Blaze immediately opened his eyes, and the first thing he smelled was smoke. He looked around and finding his pillows and blanket burned again. Yes again, this wasn't the first time that he had burnt his own pillows and blanket. He looked up and found his blue eyed brother looking at him worriedly.

"I did it again, didn't I?" Blaze asked his younger brother. His brother slowly nodded as he put out the fire Blaze had unintentionally created.

"This is already the forth time this week, Blaze..."

"What can I do? It's not like I can control my own dream."

"But that was because you still couldn't get over his death right?"


Suddenly there was a silent. The fire elemental user looked down, staying speechless. It's not like he doesn't know what to say, it was because that he didn't want to admit it.

"It's too obvious Blaze. You can't hide it."

"How could I ever get over Gempa's death? It happened too sudden, not to mention, he was one of the strongest among us, he was someone we all looked up to, someone who's a great leader and yet... and yet..." He started sobbing, "a...and yet... h...he left us... j...just like that..."

Tears continuously flowed down his face like a rain drops, his eyes and nose starting to turn red. He sobbed ugly. He kept wiping away his tears, but they kept flowing nonstop no matter what. He didn't want to cry but his heart ached so much knowing this unbearable truth, he couldn't help but to cry it all out.

"You tell me, Ais. After his passing, everything was suddenly so different. Hali either stayed silent as if he's mute or just scream at anyone who disobey his instructions, no between. Taufan had totally lost his mind. Duri doesn't even feel safe near Taufan, he felt so lonely and started to lose hope, he turned into no one but his plants. Not to mention. Solar became a restless light bulb, his sleep schedule became worst than before, when was even the last time he slept? Heck! Even Atok doesn't know what to do this situation anymore. You tell me, Ais! You tell me! What else can we do? We've tried everything already."

Blaze grabbed onto his cyan eyed brother's shoulders, while shaking, stared down onto the floor, as tears dripped onto the floor, he continued, "You're the only one left who I can turn to, Ais... Please don't ended up like others..."

That's right, Blaze and Ais only got each other's back left, unlike in the past where all seven brothers had each others' back. Everyone indeed changed so much, including both Blaze and Ais.

Blaze became less mischievous, while Ais became less lazy. That's a good thing isn't it? But for both of them, it wasn't. They became more and more anxious, fearing that things will get worse than as it was already, fearing that nightmares they had been getting will eventually became reality. With anxiety and fear that had been covering them, they had no chance acting as their usual self.

Even if, both hot and cold duo still wanted to believe that there's still hope for everything to turn back to normal, if only they know the solution of this whole mess...

. . . . .


The boy stood there frozen.

"Don't worry, I just got a small burn on my left palm..."

What have I done again, questioned the boy.


He didn't mean to hurt his friend...

"Fang it's alright, it wasn't Blaze's fault, he was trying to capture the enemy after all..."

He refused to deny that it wasn't his fault.

"Well, he should have been careful! Thank goodness that you noticed the attack sooner."

He really didn't mean to...

This must be another dream right? This must another nightmare right? Ais will wake him up right? Wake him up from this terrible nightmare.

"Blaze, are you alright? You looked as if you saw a ghost..." Just when the tanned skin boy was about to tap his shorter friend's shoulder, flames appeared.

It wasn't from the enemy but the boy himself. "Ah this must be a dream, you guys are all part of my dream right? Aha haha ha." The boy in red slowly lost his mind, he's getting confused.

"LOOK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE BLAZE!" Were the words Blaze heard from Gopal instead.

He slowly distanced himself away from Gopal, covering both his ears, and shut his amber coloured eyes. He wanted to stay away from all his friends from his dream, or so he thought.

His friends noticed Blaze distanced himself away from Gopal. Yaya questioned, "Blaze, what's wrong...?" While Ying smacked Fang and said, "This is why you shouldn't been so harsh."

Fang sighed and apologised, "Sorry, things must have been tough for you, I shouldn't be blaming you."

When the shadow user tried to approach Blaze, the flames that was surrounding the fire elemental user got larger. Thankfully, Fang managed to stepped back in time to dodged the flames. "Blaze?!" He exclaimed.

Blaze's emotions and breathing were getting more unstable. He kept wiping his tears. He kept hearing cruel words in the voices of his friends.

"You're such a pain in the head, you always cause troubles for everyone."

"You're super useless, who needs you in the team?"

"Everything is your fault."

"You can't even protect your own brother, how can you even protect your friend?"

"Are you even worthy to be called a human-being?"

In reality, they never said those words. It was all inside the amber eyed boy's head. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He kept repeating those words. He kept apologising when no one, but him, is blaming him. Poor boy was having a break down. His friends, on another hand, didn't know what to do.

"Alamak!" Gopal suddenly yelled. Fang asked, "What's wrong again, Gopal?"

Gopal answered, "Is it just me, or Blaze's skin is getting redder?"

"He's getting burned!" Ying yelled.

"Ochobot, you need to contact Ais and teleport him here, quick!!" Yaya panicked and commended Ochobot.

"On it!" Ochobot replied and immediately contacted the ice elemental user, "Ais please hurry up, your brother needs you..."

Will Blaze be alright?



Heya, it is I, Star Blank, who abandoned their fanfics for years (I'm so sorry about that omg)

My writing motivation sucks so bad, that's why I haven't been uploading fanfics for years IFEWEFFJJFJJWEFJWE

I'm so sorry for keeping y'all waiting for the continuation hueheuehehuuheue

Now, I probably to upload the next chapter in next few years /jkjkjk hopefully not I will beat myself up if I actually did.

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this fanfic, and I apologise for my terrible writing skills and grammar TTwTT

Thanks for reading!!

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