Chapter 3// 'Worthless'

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The Dolan Twins as the 2 policemen (imagine them a bit older and in a police outfit :p) ^^

Enjoy x


"Wake up..." A voice said shaking my shoulder lightly.

"Wake up..." He repeated.

I blinked my eyes opened and saw 2 policemen in from of me. What was happening?

The evens of last night played back in my head.

He's gone....Edwards gone....

Tears welled in my eyes as I saw his lifeless figure beside me.

"What's your name miss?" One if the police officers asked. "E-emma," I stuttered, "where's my father?"

I know it's weird wanting my father here after all he's done. Truth is I want these men to arrest him. I may have bared the pain for 16 years. Well no more. He took away my other half now he can pay.

"Here I am," a voice interrupted my thoughts, I turned around to see my father enter the room with blood shot eyes- has he been crying??

"Oh Emma I'm so glad you're awake honey," he said and wrapped his arms around me, "I was so worried! Don't you ever do that to me do you understand? I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too." Tears came out of his eyes and he sobbed quietly. What on earth was going on?

"What are you talking about?!!" I screamed and shot up, "you killed him!! You killed my brother and you have the nerve to act all innocent?! Arrest him!" I said to the police. "He killed my twin.. He killed him..." I sunk to the ground an pulled my knees to my face.

"Emma honey it's the shock speaking, I didn't kill your brother he committed suicide." My father said and came towards me.

"No!" I yelled, "stay away from me." My whole body shook from fear and anger, the police men pushed my father away from me. "Give her some time Mr. Mathews, she's just lost her twin." I heard one of them say. I watched as the 2 policemen moved towards Edward slowly lifting him up.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled and went towards them, "Let go you're hurting him." I grabbed one of the men's arm and tried pulling him off. "Get off me Miss." The policeman shouted but I didn't move, "No, you can't do this."

"Get off him Emma," My father began pulling me away, "No get off me you murderer!" I shouted and tried to wiggle my way out of his arms, he didn't move or let go so I did the first thing that came to mind.

I bit him.

"Arrghh you f*cking animal!" My father shouted and slapped me. I laughed. I laughed at him because the police just saw that. "See? Did you see what he just did?! Arr-" I turned around to see no one there. I heard to men speaking outside. I went to them and said, "Did you see what he did? He hit me."

"What are you talking about miss? We didn't see nor hear anything." One of the policemen said. My father came rushing out with a concerned expression, "Emma, what happened? I heard shouting, are you okay?" He was about to hug me but I moved away, "Are you mental?!!" I screeched, "He just slapped me!"

"Mr. Mathews, it'd be good if you took your daughter inside now, we've got you son's body in the van, I bid you adieu." They waved and turned to walk away. "Wait! You can't take him." I wanted to run but my father help me back.

They turned around once again and said, "We'll get in touch for the funeral Mr. Mathews."

"No," My father said, "There will be no funeral, it will hurt my daughter too much if she sees him again- take him away. "

Before I could say anything, my father stepped forward handing them both loads of £20 notes. "No-one finds out about this, understand?" He said.

"Yes sir." They saluted. Saluted. Pffft who do they think he is?

"Yes there will be funeral!" I called out after the van. "I'm not going to let you do this dad! He's my brother, your son." My dad dragged me into the house and twisted my arm which made me cry in pain. "You b*tch, I couldn't care less that he's gone understand?!" I spat on his face and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

"No you understand," I pointed a finger at him while he groaned in pain, "You mean nothing to me. You may be my father to everyone but to me you're dead. Dead. You tortured me since birth, you killed my twin- what more do you want huh? You are a shameless monster who deserves to be in Edwards place. I wish it was you instead of him!"

Wow I feel so bad (mental dance). No Emma concentrate.

I felt somewhat proud looking at him lying on the floor , complete shock written on his face. A smile made a way to my fac-

Slap. Ow. Life lesson- never get too cocky.

"Who the f*ck do you think you are talking to me like that?!" My father shouted, "The reason I killed him was because of you. Blame yourself for this Emma."

"How is it my fault?" I got up off the floor and glared at him.

"You wanted to go to the shops didn't you? You couldn't control your blobby stomach for one night could you? You wanted chocolate at midnight you fat pig!! If you didn't go out, your brother would still be here and it's a shame he made you go upstairs, I'd love it if you were the one in his place right now because frankly he means way more to me then you ever will." And with that said he stormed out of the house.

I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room. I got a blade out and began cutting myself because what father said was right. Every single bit. I didn't realise I was still cutting until I felt blood leak on me. I looked at my wrist and saw I cut a word in.



Isn't her dad a cow?!

What do you think of him?

What do you think of those police men?





P.S- I don't have an update schedule, but I do it when I can so........


~Tammy <3

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