Chapter-4(This Is Falling Love In The Cruelest Way)

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River's P.O.V:
          After eating the cakes Adrian gave me, I thought what should I do. Adrian was a nice guy. He seemed someone you could trust. So I decided to talk with him.

River : Adrian.

Adrian : Yes.

River: Can I stay with you?

Adrian : Of course. Did you think I was gonna let you go somewhere else?

River : But.....I don't remember anything.....I wanna know my past.

Adrian : I will help you. Don't worry.

River : Ok.....

Adrian : So, can we be friends?

River : Aren't we already?

Adrian : We are?

I started laughing. The look in his face was priceless. He looked surprised.

River : Yes, we are, you idiot.

              But he was still staring at me. I snapped my fingers infront of his eyes. He blinked and looked away. I started laughing again.

Adrian's P.O.V :

              River's smile was so beautiful that I was totally mesmerised. I caught my self staring at her quite a few times. What was wrong with me?! God knew.....I still needed to find out why the werewolves wanted to sacrifice her. So, I decided to talk with Zander, the only real friend I had (except River). But what I worried about was Zander's reaction on seeing River. Zander fell for pretty faces thousand times a day. And he, was a big flirt. 

                      River trusted me a lot. She didn't ask questions when I told her we would be visiting my best friend. As I thought, she had a great sense of humor. She asked me weird questions.

River : Adrian.

Adrian : Hmmmm.....

River : How far is Zander's house?

Adrian : Only like 800 kilometers.

River : How long was the bridge? 

Adrian : 685.3 kilometers.

River : Then how is this place so big?

Adrian : Cause we also used the sea. The sea is actually half of what is look like. Its water on the above but our world underground.

River: And how will we be going to Zander's house?

Adrian : By running.

River : Running? 

Adrian : Yes.

River : You can run with your super strength, but I can't.

Adrian : I will be carrying you.

River : I an now as weightless as I look. I.....

                  Before River could say something more,  I picked her up in bridal style. She was staring at me with eyes side.

Adrian : See. I can manage.

River : Put me down. 

Adrian : No, I won't.

River : Why?

Adrian : Cause we are getting late and we need to leave now.

                 Before River could respond, I was running at my speed. River's eyes were wide with horror as i reached Zander's house in a few minutes. When i put River on the ground, her eyes were still wide. They looked kin of beautiful, actually. And I was enjoying scaring River. but River couldn't stand properly without my support and that got me worried. 

Adrian : River, are you okay? 

River : I think I'm dizzy.

Adrian : Oh.....Sorry.

River : No.....I'm fine.

                After River had recovered, we walked to the big wooden door of Zander's duplex house. It was a huge mansion, well comparing to my castle, it was nothing.....

               Zander opened the door and yawned. Then he looked at me and then at River. Jis eyes looked like the would pop out of tier sockets.

Zander : Hey, Ad. Who's this? 

Adrian : She's River. I'll explain later.

               After I introduced then, Zander wanted to know everything. We vampires have a small mean of reading each other's mind. I gave Zander my wrist and let him drink my blood. He didn't take much.....only a few drops. Then, he smiled.

Zander : I'm as confused as you are. But I can see that the lion fell in love with the lamb.....

               River game him a confused look. I smiled and explained our mean of communication. I didn't explain about the 'lion-lamb' part though. it probably was true......maybe not.


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