Chapter-9(Wildest Dreams)

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Adrian's P.O.V : 

      I was very happy. River was the best thing that has ever happened to me. River was asleep, on my chest. It wasn't new. And I loved watching her sleep. She looked sooo innocent. I kept staring at her for a few hours. Suddenly, she muttered, "mmonsster...." She was sweating a lot. It looked like she was having nightmare. I stroked her cheek with my fingers. She again muttered, "Don'" Suddenly, she opened her eyes and sat up.

Adrian : Having a nightmare?

      But she wasn't replying. She just kept staring at me. I shook her, but still she wasn't replying. It looked like she was in shock. I sat beside her properly and looked into her ocean blue eyes. 

Adrian : River. Are you okay?

      *She nodded.*

Adrian : Did you have a nightmare?

River : Hmmm.

Adrian : Would you like to tell me about it?

River : It was a monster, but looked human. 

      *She shivered again.*

Adrian : Its okay. No one can harm you. I'm here with you. go back to sleep.

      River nodded and cuddled into me. I hugged her and started whispering a lullaby into her hair. She fell asleep after a while. That's when I started thinking about her dream. She had said- A monster that looked like a human. Wasn't I a monster that looked like a human?

      Maybe her dream was a warning or maybe a trigger. Everything started from the next day.

River's P.O.V : 

      When I woke up, Adrian wasn't around. Last night, I hadn't told him about the whole dream. I had seem a monster. But even though the monster was trying to kill me and I had a word, I couldn't attack the monster, because it was the monster I loved.

      I went to he washroom to get fresh. What I saw there took away my breath. Adrian was lying on the ground. There was a pool of blood around him. Blood had come out from his mouth! I rushed to him. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, I suddenly realized. I starting calling his name and shaking him.



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