Chapter 11:Solaceon Ruins

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Sharon POV.

I woke up to Scorcher licking my face. I pushed him away.

"Ok I'm up. Please stop licking me." I chuckled as he rubbed my arm with his snout. I stretched as I stood. Making my bed, I soon walked out to meet Lyra and Star at the entrance.

"Ok so where to now?" I asked Lyra. She looked over at the map on the wall.

"We should check the Solaceon Town Ruins." She replied. She walked over to the p.c. "I'll need to get another flying Pokemon for this flight. Pidgeot can't carry three people." We waited for her to finish.

We left the center and she let out her Pidgeot and a... Honchkrow.

"Ok Star, you can ride with me on Pidgeot and Sharon you can ride on Honchkrow." Lyra said as she lifted Star onto Pidgeot. I cautiously approached the waiting dark Pokemon. She looked over me then nodded. I positioned myself once I got on her back.

"Ok Honchkrow, follow us." Lyra told her Pokemon. She told her Pidgeot to fly to the ruins. We took off. Why didn't I have a Pokemon I could fly on? Do I even have my others? I'll check once we get to the next Pokemon center.

"Wow! I have to get a flying Pokemon." Star said as she looked around in awe. I chuckled, but felt uneasy. Not due to the fact that I'm flying alone, but something else.

"He's coming." a voice whispered in my ear. That voice that spoke to me at the Whirl Islands. I quickly turned my head to the right, looking behind me. Nothing was there.

"You alright Sharon?" Lyra asked as she steered Pidgeot beside Honchkrow. Latios and Latias flew up on Honchkrow's other side. They looked worried.

"Yea, I'm fine. Lets just hurry." I told them. We began to pick up speed, arriving at the ruins thirty minutes later. Thank Arceus we have finally arrived. That uneasy feeling grew as we continued to fly. I hopped off Honchkrow.

"Thanks for trusting me." I told her as I rubbed her feather covered neck. She nodded then wrapped her wing around me.

"She likes you. That's rare, she is usually cautious of anyone but me." Lyra said as she returned Pidgeot and Honchkrow to their pokeballs.

"Why is she cautious?" Star asked. Lyra sighed.

"Her old trainer was a cruel one. He abused her then left her in a forest while she was a Murkrow. I found her and tried to help her. I couldn't even get close to her until she collapsed from her injuries. That's when I carried her to a Pokemon center, trying to soothe her along the way. She began to like me after that." Lyra explained. I really hate trainers who abuse their Pokemon.

"Well we should head inside. The sun will be going down soon." Star said. We nodded and walked toward the entrance to the cave.

"Stop right there! This cave is off limits to everyone except skilled trainers!" A male voice yelled at us. I looked over at the tree beside the entrance. A boy wearing a blue and red jacket, resembling a Charizard. Under the jacket he is wearing a yellow shirt. His shorts were army green and he had a purple Haxorus beanie. His jet black hair blew in the wind that began to pick up. He sat on a branch. He had an Eevee sitting beside him.

"That's not true. I would have been told that." Lyra told him. He stood and jumped down. His Eevee following close behind.

"That may be, but I say this cave is off limits unless you can beat me. The names Jaxom and this is Silver." He said as he rubbed his Eevee's head. "So who's going to battle me?"

"I will." Star said. I looked over at Lyra. She stared at the boy in front of us.

"Fine, you ready Silver?" He asked his Eevee. She nodded and ran forward. "This will be a three on three." Star nodded in approval.

Star Pov.

I grabbed one of my pokeballs and tossed it up. Dark shadows poured out as Shard jumped to the ground, landing gracefully.

"Umbre!" Shard barked. Silver growled back. They stared each other down, waiting for us to command them.

"Silver use bite!" Jaxom stared the battle. Silver opened her maw and charged at Shard.

"Use quick attack!" I quickly told her. She began to run toward Silver faster than the eye could see. She dodged Silver's attack and rammed her from behind.

"Silver, attract!" She winked at Shard and tried to woo her but it failed since they both are female.

"Nice try, but that won't work. Use bite Shard!" I said. Shard began to run toward Silver.

"Quickly use tackle!" Jaxom told Silver. She began to run toward Shard. She dodged Shard's bite and tackled her chest, pushing her back.

"Let's finish this Shard, use dark pulse." I told her. Dark aura surrounded her body. Her red eyes began to glow as she released the aura. It hit Silver pushing her back toward her trainer, swirls in her eyes.

"Good job Silver, you did good." Jaxom said as he returned his fallen friend. "Ok Slash, it's your turn!" He tossed up a pokeball and a Treecko landed in front of him.

"Shard you can rest now. I'm going to let Thunder have some fun." I told her. She nodded and walked over to my side and laid down. I tossed Thunder's pokeball up and he zipped through the sky, stopping when he floated down to my level.

"Wow, you have a Rotom. Those are rare." Jaxom complemented. I nodded. "Now Slash, use energy ball." Slash focused and a green ball formed between his paws. He shot it towards Thunder.

"Quickly use Thundershock!" I quickly told him. He shot a bolt at the green ball causing an explosion.

"Use leaf blade!" I heard Jaxom tell Slash, but we couldn't see him. He came through the smoke and slashed at Thunder.

"Use Shadow ball!" I commanded. He shot a quick ball of shadows at Slash.

"Use another leaf blade." Slash acted quickly and slashed Thunder again. This time he fainted. I stared wide-eyed.

"Ok, that was good. But can you handle Fang?" I said as I tossed her pokeball up. She landed in front of me, glaring at her opponent.

"I think I can handle a Croconaw." Jaxom grinned.

"We shall see. Use Slash!" Fang's claws began to glow white. She charged forward.

"Use leaf blade!" Jaxom told Slash. He ran forward. Both their paws made contact. Slash was pushed back.

"Ice fang." I grinned. Fang's fangs were covered in ice and she bit down on Slash's tail.

"Tree!!!!" Slash yelled in pain. He struggled to get Fang to let him go.

"Try to knock her off with leaf blade!" Jaxom yelled. Slash slashed at Fang's right, bandaged shoulder. Fang flinched in pain and bit down harder. Slash fainted from the pain.

"You did good Slash. Take a well deserved rest." Jaxom said as he returned his Pokemon . "Quick question, what happened to her right shoulder?"

"She was injured in a practice battle." I replied. He nodded the tossed up his last pokeball.

"Come on out Illiad." A Charmander stood in front of him. "Use slash Illiad." She ran toward Fang. I chuckled.

"Use water gun!" I told her. She let Illiad get close, then released a strong stream of water. It hit her square on her stomach. Water missed her tail.

"Use slash again Illiad!" Jaxom commanded. Illiad ran toward Fang again.

"Counter with Slash, then use water gun!" I tell her. She ran toward Illiad, their claws locking together. Fang used her other paw to slash at Illiad, while she stumbled back, fang shot her with water gun. Illiad flew back to her trainer's feet. She tried to push herself up, but feel to the ground.

"Good job Illiad. You can rest now." He said to his Pokemon. He turned toward me. "You are a skilled trainer Star. I hope we meet again. I must go and heal my team, then I'm off to another region. Goodbye." He said as he walked away.

Sharon Pov.

Jaxom left. Probably the last time I'll see him. Oh well. We lost time battling him.

"Let's get going. We'll search the cave quickly. Then head to the Pokemon center." Lyra said. I nodded in agreement. As soon as we entered the ruin, unknown glared at us. They were everywhere. Just like the ruins of Alph.

We walked for quite a while, uneasiness grew as we walked farther in. We began to lose light, so I released Scorcher and he lit the cave. The unknown moved away from the light as we walked by. I heard something behind us, a soft patting. I turned around, causing Lyra and Star to stop.

"What's wrong Sharon?" Star asked. I stared into the darkness. I saw beady red eyes in the darkness. Two sets of them.

"Heh heh, looks like I got you cornered now." That oh so familiar voice chuckled. I stepped back toward Lyra. Scorcher growled toward the two in the darkness. Silver walked into the light with a Politoad beside him. He was black with dark green skin. Eyeless eyes and blood dripped from them and his mouth. Lyra tossed a pokeball up, releasing her Honchkrow. Silver looked at the Pokemon with a confused look. He shook his head and returned to glaring at us.

"Leave now, or lose again." Lyra growled at her dead friend. He began to laugh insanely.

"I'm not leaving until I get Sharon. Politoad use hydro Pump!" Silver commanded. His cheeks began to fill with water. He shot the strong attack at Honchkrow.

"Honchkrow dodge then use wing attack!" Lyra quickly commanded. The blue crow elevated her height the shot toward the toad below. She made contact and the toad was pushed into the darkness. Silver just chuckled.

"Use brick break." Silver said. I couldn't see Politoad anywhere.

"Stay focused Honchkrow. Listen for your enemy. Once you find him, use air slash." Lyra was calm in telling her Pokemon what to do. It was quiet now. The only sound was the soft flapping of wings. I saw a slight flash behind us. Politoad jumped out of the shadows. He was aiming for me! I ducked down, barley missing a punch to the face. Honchkrow took her chance and flapped up strong air gust. Politoad was pushed up into the ceiling. He fell to the ground, unmoving.

"Nice job Honchkrow." Lyra said. I looked over at Silver. He was still grinning. I had a bad feeling. There was a slight patting sound above us. More above me to be exact. I looked up and saw beady red eyes above me.

"Scorcher! Flamethrower!" I quickly yelled and pointed toward the eyes. He quickly shot a stream of fire and hit the real Politoad. It fell to the ground and the other 'copy' disappeared. I looked at Silver and he was growling.

"Nice try. Politoad knew substitute, but once again you leave in defeat." Lyra chuckled. Silver returned his dead Politoad and vanished into the shadows.

"He really creeps me out." Star said. I nodded in agreement. Lyra returned Honchkrow and we continued into the cave. We soon came to a fork in the cave. Two ways to choose from. But I didn't see any Unown in them. I stayed back slightly and leaned against the wall.

"Hopefully this day doesn't get any worse." I sighed. Scorcher licked my hand. I rubbed his head.

-Crack- there was a small cracking noise behind me. The wall began to crack and fall apart behind me. I fell back, landing on my bruised back, causing pain to shoot up my spine.

"Gosh darn it! That hurt!" I yelled. I open my eyes and saw Unown staring down at me. I shooed them away as I sat up.

"Sharon? Are you ok?" Star asked as she peeked through the hole in the wall.

"Yea, I'm fine." I said as I stood. Lyra walked over to the hole.

"Now we have three different paths. I guess we split up. Since you found this hidden tunnel, you can search it Sharon. Star and I will search the other two." She said as she pulled me up.

"Ok, but I really hate the fact that we're splitting up when we just had a run in with Silver." I sighed.

"Just watch out then. We need to search quickly and staying together will take us longer." Lyra said. I give up and started to walk into the tunnel. Scorcher walked beside me on all fours. Just nothing but more Unown in front of us. They really creep me out.

"Ty!" Scorcher nudged me. I looked at him.

"What is it?" He motioned me to get on. "Alright." I slid onto his back. He began to run. I see now, he knew I hated these long tunnels. He wanted to speed up our pace so we can get out of here faster. Good thinking.

With his speed we reached a chamber in ten minutes. There was a light shining down from a small hole in the ceiling. I looked around the chamber and saw a weird flute on a stone pedestal in the back. In the center was a silver statue of a Golurk. I slide off Scorcher's back and eyed the statue. Last time that Metagross was a real Pokemon. I took a cautious step forward. I froze as the black area under his chest began to glow green.

"Not again." I sighed. I grabbed a pokeball and tossed it up. Rose landed in front of me. "Alright Rose, let's get this over with. Use magical leaf!"

"Vi!" Rose said as she nodded. The Golurk just began to move as leaves came from Rose's flower. The leaves began to glow pink as they were shot toward Golurk. They hit but he wasn't phased by the attack. He swatted Rose and she fainted.

"Um....this guardian is strong. Stay here Scorcher. I'm going to try to run around him." I told him as I returned Rose. Scorcher nodded, but he seemed uneasy. I sprinted toward the pedestal, dodging the stone hands that reached for me. I made it to the back and quickly grabbed the flute. Golurk lifted his massive stone foot and stomped the ground. The whole cave crackled and tiny pieces began to fall.

I quickly ran back to the tunnel, dodging the falling rocks. Golurk flew up to the hole before the chamber collapsed. I barley made it back to the tunnel. I sighed in relief when I made it. Scorcher motioned me once again to get on his back. He began to run back to the main cave.

Lyra Pov.

I had just returned to the fork in the cave. Star came a few minutes later.

"Did you find anything Star?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"It was a dead end. And what about you?" She replied.

"Same, a dead end." I sighed. It was quiet. "I wonder how Sharon is doing?"

"I say we meet her at the hidden tunnel." Star suggested. I nodded and we began to walk. There was a loud bang. "What was that?"

"I think something collapsed." I told her. I ran to the hole. Dust was coming from inside. There was also a bright flame, fast approaching. I stepped to the side as Scorcher jumped through the hole. Sharon was on his back. She was covered in scratches and dust.

"What happened!?" Star asked her. She slid off her Pokemon's back. She coughed a little.

"Well, it seems I found the path we needed to take. There was another guardian. He had used earthquake and caused the whole chamber to collapse. But not before I grabbed this." She explained and shows us this really old looking flute.

"That flute...let me have it for a sec." I asked. She handed it to me. I looked over it. There were four small Pokemon carved into it. Each one of them had a specific color. One was blue and showed a diamond like symbol. The second was pink with a sphere. The third was gold with what looked like some kind of spiky ball. The fourth though was silver with no shape of any kind unlike the others.

"Hm...this seems to be connected to Palkia and the other two, but I don't know who the silver one is though?" I said as I gave her the flute. Sharon nodded and placed the flute in her bag. "Now there is only one other place I know of that Cynthia could be. Celestic Town. Let's head to the Pokemon center for the night." We began to walk toward the entrance of the ruins.

I then began to think of Gold. I hate how he calls himself Silver. It only reminds me of Gold's first victim of this world. He had killed the real Silver. I don't know why though. Why kill him....what did he ever do? It's true that both of them liked me. But I never told them who I truly liked. Gold always thought I liked Silver, but that wasn't true. I have always liked Gold. I hope we can try to help him.

Sharon Pov.

Lyra seemed deep in thought as we were walking. She even almost ran into a wall. We neared the cave's exit. The sun was setting as we walked out. In the darkness of the trees, I saw a neon green light. The ground began to shake as the guardian Golurk walked into the light of the setting sun.

"What is that?!" Star asked. She looked at me. I took out a pokeball.

"That is Golurk and he is strong. He knocked Rose out with on attack." I explained. Lyra snapped out of her little trance and looked at the stone giant in front of us. She grabbed a pokeball and released her Meganium. Star had released Thunder. I toss my pokeball and released Shiner. He landed in front of the giant, glaring at him.

"Thunder use shadow ball!" Star commanded her ghostly friend. Thunder charged up a ball of black and purple shadows and threw it toward Golurk's chest. He stumbled back slightly.

"Meganium, use energy ball!" Lyra went next. Meganium began to charge a strong green ball. She released it and it to hit his chest. He stumbled again. Golurk looked toward the tiny ghost Pokemon and he shot a shadow ball toward him. He fell to the ground. Star returned him.

"Don't bring anyone else out Star." I told her. She nodded and stayed back. "Shiner, use hydro pump!" I commanded my shiny friend. He charged up a powerful blast of water. He fired his rage filled shot, striking the Golurk in his chest. The neon green lights within his body stopped glowing and was black once again. Then he fell backwards.

"I guess his chest was his weak point?" Lyra said. I nodded. We made our way to the Pokemon center after that. We handed nurse Joy our Pokemon. They need to rest over night. Lyra and Star went to get a room for them to sleep in. I stayed up front and checked the pc. I typed in my name and nothing came up. Darn I hoped that I could get to my other Pokemon. Oh well...I guess I am sticking with my strongest Pokemon. I went to the back rooms, and went into the one beside Star's room. I flopped down on the bed. I looked at the clock. I think I'll shower before bed tonight. It will be so relaxing and hopefully will help with these slight scratches. Dinner passed quickly and I took a nice shower. I slid into bed, sleep coming so easily.

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