Chapter 13:Mt. Cornet

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Sharon Pov.

We stood at the entrance to mount Cornet. I looked up and couldn't see the top. Scorcher looked up in awe with me.

"Wow, it's so much bigger than I thought." Star said. Fang staring up with her maw wide open.

"It is called the region splitting mountain for a reason." Lyra chuckled. Meganium chuckled with her. "Now shall we get moving?"

"Wait a second you three." Latios said. We turned to look at him. "I have somewhere to go. I want you to keep an eye on Latias while I'm gone."

"Sure. I'll watch over her." I said. Latios nodded and turned invisible. Latias turned to me and turned into a Pikachu. She jumped up onto my shoulder.

"Now we can go." Latias said. We turned back toward the entrance. Scorcher and I are on high alert. Never know what may attack.

We entered the surprisingly dry cave. Behind rocks i saw pokemon. They seemed afraid of something. The farther we went north, the colder it got and the less pokemon we saw. This worried me. Something is scaring them.

"Wow, this place is beautifully!" Star said, breaking my train of thought. I looked and was amazed. A bright blue lake, shining because of the glowing ice around the cavern. This is even more amazing than what the game looked like. On the other side i saw the exit, white snow fluttered in. We made our way over to the exit. I could hear low growls outsude the cave. I could only think of Silver waiting outside. Then a howl rose up. It sounded like whatever made the sound was in pain. Star ran out of the cave, Fang following close behind. I looked over at Lyra then we soon ran after her.

Star Pov.

I ran quickly. There was a pokemon being harmed. I looked around once i stopped and spotted a white and blue pokemon. It appeared to be limping over to the cave. A huge pokemon followed it. It had a thick greenish body that looked like armor. A blue gem looking design on its stomach. I know this pokemon all to well.

"Tyranitar...." I whisper. It was chasing the wounded pokemon. I have to help it! "Fang use water gun on Tyranitar!" Fang ran forward and shot a quick blast of water, hitting Tyranitar in the chest. It stopped chasing the pokemon and glared at us.
"Star what are you doing?" i hear Lyra ask as she and Sharon stop behind me. The injured pokemon limped its way over to us.

"I'm helping this pokemon." I replied. I then commanded Fang. "Use water gun again!" Fang shot another blast of water.

"Tyranitar!" It roared. A white beam began to form within its maw.

"Fang dodge then use ice fang!" i told her quickly. Tyranitar released the beam of light and Fang jumped to the right. She quickly ran toward the dazed pokemon and bit its tail. It roared out in pain. "Don't let go and use slash!"

"Hey stop!" a female voice said. I looked toward the voice. It was a young woman. "I'm sorry if Tyranitar caused you any trouble. He got angry at an Absol and chased it." She returned her Tyranitar to its pokeball.

"You mean this pokemon?" I ask as I point to the pokemon beside us. She nodded.

"Yes, that Absol beside you. You see, I was training Tyranitar here to prepare him for the Snowpoint gym. That Absol showed up and Tyranitar just flipped. If you want, I can lead you to Snowpoint." she explained then she introduced herself. "I'm Anna." I nodded then looked over at Absol.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked her. She was cautious at first. Fang walked up beside her. She looked at Fang then back at me. She slowly stood and nodded. Lyra helped me move the Absol onto Meganium's back. The snow was starting to fall a bit harder as we continued north.

Sharon Pov.

Its getting colder. The snow is getting deeper.

"Are we almost there?" I asked. Anna nodded.

"Yea. Just a bit more. In front of us now is the entrance to the lake. We'll be in Snowpoint soon." She said as she turned right. I looked at Latias who was holding onto my shoulder. She looked tired.

Soon we entered a boat port area. We have finally made it. I swear if i was out in the snow any longer, my feet would have fallen off. We walked into the city and headed straight for the pokemon center.

"Here we are. Again I'm sorry about what Tyranitar did. I hope that Absol gets better soon." she said.

"I hope she does too. Thanks for leading us." Star said. Anna nodded then left the center. We walked over to the counter.

"Good evening. How may i help you?" Nurse Joy asked.

"We have an injured Absol. She needs some treatment." Lyra said.

"Is she wild?" Joy asked. We nodded.

"We saved her from an angry Tyranitar." Star said.

"Alright. Chansey please bring a bed up." Joy said to her pokemon. The Chansey wheeled a bed up beside Meganium. Lyra and I moved Absol onto the bed.

"Don't worry Absol. These people only want to help you. I'll stay here until you get out." Star told her. She nodded as Chansey wheeled her away.

"Absol should only have to stay the night. Are there any other pokemon you have that need healed?" Joy asked. We all nodded as we gave our starters to her in their capsules. "They should also be ready in the morning."

"Ok thanks nurse Joy." Lyra said. We went back to the rooms and found three empty ones beside eachother. Latias jumped from my shoulder onto the bed and laid down. I sat on the bed beside her.

"Tired aren't you." I asked. She nodded.

"Yea. Snow and I don't go together so well." she replied.

"Well we head out in the morning so rest up." I told her as I prepared to go to sleep myself. She nodded then closed her eyes.

I look out the window at the moon. Soon I will be able to go home. As soon as we read what the ruins say, we will be able to summon Palkia and I will go home. I wonder if any time has passed? Does anyone even know I'm gone? I guess I'll just have to wait. I slowly drift off to sleep.

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