Chapter 2: Choice

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I stared in awe as Silver stood in front of me. How is this even possible? No one could cosplay this close, but no one can look animated.

"I couldn't help but watch you when your game died. Its a shame, but it can't be helped." he said.

" I have a lot of work to do when I get home." I replied sadly. He stared at me for a moment. Then he spoke.

"I could help you." He chuckled. I raised an eyebrow.

"How?" I asked. He grinned.

"Just close your eyes. Don't open them until I say to." he replied. I hesitated for a moment, then closed my eyes.

Silver was saying something, but I couldn't understand it. It must have been foreign. I had my eyes closed for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was about five minutes.

"Alright, you can open your eyes now." He said. I slowly opened my eyes. We stood in an animated forest. As I looked in the trees I saw many bug and bird type Pokemon. My jaw dropped. We are in the Pokemon world!

"How did you do this?!" I asked.

"It's a secret." he said as he put one finger over his lips.

I walked over to the trees and placed my hand on one. Since I'm here I must be animated because my hand was.

"So what would you like to do?" Silver asked.

I stared into his golden eyes. "I want to defeat Red with my original team." I growled.

"I like the fire I see in your gold eyes. Lets go Mt. Silver." he grinned.

Silver tossed up a pokeball. Out of the red and white ball came a Salamance. He hopped on then extended his hand toward me. I grabbed onto it and he helped me on. Salamance took off for the huge mountain in the distance.

Salamance flew us to the summit.

We are so close to Red, but then I realized something. I don't have my team?! Silver looked at me. He raised his brow.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"Uh...I don't have my team." I sighed.

"Look in your pocket." he chuckled. I felt something small in my front pants pockets. I grabbed onto a small round object. I brought out a small white and red ball. I tapped the small button and it grew in my hand. I grinned as I tossed it up.

"Come on out Nido!" I shouted. A red beam came from the capsule. A big purple Pokemon emerged.

"Nidoking!" Nido stated his name. He looked at me and smiled.

"Alright Nido, let's beat Red for good." I grinned. I looked back toward Silver. "are you coming to watch?"

"Nah. Me and Red have a bad past. I'll wait here for you" he said. I nodded and me and Nido walked toward Red.

I could see him up ahead. He had his back to us. I walked until I was about ten feet away.

"Hey Red, I challenge you to a battle!" I yelled. He slowly turned around.

"You challenge me?" he chuckled. "Bring it on!" His Pikachu jumped down from his shoulder.

"Lets go Nido."

"Nidoking!" Nido replied. He walked out in front of me.

"Nido use earthquake!" I started the battle. Nido stomped the ground. Rocks shot up around Pikachu.


"Pikachu use iron tail!" Red ordered. Pikachu got up and ran at Nido. His tail turned into shiny iron.

"Block it Nido!" I quickly ordered. Nido put up his strong arms and threw Pikachu back once contact was made. "Use earthquake once more!"

Nido stomped the ground and rocks came up around Pikachu again.

"Pika...!" Pikachu fell to the ground unconscious.

"Pikachu!" Red said as he picked up his unconscious partner. "You did well."

"Pi..ka" Pikachu replied. Red withdrew a pokeball.

"Go Venesaur!" Red said as he threw the capsule.

"Nido come back." I said as I pointed his pokeball at him. He turned into a red light and went into the capsule. I withdrew a pokeball that was ice cold. "Come out Glacier!"

I threw up the pokeball and my Glaceon jumped down to the ground.

"Glaceon!" She announced.

"A Glaceon! I haven't seen one of those before!" Red said.

"I evolved my Eevee while training in a snowy place." I explained.

"Venesaur..." Venesaur exclaimed. He looked ready.

"Alright Venesaur. Use sunny day." Red ordered.

"Venesaur!" He shouted. The thick clouds overhead cleared up and he sun shown brightly.

"Glacier use ice beam!" I ordered.

Glacier charged a light within her mouth. She then shot a beam at Venesaur quickly.

"Venesaur!" Red shouted as Venesaur took a direct hit. Venesaur fell to ground, swirls in his eyes. I stared wide eyed.

"Nice job Glacier!" I said as she ran over to me. I rubbed her head.

"Nice job. Lets see how you fair against my next Pokemon." Red said as he put Venesaur back into his capsule. He threw up another capsule and fire erupted from it. An orange creature flew through the sky and landed in front of his master.

"Come back Glacier." I called her back and withdrew another pokeball. " Come on out Shiner!"

I sent out the Pokemon I caught at the lake of Rage. My shiny Gayrodos.

"Shiner use surf!" I commanded. A wave of water appeared from nowhere and washed over Charizard. He fell to the ground.

"Wha?" Red said dumbfounded. He returned Charizard. He threw up another pokeball. "Blastoise!"

I withdrew Shiner.

"Come on out Rose." I sent out a my Vileplume. The sun was still shining strongly. "Use solar beam!"

Rose absorbed sunlight and shot a beam of light right away.

"Vileplume!" Rose said with victory. Yes Blastoise went down in one hit.

"You're Pokemon are well trained, but can any of them beat..." he tossed up another pokeball. It popped open and a big Pokemon landed with a thud.

"Snorlax!" it announced.

"Have anyone who can beat Snorlax?" Red asked.

"Oh yes I do!" I said as I withdrew Rose. The pokeball I grabbed was hot. I grinned as I tossed it up. "Lets go Scorcher!"

"Typhlosion!" Scorcher roared as he glared at Snorlax.

"A Typhlosion!? Now that's a Pokemon that brings back memories." Red said.

"Memories? What memories?" I asked.

"It was about a year ago. A trainer named Gold came to challenge me. His Typhlosion wiped out over half my team. I really hated him." Red started to tell me.

"When you say you mean Silver?" I asked.

"Yea, but he just recently started calling himself that. After that accident. Never trust him." Red warned. "Shall we continue?"

"Uh...yea. Typhlosion use brick break."

Typhlosion's fist began to glow slightly. He charged toward Snorlax. His fist ramed into Snorlax's head. He stumbled backward and fell to the ground.

"Snorlax rest." Red ordered. Snorlax began to snore soon after. This is my chance.

"Typhlosion, focus punch!" I yelled. Typhlosion's fist began to glow brighter than brick break. He focused all his energy into this one punch. He took off toward the defenseless Snorlax. He jumped into the air and landed his attack on Snorlax's stomach. His eyes turned to swirls.

"Very good. I didn't expect your Typhlosion to know focus punch." Red complemented me. He withdrew Snorlax and sent out his last Pokemon, Lapras.

"Come back Scorcher." Scorcher ran behind me. I decided to keep him out. Lightning is my last Pokemon who can defeat this Lapras. "Let's shock this Lapras Lightning!"

"Rai!" Lightning the Raichu shouted, sparks dancin on her cheeks.

"Lapras ice beam!" Red commanded. A light blue glow form within Lapras' mouth. He shot the beam at Raichu.

"Dodge then use thunderbolt!" I quickly ordered. Lightning jumped up into the air to dodge. Sparks began to jump on her cheeks, then her whole body glows yellow with electricity. The bolt made a direct hit.

"La!" Lapras shrieked. Sparks danced around his body.

"You paralyzed Lapras!" Red shouted.

"Lets finish this Lightning, use thunderbolt one last time!" I shouted. Lightning charged another attack and hit Lapras again. He fainted after that.

"I...I won!" I shouted. I hugged Scorcher who cheered beside me. Lightning ran over to us and cheered along.



Red walked over to me.

"You did great. I haven't had a battle like that in a long time." He complemented.

"Thanks!" I grinned.

"But still don't trust Silver. He is not what he seems to be." Red warned again. I raised a brow.

"Hey Sharon, you almost done!" Silver called from he spot I left him. I turned to look that way, then turned back to Red. But he was gone?" I put Lightning and Scorcher back into their pokeball and went back toward Silver.

Red's warning still creeped me out.

"How did it go?" Silver asked.

"I won!" I said.

"Great! Now where would you like to go next?" He asked. I thought I saw his golden eyes turn red for a second.

"I don't know. Why don't you choose." I replied. He brought out his Salamance and we took off.

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