Chapter 4: Orbs of Destiny

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I walked around New Bark Town. It was so different than in soul silver. The town was bigger and had many more houses. How am I supposed to find Lyra? There were many people around. Maybe I should ask one of them. I went over to a woman with a Sunkern who were sitting on a bench.

"Excuse me miss. I am looking for Lyra." I said to her. She looked up at me.

"Lyra lives beside Professor Elm's lab. Continue up this road. It'll be the last house on the right." The woman explained.

"Thank you so much." I said then ran up the road. I slowed down as I reached the house. I was very nervous. I dug through my pocket and grabbed Schorcher's pokeball. I feel more confidence when he is out beside me. I let him out and knocked on the door. A girl that was around my age opened the door. She wore blue short overalls, a red mid sleeve shirt and a big white hat with a red ribbon. She had a Meganium behind her.

"Yes...what do you need?" The girl asked.

"Um...I'm looking for Lyra." I said. She looked me over then motioned me in. I walked in and Scorcher followed.

"Why are you looking for me?" She asked.

"I was sent to find you because I was told that you could protect me from..." I started them froze with fear.

"From who?" She asked.

"From...Silver." I shivered as I said his name. She stared at me.

"You...mean Lost Silver? Was the ones who sent you the Latis?" She questioned. I only nodded. "I see. So you are wanting to go home."

"Yea...I need to make things right with a friend. Plus I don't want to die." I replied. She looked over to another woman in the room.

"Mom, I'll be going out for a while. I'll keep in touch." She told her mother.

"Alright. Stay safe Lyra." Her mother replied.

"Ok, let me get my bag then I'll be ready." Lyra said to me. I nodded and she went upstairs. Her Meganium stayed downstairs and looked toward my Typhlosion. They seemed to talk to each other every now and then.

Lyra came back down ten minutes later.

"Ok so we start by finding Palkia right." Lyra asked. I nodded. " Then let's check the Ruins of Alph. That's one of the oldest places we can start at."

"Alright." I replied.

We walked out of her house. She threw up a capsule. Out cam a huge bird pokemon. Dark and light tan feathers fell from its massive wings.

"Pidgey!" The Pidgeot said. She climbed onto his back. Returning her Meganium. I withdrew Schorcher and climbed on behind her.

"Alright the Ruins of Alph!" Lyra commanded. Pidgeot began to flap its wings. A few feathers fell to the ground as he took off into the sky.

Silver Pov.

Ugh...why did those two rotten pokemon have to butt in. They have made my fun time harder, but it may be fun to do a chase. I walked out of the Burned Tower. They sky was filled with black clouds.

"Well, looks like a storm is brewing. I wonder if the sea's guardian is angry." I chuckled. "What do you think Celebi?"

"Bi..." My trusty shiny Celebi nodded. I looked over at her. Her small body was held up by one small wing. Her whole left side of her body was completely missing, but that's what makes her my special pokemon. Her red eye stared at me. We both then looked up at the sky.

"Shall we get going. I may know where they will be going." I asked her.

"Bi!" She replied. I pulled a pokeball from my pocket. I tossed it up and out came my Salamance. He was pure black with bottomless black eyes, red pupils. Blood dripped from his mouth and eyes. His wings became blood red in color. His grey underbelly became darker grey. My kind of dead pokemon.

"Ok buddy, let's head to the Ruins." I grinned. Celebi flew over to me and slid into my hoodie. "Let's get going."

"Salamance!" Salamance roared and lightning flashed across the sky.

Sharon Pov.

Pidgeot started to descend to the ruins below. They were so different from how they looked on the game. There was only one entrance. Pidgeot landed smoothly. I jumped off and Lyra followed. She put him back into his pokeball and brought her Meganium out. I let Scorcher out as well.

"Shall we go in?" Lyra asked. I nooded and headed for the entrance. "No one every really explores this place anymore." Lyra said as we walked in.

"Why?" I asked.

"People were creeped out by the Unown. As they appear to people, they spell out things like die, or leave, or hurry. So no one ever comes here."

"Oh...that would keep me away if I didn't need to find something here." I said, my voice shaking.

We continued in silence. It was getting darker so Scorcher let fire out of his neck for light. I patted his head and continued deeper into the ruins. I saw Unown everywhere. It looked as though they were glaring at us, like they want us to leave.

"You know, I was told by Red that these Unown are here protecting something." Lyra said out of the blue.

"That must be why they scare people off." I replied. She nodded. We walked in silence once more.

We walked for what seemed like forever when we reached a chamber. At the back wall sat three orbs on a shrine looking rock. In the middle of the room was a silver and gold statue of a Metagross. Then the red eyes appeared. The Metagross was a real pokemon! And better yet, it's a shiny!

"Ready for battle Scorcher!" I asked my Typhlosion.

"Ty!" He replied and flames shot out of his neck.

"Alright, use flamethrower!" I told him. He closed his mouth, as flames began to build up. Small bits escaped his maw. He shot the powerful attack straight at Metagross. The fire hit it right in the face. He flinched as he was pushed back slightly.

"Meganium use earthquake!" Lyra ordered her pokemon. Meganium stomped the ground and spikes shot up around it. It's red eyes disappeared and it fell to the ground.

"Nice teamwork!" Lyra said as she put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and began to walk around the Metagross.

"For a guardian, he wasn't that bad." I said as I stared at the three orbs. One was pink and perfectly round like a pearl. One was blue and looked like a ball of diamonds. The third was yellow and spiky.

"Palkia is not here which means we may need to go to the Sinnoh region. That's where the legends of Palkia, Dialga and Giritina started. I know who we need to find there." Lyra explained. "Grab the orbs. We may need them."

I grabbed the orbs and placed them inside my backpack. We began the long walk back. I noticed the Unown were gone. This seemed odd to me. Where did they go? We arrived at the entrance. The sky was black. Lightning danced across the sky. The thunder shook the ground. Lightning flashed again and a shadow grew over us. I stopped in fear.

"Hello Sharon...did you miss me?" Silver said with a grin. A small pink pokemon came out of his hoodie. I stared in horror at the Celebi. Well have of it at least.

"Hello Silver. Long time no see. How have you been since your death?" Lyra said sarcasticly.

"Oh shut up! I don't even want to listen to you!" Silver yelled at her.

"At least answer me this, Who killed you? That cave was structurally sound. Yet it collapsed on you? So someone or something had to make the cave collapse." She questioned. He glared at her.

"I don't know...How am I supposed to know something like that!" He spat. He pulled out a pokeball. "But if you don't want to end up like me, hand over Sharon!"

"Never, I vowed to Arceus that I would protect anyone you bring here." She grinned. "And remember, you always lost to one person. And that person was me!" Meganium walked out in front of her.

"Meg...!" Meganium growled. Typhlosion stepped up beside her and began growling as well.


"Ok then, you all will die!" Silver yelled. He tossed up the pokeball he was holding. Out came a pure black and blood red Salamance. It growled at us. "Get this over with quickly!"

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