If You Only Knew - Sound of Madness

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As I walk down the street with my headphones in, I press shuffle on iTunes, Amaryllis - Shinedown. Good enough I suppose.


whats going on with Brent? he's been dancing all fucking morning..... it is quite terrifying.....


"Hey, Sasha. Where's your new boyfriend you LIED to me about? Hmmmmm?" Crap, Jessica found out.

"We broke up, Jessica. He was useless any ways." I kept walking past her. She's worth nothing to me. I stop. "You know what, Jessica?" I lifted my sunglasses. At that very moment Brent turns the corner.

"Oh, hi Sasha!" He chirps. But then it gets serious. "Who the hell is she and why is she talking to you like that. You never lift your sunglasses at people like that." He steps in between me and Jessica.

"Oh, sir, ---"She starts but I cut her off with "You don't know who he is!? Jessica I thought we were friends!"

"JESSICA!? HOLY SHIT! I KNOW YOU!" Brent screams.
"Brent. It's okay." I glare in Jessica's direction, she smirks at me.

"NO IT'S NOT! SHE KILLED MY DOG!" He hands me a pocket knife. I pull on my friendship bracelet she made me. I slice the bracelet open and let it hit the cement. Me and are looking at the horrified look on her face, we giggle. It's pretty hilarious.


I start walking. "Because. You're not special." (OHHHHH DAMN ATTENTION ATTENTION special REFERENCE! I'M BACK BITCHES!)

All of a sudden. BANG BANG BANG!

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