The Long Journey

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It was going to take a while until exiting hyperspace, and a break was exactly what Hera needed. The Rebellion was hard work and there wasn't much sleep for her. Usually she was up all night working on reports for the Rebellion.

She walked down the hallway silently, not disturbing the others who were in their cabins. Making her way to her own, she noticed someone in the common room.

It was Ezra.

"Can't sleep?" She asked gently, not trying to startle the young man. Ezra's eyes met hers and he smiled lightly.

"No, I'm just...pondering I guess. You?"

Hera chuckled, "no, I was just getting to it though."

Ezra's frown faded. "Oh, I'm sorry, you can go-"

"No, no," Hera interrupted, "I'd like to see you. We haven't been able to catch up." She paused. "How are things?"

Ezra looked confused, but brushed it off. "Pretty well I guess. The Empire never helps, but I'm fine. How are you doing?"

Hera smiled. "Not too bad. The Rebellion is growing and my crew mates are all still here."

"Crew mates?" Came a voice from behind. Kanan stood, his arms crossed. "Or family?"

Hera rolled her eyes. "Fine, family."

Ezra stood. "Well, I should let you two catch-"

"Hold on a minute." Kanan stopped the Jedi by grabbing his shirt. Even blind he knew his Padawan's moves. "Why don't we all just sit and talk for a while? The three of us?"

Ezra sighed, turning back around as his master guided him back to his seat. Kanan then sat next to Hera, his arms crossing once again. "Spill it, kid," he spoke quietly.

"Nothing is wrong," Ezra replied, almost too innocently, "I'm fine! I just...need some time to myself."

"Ezra, you've spent almost every day in your cabin," Hera argued, "what's going on?"

"I just need to be-"

"Ezra," Kanan cut off, "you need to let go."

"Look, I just...I don't know. Everything is happening so fast now. I mean, Chopper Base is great and all, but this Rebellion is growing more and more rapidly. Faster than I can handle."

Hera frowned slightly. "And that can be a good thing that it's growing quicker everyday, Ezra," she spoke calmly, "much like how the Empire is growing twice as strong with more power and more strength."

"Hera's right," Kanan agreed, "we just need to remember that no matter how large this rebellion gets, we'll always be with you, standing by your side."

Ezra sighed. "We just never do anything a family anymore. I kind of miss just doing supply runs."

Kanan only frowned upon those words.

"Well, we're sort of doing a mission as a family now, aren't we?"

Ezra sighed. "I guess but...I kind of wish we could relax."

"Now Ezra," Hera spoke firmly, "you've been spending a lot of time in your cabin. That's plenty of relaxation for you?"

Ezra stood, stretching. "Yeah," he replied almost nervously, "well, I'm going to actually go and relax now."

Before either Kanan or Hera would object, he raced off to his room. Hera let out a sigh of frustration.

"Ever since Malachor, Ezra has snuck off like that," she complained, "and I don't like it."

"Give him some space, Hera," Kanan replied, "he's a growing teenager."

"Right, it's been a while since we were his age."

Kanan chuckled. "A while? At least you're still in your twenties."

"Late twenties, dear," she corrected, "I'm going to get some rest now. You should consider it as well."

Kanan shrugged. "I'll keep watch-" he frowned, shuddering at his bad choice of words, "I'll keep my ears open in case anything goes wrong. It'll be a long journey."

Hera paused for a moment, contemplating whether she should join him or not.

"Alright," she finally spoke, "but I'll be up in a little while."

"Good," Kanan smiled sadly, he made his way to the cockpit door. Hera smiled as she finally entered her room. As she lay down, she closed her eyes, trying to focus on sleeping. It would be a long journey indeed.

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