The Storm

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Kanan and Hera had left quickly, leaving the rest of the crew back at home. Sabine began to shiver uncontrollably.

"It's getting worse by the minute! I'm freezing!"

Ezra took a step towards her. "I can help with that," he said, wrapping his arms around her. Zeb growled, separating the two and tossing Sabine a thermal blanket.

"I won't have any teenage romance on my ship! Not when our bosses are present."

Sabine only snickered as she took the blanket, wrapping herself. "Yeah, Ezra, I thought you were better than that," she teased.

Ezra growled. "Hey, I wasn't trying to be romantic, only helpful."

"Sure," Zeb and Sabine replied in unison.

"It's true!" Ezra scowled, feeling his cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"I'll believe it when I can understand that bucket of bolts!" Zeb laughed.

"Speaking of," Sabine added, "where is Chopper?"

Ezra shrugged as Zeb did the same. Sabine sighed.

"He's somewhere."

Hera flew the Phantom II towards the icy planet, shivering. She could see both her and Kanan's breaths clearly.

"A little too cold for my liking," Kanan stated, his teeth chattering, "next time, pick a desert planet." He grinned.

"I'll keep t-that in mind next t-time," Hera replied, "you could've stayed behind, you know. Stay somewhat warmer than being in h-here."

Kanan shrugged. "I'm with you, Hera. Well, not with you with you, but y-you know-"

"I do," Hera smiled, "t-thanks."

Kanan smiled awkwardly at her and suppressed a chuckle. He continued to shiver. Hera frowned.

"Maybe I s-should take you b-back," she began as she turned the vessel back to the Ghost.

"No keep g-going," Kanan said, reaching out and grabbing Hera's hand. They both paused in silence as the moment lingered. Suddenly, an atromech began to bleep wildly.

"Chop!" Hera gasped, removing her hand from under Kanan's, "how did you get on board?"

Chopper sneered in binary at her and began to complain.

"Quiet down or I'll power you down," Hera scowled. Kanan laughed, for once, and Hera grinned. Chopper only grunted in annoyance.

"We really should c-check up on the k-ids," Hera said. Kanan shook his head.

"Hera. We've only been g-gone for five minutes."

Hera sighed, shaking her head. "Coming up on t-the surface-"

Kanan sensed fear. "What is it?"

"A snow storm."

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