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When they had finally reached the heat source, Hera noticed a swarm of civilians, huddled around the fire. She smiled at the man who led them.

"We were s-sent to r-rescue you all," she stated.

"Well it looks like I'm saving you," he replied. "Come on, you two need to warm up inside."

Hera blinked. How could they be fine here? She followed anyway, with Kanan tagging behind her, slowly but surely. When they reached a small hut, the man began to light several lamps.

"Sir, please close that door behind you," he asked politely. Kanan did as he was told, closing the door and keeping the snow from blowing in. The man began to unwrap his garments. He looked to be about in his mid thirties.

Hera began remove her layers of coats and informing Kanan to do the same as well.

The man smiled at Hera. "Well, I have quite a catch," he beamed as his eyes lay on her. Hera blushed.

"Well, as I said before, my partner and I were sent to rescue you and your people from this ice planet. We received a distress signal and came as fast as we could."

The man smiled. "Oh, we do need rescued, my dear. I'm Sonnsco Ravlin. And you are?"

"Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus," Hera replied, offering her hand, "a pleasure to meet you."

"It is a pleasure, alright," he smiled, his large hand shaking the Twilek's.

"You're freezing, Hera. I'll go out and get some hot caf. Please, make yourself at home."

He left with the door slamming noisily behind him. Hera rubbed her gloved hands together.

"I wish I could get some caf," Kanan said bitterly, "I guess they don't treat blind men around here too nicely."

"I'm pretty sure he's just distracted. They may not get visitors," Hera suggested.

"Oh he's distracted all right," Kanan scoffed, "and I'm not sure I like the reason."

Hera, ignoring his comment, pulled out her comlink, trying to get a signal.

"Spectre 2," came a static reply. It was Zeb's. Hera filled with relief.

"Spectre 3! We're okay down here, but we'll be up as soon as we can."

"Can you hurry? It's still ice cold up here!"

"You should try down here. Listen, Spectre 5 is fixing our ship and we'll be quick with the liberations."

"Alright, be quick! Spectre 3 out."

Hera huffed a breath of relief. She couldn't wait any longer before the mission was over.

She felt Kanan's hand brush hers gently and he sighed. Hera looked up at him.

"Something wrong, Kanan?"

The Jedi shook his head. "No, not really."

Hera bit her lip and frowned. The problem was that there was something actually wrong and he wasn't telling her.

"You're agitated." Kanan stated. Hera blushed.

"How can you tell?"

"You're squeezing my hand kind of tightly."

Hera hadn't noticed and she let go immediately.

"I'm sorry, I-"

Kanan held up his hand, smiling. "That's alright, I'm a pain sometimes, I know."

Hera shook her head. "No, no! I, well, you're not."

He grabbed her hand reluctantly, smiling. His head lowered towards her. "I'm sorry? Did the captain just compliment me?"

"Kanan," Hera warned, their faces inches apart. Kanan began to move closer until-

-a cold blast of air startled them both, with Hera releasing Kanan's hand and staring at the door. Ravlin stood with two steaming cups of car, smiling.

"I have returned!" He spoke triumphantly.

"We've noticed," Kanan grumbled.

Hera smiled gently as he handed her the cup. She thanked him, then began to sip slowly, savoring the heat. I began to warm her body.

"Great, I'm a little cold too," Kanan spoke up, that bitter tone returning to his voice again. Sonnces looked down at his cup.

"Which is why I brought another cup to you!"

Kanan's expression changed suddenly, confused. "Well, thank you," he spoke quietly.

"You're welcome, my friend." He turned towards Hera. "You can come with me to the supply storage. We'll begin to load them up."

Hera nodded and Kanan began to follow, but Sonnces stopped him.

"And will you please help the survivors board on the ship? It should only take one trip."


The man returned with Hera and she looked back at Kanan, taking off in the other direction. She smiled, knowing he was always ready to aid those who needed help.

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