The Beginning Of The Truth

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What? We're am I? What happened? Priya sat up from a old blanket she was laying on. How did I get here? As Priya looked around the old tent she was in, memories started flooding back. As soon as Priya processed everything she dashed towards the exit witch was really just a gap between the two ends of the tent. She wanted to dash away as quickly as possible. But she hadn't eaten, or drank anything sense yesterday morning, and she was practically starving. She looked around, but all she saw was trees. She was more lost than ever but it was okay, that creepy boy was nowhere in sight. She went back into the tent and rummaged through his stuff. Shoving nuts and berries into her mouth and pockets. Then she took his old silver flask and without thinking what was in it, she chugged it down to the last drop. Within seconds all of his food was gone. She would have looked around more, maybe took a blanket, or backpack. He didn't have much but anything would be useful to her. But then she heard something. Something that was getting closer. She didn't know if it was a animal, the boy, or one of the people who she was warned might kill her. Either way was needed to leave. Now. She dashed to the opening of the tent but as soon as she took a step outside she was greeted by a tall boy with a warm smile and sparkling eyes. "Good, your up" he said as he backed her into the tent. He looked around and saw that his belongings were everywhere, and his food all gone. He laughed and held up a dead bird. "I thought you might be hungry."

He killed a bird! And he's okay with that! That was it. That was that last red flag. Priya pushed past him and ran out of the tent. He didn't try to stop her. He just call after her. "Priya, Priya! You can run if you want. Your not my prisoner, but trust me you won't last very long unless you know the truth."

Priya didn't listen. She just kept running, his voice grew more distant by the second but she soon heard the quiet words, "I can get you home." She stopped dear in headlights. She turned to see him walking towards her but when she continuously stepped away. He took the hint and stopped to kept his distance.

"You said I couldn't go home." Priya said with confusion and hope in her voice.

He looked at the ground, his eyes had that messed up soldier look in them. He didn't say anything but when Priya turned to walk away he spoke "I think I can get you home" he paused, then continued "I can at least try"

Priya started walking towards him as she began to say "Just point me in the direction of a rode, or anything out of theses woods."

The boy's face said it all, something was terribly wrong and Priya knew it even before he said "There is no road, no out, there is nothing but woods."

Priya continue to walk closer, she was so confused. What is he talking about? "What do you mean? I- I was just running towards my school, I saw it. I've been in theses woods a thousand times. Believe me, there is a way out."

The boy sighed, he didn't know how to explain it to her. He knew he better just rip the band-aid off. "There is a way out of the woods by your house. But we're not in those woods anymore." He paused, thought, when he saw Priya was about to ask questions he continued. "We're not even in your town, or country," it's been so long since he had to explain it to someone. He didn't know how to tell her what she needed to know, and how to leave out what she couldn't know. He sighed once more, and than said the words that would shake Priya's world forever. "We're in a different dimension, this one is called Silvis. If I'm going to be blunt about it do try to keep up, basically you got sucked into a rip, or portal between time and space. And ended up here. Just like me. And I'm sorry to say but I don't exactly know how to leave. Believe me I've been trying for eleven years. But I might have found a way, a way for you and I to go home."

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