The End Of Everything {Part Two}

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He wakes up in the morning to fight the same demons that left him so defeated the night before.

He wakes up in the morning terrified, because he'll never get used to the demons in this world.

He wakes up in the morning wanting love, though he's terrified to have it, because he's terrified to lose it.

He wakes up in the morning, though through all the blood and tears, still fights every demon out there.

And not for himself, but for the ones around him.

That, that's is bravery, that is strength.

So as we walk through the woods for the final day on our journey, I can only hope I'll be as brave as him when we reach the fight. I can only hope I will have the strength he has, to do what I must do.

“Hey Priya.” I feel a tug on my hand, as I turn around. “You okay?” Arden asked me. He clearly sees the worry on my face. But why shouldn't I be worried? The sky is black, the rivers are purple. This world that used to seem so magical, quickly turned into a dark dusk. The power of these weird crystals had we're destroying the world. And we were marching right towards the people who had them. So yeah I'm a little bit worried. And no I'm not okay.

“Ya, I'm fine.” I tell him as I try to lie not only to him but to myself.

“Ya, sure.”He smiles. “Priya I know this all seems, scary. I mean this last week couldn't be easy for.”

He's right this last week has been the strangest, most painful, and craziest week of my whole entire life. Wait scratch that, varsity Cheer Camp definitely was. But this week came to a close second. Though I couldn't imagine what Arden's going through. It has to be a thousand times worse for him. “I'm fine really.” I tell him. “Buy you're not, are you?”

“I don't know what you mean I'm great!” He tells me with a cheeky smile.

“Ya, sure.” I tell him, smiling. “But seriously Arden, the last time you were here you lost somebody. It must be terrifying going back.”

Arden tried his hardest not to show any concern. Though I saw right through him. “It's kind of like going back home for Thanksgiving, when your family is crazy, and wants to kill you and your friends.”

I don't know what's going on with him, he's treating everything like a joke. Maybe that's his way of coping with what happened. I wish I did know what happened, but he still won't give me much detail. All I know is the last time he was here Quinn died. The kid Arden watched over. The one he cared for as if he was a little brother. I also know that wasn't that long ago. I truly can't imagine what's going on with him, or how he's feeling.

_________Four Months Ago________

Arden woke up at 5:30 to the soft light that was creeping its way in from Arden's bedroom window. Arden got up and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. He grabbed an apple out of the wooden bowl that was on the counter, and sat down at the kitchen table to read a book. After a good ten minutes, Arden made his way outside. He went over to the the pull up bar and began his first fifty reps of one handed chin-ups, as use other hand to continue to read his book.

At 6:30, after Arden's morning workout was finished, he went inside to wake Quinn up. He grabbed another apple and shoved it into his mouth as he banged on Quinn's door. With no response, he took the Apple out of his mouth and yelled. “Rise and shine kid!” Normally Quinn would grown or wine or ask for a few more minutes of sleep, but this morning was different. Arden got no response from Quinn, nor did he hear any movement in his room. Arden opened the door to Quinn's bedroom. The Apple hit the old wooden floor and created a loud bang when Arden realized Quinn wasn't in his room.  Arden immediately knew something horrible happened. Arden ran over to the closet and ripped it open. He was hoping Quinn was playing some kind of trick on him, though when he opened the closet door he didn't see any boy. So what he did see was Quinn's backpack gone. Arden's heart dropped and his stomach did a million somersaults. He ran into his room and opened the closet, to see that lots of weapons were missing. “Damn it Quinn! What the hell are you thinking?”

Arden quickly grabbed a bag and weapons, and went into the woods. He hoped Quinn went out hunting, maybe to try to prove to Arden that he's a capable Hunter? Honestly Arden didn't know why Quinn would just take off in the middle of the night. He just hoped he was okay.

Hours upon hours went by, and yet Arden found nothing. “Quinn! Quinn!” He called out. “Quinn I swear to God you better get your ass out here right now!” The sky was getting dark, and it was harder to see. Arden just hoped he found Quinn soon. “Seriously Quinn this is not funny!” He yelled. “Come out! Please!” Arden tries to be as hard as a rock. Though, he heard his voice crack, he felt tears ball up in his eyes. His worry was growing by the second, he just couldn't imagine anything happening to Quinn. He made a promise to that boy that you would protect him.

Arden decided to head back to the cabin, hopefully Quinn went back there, and everything would be okay. Hopefully.

When the cabin came into eye view, Arden sprinted towards it. “Quinn? Quinn are you here?” Arden yelled as he swung the door open. He looked in every room, and he wanted so badly to find Quinn. Yet, nothing. Not a trace of him. The last room Arden checked was his own. The Quinn wasn't in there either. Tears began to fall out of Arden's eyes, though through his glossy vision, he saw something he didn't see this morning. Something shiny on his bed. Arden walked over to it and held with small rock in his hand. It looked like the stone Arden gave Quinn the day before, only it looked like it was broken in half. It was accompanied by a note, which only said “So we meet again” it was Quinn's handwriting.

Arden almost had a heart attack when he read it. Because its worst fear has been assured. Are the new Quinn went to the Dominus Fortress. And of Quinn went last night, it means he's already there.

Without any hesitation Arden used his powers for one of the first times in almost two years. He teleported to Dominus Fortress, right into the main hall. And what he was greeted by was horrible.

“Arden, my dear boy, you finally decided to join us.” Esmeralda gave Arden a large smile as she looked at Quinn, who was being choked as she use her powers to squeeze around his neck. “Me and your little friend we just talking. Isn't that right Quinn?” She smirked evilly, as she squeezed her hand tighter. Causing Quinn to gasp for air. Arden tried using his powers but he was unsuccessful to get even a spark of magic out. “Oh no need for that love.” Esmeralda told him. “Your powers have been deactivated.”

“Please!” Arden begged. “Let him go!”

“I don't think I can do that. You see, your boy has been living in my world for who-knows-how-long, and nobody in my Army knew about it. I'll have to give you the credit for that one Arden.” She glanced at him, before turning her attention back to Quinn. “Then, he makes his way into my palace, almost kills one of my guards. And then demands to speak to me. So I don't think I can just let him go.”

“Please.” Arden begged again. “He's just a kid. Please, just let him go. I'll do anything!”

It was the first time Quinn ever saw Arden cry, which told Quinn he really did mean a lot to Arden.

Esmeralda slowly walked over to Arden, and ran her fingers through his hair. “Oh my boy, how you've grown so tall. Yet you're still a child. One who cannot take care of himself, nor anyone else.” Esmeralda grabbed Arden's chin and pulled him close to her. “You were an idiot to run from here. And you are an even bigger idiot to think that you could take care of a young boy like him.” She gestured over to Quinn, who was still gasping for his life, not being able to move. “That right there, that's your fault. You have no one else to blame but yourself.”

She wiped away tears that ran down Arden's cheek. So happy to have her son back in her reach.

“Please let him go. I'm begging you.”

Esmeralda thought for a moment, then let out a loud sigh, as she walked back over to Quinn. “Well considering I got to see my own son today, and im a rather generous mood,” she paused and looked at both boys. Then she sighed again and waved her hand. “I suppose you can have yours back.” Quinn was released and in an instant he ran over to Arden. He jumped into his arms and wrapped his feet around Arden's waist. Arden wrapped his arms around the boy and ran his hand through his curly blonde hair.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Quinn began to cry into Arden's shoulder.

“Shhhh. It's okay. Everything's okay.” Arden tried to comfort the boy. Though he also tried to comfort himself.

“Oh isn't that just the most precious thing in the world.” Esmeralda snickered.

“Thank you.” Arden said as he held onto their boy tight.

“Oh don't thank me yet, love.” She smirked. “Your boy caused some real issues today. And you know better than anyone that that could not go unpunished.”

“What?” Quinn cried into his shoulder.

“Okay, let me take it then. I'll do anything you want. Just don't hurt the kid.” Arden pressed Quinn's head into his shoulder. Trying desperately to protect him.

Esmeralda shook her head as she waved a finger in the air. “tempting, but that's not fair. He did the crime, now he does the time. And unfortunately for him, he's out of it. Esmeralda waved her hand through the air.

For a second Arden thought nothing has happened. But then he looked down at Quinn, who looked uneasy. “Quinn? Hey kid you okay?”

Quinn looked down at his hands, that seemed to be fading away. “Arden what's happening?”

Arden laid to kid down and cradled his head. As he saw Quinn slowly disappear. “WHAT DID YOU DO!” Arden yelled at Esmeralda. “Hey kid, your going to be okay. Your okay. Everything is okay.” Quinn didn't say anything, he just looked frozen as he washed away into the wind. The only thing he was able to say we're two words that still haunt Arden to this day. “I'm sorry.” He whispered. And then, he was gone.

__________Present Day__________

 “We should have arrived days ago.” Meadow complained as she walked up the twisting paths.

“Well thanks to the storms, we have to take the long way.” Arden told her, trying not to sound too miserable.

“Maybe we should take a quick break?” Priya asked, out of breath from the long journey.

“Great idea.” Meadow said as she took off her bag and placed it on the floor.

“We're almost there, just a few miles ahead. Which means I'll have to split up with you guys soon.”

Their new and improved plan was for Meadow to take Priya in as a hostage. Bring her up to floor seven, knock out the guards, let Arden in, then both Arden and Meadow would have to use their powers to get all three of them to floor ten. The only problem way, Priya still doesn't know Arden was once apart of the Dominus. Not does she know he has powers.

“Arden, can you help me with something?” Meadow asked. Arden nodded his head and walked over to her.

“What's up?” He asked.

“You need to tell Priya. Now.” She said cold. “Your not going to want to spring that on her in the middle of battle.”

Arden lowered his head, knowing she was right. “I know, I just don't know how to tell her. I mean, I don't want her knowing what I did.”

“Arden, today is your last day with her, your last day to come clean and tell her everything. Don't waste it.” Meadow had a point, Arden was running out of time. He needed to think of a good way to tell her, and fast.

He ran his fingers through his hair, as her other hand wrapped around the broken stone around his neck. “I got it.” He mumbled to himself. “I know how i can tell her.”

Arden grabbed a knife from his bag, and pulled a string off his backpack. He cut his necklace, just like he once did for Quinn, and tied a string around it. He walked over to Priya and sat next to her. “Hey.” He said with his cute little smile.

“Hey.” She smiled back, as she took a sip of water.

“I have something I need to tell you. But first, I have something I want to give you.” He held out the necklace and placed it around Priya's neck.

“Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!” She held the white stone in her hand as she watched the sun glisten on it. Something was fermier about it, though she didn't know what until she looked up at Arden, who had his half in his fingers too. “Is this,” she was cut off by Arden nodding his head, with a large smile. “What? Why?”

“My mother gave me this necklace, she said it was magical. She said it would always bring you back home. I haven't had the best luck with it in the past, but I'm hoping for it to work for you.”

“Aww, thank you so much! This means a lot.” Priya wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. A magical electricity rushed through them as they held each other close. “What was it you wanted to tell me?” She asked as she pulled away, still smiling ear to ear.

Arden took a deep breath, then told her everything. Absolutely everything.

__________Ten Years Ago_________

Arden sat in his dorm room, flipping through the pages of a Latin book. He heard footsteps come down the hallway and his attention turned to the door. Today was the day he finds out if he is a good match for project 464. The project that will open gateways to other worlds, contact them, allow people to come and go as they please, and most importantly, it will allow him to return home. It's so hard to find a spell caster that could succeed. The qualifications of the person are extremely high. You must have traveled to other worlds, your soul must be in tacked, you must be physically and mentally strong enough to handle the spell, and something about blood, though Esmeralda didn't tell Arden too much about that part.

The door opened, and Esmeralda walked in the room. Arden felt his heart stop, he just needed to know already. Esmeralda sat next to the young boy, and put a hand on his shoulder. “I have great news my child.” She spoke softly.

“I'm a match!” Arden yelled excitedly.

“Yes, the council thinks that you are a perfect candidate the project 464.”

“This means I get to go home right?” Arden asked.

“If, you succeed in casting the spell, then in ten years time, when all of the world's a line, we can cross over to Earth, all if us can. You will save the Silvis race from becoming extinct on this dying planet. You will save us all.” Esmeralda looked at Arden with such pride, almost as if she was looking at her own son.

The day couldn't have have quicker, the day Arden will cast the spell, changing Silvis for ever.

He was nervous, not sure if the spell would succeed, or fail. He I wasn't even sure if he would live or not.

“It's okay to be nervous.” Esmeralda said they walked into the fortresses Planetarium. Only a few people were there, just the council of Dominus. They couldn't have anyone knowing about project 464.

If it is a failure, it would be a disgrace to the Dominus. Even if it was a success, no one could know. They must keep Arden safe, for if he dies, the spell dies as well.

Though Arden mustn't know it. Esmeralda tried he best to keep him in the dark about everything. She won't tell Arden what the spell fully dose, not the true intentions or the Dominus. She won't even tell him what makes them so special, what they have to do to get there powers.

Esmeralda walked Arden up to the center of the large round room, to be meeted by the council. “Arden Bellamy James, are you ready?” The head councilwoman asked.

“Yes. I am.” He answered sharply.

“Not so fast.” Esmeralda stopped them. “Just to be clear, if this works, I get the throne to the Dominus. I become the Phaedra, right?”

“Yes, of course Esmeralda.” The council agreed to Esmeralda's conditions. They really didn't think the spell would work. But they were desperate. Everyone knows Silvis is dying, and they must leave soon.

“Excellent, then let's get on with it, shall we?”

She picked up a small glass tube, closed with a cork, and held in between her finger tips. “Arden Bellamy James, do you swear your power, devotion and life to the Dominus?”

“I do.” He said sharply. Esmeralda handed him the glass tube and Arden took it. He stared at it for a second, the glowing white/blue/purple substance, spiraling around inside. He didn't know at the time, but it was a human soul. “What is it?” Arden asked.

 “Nothing that will hurt you, drink up.” Esmeralda said.

Arden looked at the soul for another second, examining the funny way it moved around the glass. It was almost like it was alive, little did he know it was striped straight from a person, and placed into the tube. It would make Arden about of the Dominus. And give him his powers. Arden popped the cork off, and let the airy substance float into his mouth.

“Congratulations little one, you are about of the Dominus.” Esmeralda told him. Arden winced at the soul entering his body. It was like he was taking his first sip of beer, nasty at first, but he'll grow to love it. “Go on Arden, it's time.” Esmeralda told him Softly.

Everyone stepped away, besides Arden, who stepped in the middle of the room. In the middle of the room later shrine, with candles, a knife, and a wooden B

bowl, filled with ingredients Arden did not know of.

Arden took a deep breath, then spoke out loud the words he was taught by Esmeralda. “In tempore et ad portals dico dilatamini et decem annorum”Arden then took the knife, and split his head open. He squeezed his hand and tell him his blood dripped into the wooden Bowl. It's world around with the other substance, and then everything went silent. He thought the spell had failed, but then all of a sudden, the bowl turned purple, then black, and it shot up sparks.

The sparks reach the ceiling, and then exploded at the top. It was like fireworks, only gave Arden a bad feeling in his gut.

They're not a bad feeling because the spell had failed, a bad feeling because the spell worked.

__________Present Day__________

“You did that?” Priya asked as Arden finished his story. “You're the cause for all this?” Arden knew the right thing was for him to tell her, and he doesn't regret doing so. Though the tone of her voice went through him like a knife.

“I'm sorry.” He whispered.

Priya didn't yell, or walk away. She did the exact opposite of what Arden expected. She wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him tight. The embrace was a shock to him, but not one he didn't like. “Your not mad?” He asked.

“Never.” She told him. “Thanks for telling me, I know that must have been hard.”

"You're not mad that I have powers? That I was a part of the Dominus, that I've been lying to you this whole time?" Arden asked, really not wanting to hear the answer.

"You didn't have a choice, you are as much as a victim as anyone else." She told his softly.

Arden couldn't understand how she was so cool about it, maybe she really did care about him. The thought was contemplating in his head, though there is no more need for debate if Priya cared about him or not. She pulled away slightly from their hug, and pressed her soft pink lips up against his. Arden put his hand on her cheek, and for that moment, everything was perfect. For the slight moment, the moment that felt like an eternity, everything was truly and utterly perfect.

I know I said this was going to be the last chapter, but it turned out to be a lot longer than I anticipated it to be. This chapter is almost four thousand words! There will be one or two more, depending on how long they get 😂 so sorry for the uncertainty, but I can assure you, I will not wait months to upload like I just did. The next upload, and probably the final one, will be uploaded in the next week. Thank you so much for your patience and also for 600 reads! I love you all!

~Mixie 💖

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