Beneath The Mask

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With my face like Mac commercial
No one knows how I am for real
The years of my ignorant self
Gathered dust on me like an old bookshelf
And away from the crowd when my mask is down
When no longer am I a caked face clown
I can't recognize my own reflection
And my heart is filled with dejection
I lay in my bed wide awake
And brick by brick my walls would break
To hold it back with all my heart I try
But not for long; I give in and cry
I'm quite a master now in this Art
Of faking a smile, and forcing a laugh
With needles pricking into my face
False beauty takes me into her embrace
The routine has always been the same
The spotlight, the lies, the money the fame
Once they used to give me thrills
But now they've reduced me to depression pills
They tell me they love me, they kill me, they lie
For their love lasts for no more than a night
For the night I'm their princess, I make them whole
And as dark fades away, they call me a whore
My misery though lives too short
For drugs have become my life support
As I wait for it all to get over
As I wait for the day I am six feet under.

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