RP: Twilight Forest

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A timeless forest, where the trees grow so close together that it feels like it's always twilight, no matter the time of day.

Spruce trees, oak trees, sycamores and maples make up most of the canopy of this forest. Their branches interlock, and the broad leaves block out most of the sun. However, despite (or perhaps because of) the lack of light, it is a very calming place. The trunks of the trees are smudged with grey and the leaves are lined with silver. Purple shadows stretch over the forest floor, splashed with drops of gold where the sunlight gets through.

Prey is plentiful here, making it a popular hunting spot. Squirrels run back and forth, and birds flit through the branches. Mice and voles scurry their way through the fallen leaves. Sometimes, you will see deer bounding past the trees, or a fox slinking through the shadows.

Near the entrance of the forest is the Midnight Grove, three broken tree stumps that are surrounded by a circle of broad maples. The stumps are always cast in shadow. For some reason, it is always silent here, as though the animals avoid this place instinctively.

Further in, you may see an arching gateway made of raised tree roots that leads underground. This is the entrance to the Dusk Tunnel. Going in gives some cats an eerie feeling, and most of the tunnel is pitch black. However, it is the quickest way to the heart of the forest, if you're brave enough to face the darkness and you aren't claustrophobic.

In the deepest part of the forest, the trees give way for a pool of water. Its glassy surface reflects the sky above, giving it the name Starlight Pond. Moss and ferns grow thickly around the pond, and you might see little frogs hiding under the greenery. It is a very restful place, and cats who make the long venture here often fall asleep at the water's edge.

All basic roleplay rules apply here!

Chain roleplaying is recommended on this page, especially if you're on a quest.

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