† The Quest Board †

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Welcome to the quest board!

Before you come here, you should have a partner or a small group of friends who are ready to go questing with you.

When you're ready, look through the comments to find a quest that interests you, then reply to the comment to claim it for your team!

We recommend starting with easier quests, such as hunting, to learn the ropes and get a feel for roleplaying in this world. As you become more confident in your skills, closer to your friends, and more adventurous in spirit, you can take on more difficult quests.

Failing a quest is okay too! Whether you need a little drama for your character or your roleplay partners have given up on you, failure is always an option. Just let us know that you were unable to complete the quest, and we will re-post it.

If there are no available quests, please be patient. More will be posted soon.

If you have an idea for a quest, feel free to PM us about it!

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