devilish plan

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Chakor goes down to breakfast she shines all over her face

At that moment, her mother comes in with one of her friends with her son
Chakor does not like her and her son because they only love money and do not know any laws
all three look at Chakor with an evil eye
but Chakor does not notice and goes shopping with her father and siblings

the woman: that's what I never expected from Chakor, she shame on your reputation and your name
the son: yes aunt I know this boy his name is Suraj, he is a criminal and has already seduced many girls and after he has slept with them, he dropped them
Chakors mom: Oh, how could this happen, Chakor was always decent when someone finds
out about it ,
that she slept with a boy before her wedding,
oh no that's our end,
the best thing is i kill her 😡😡😡
this is the only way to save our honor, it is better to lose a child and not all children

The woman: No no you can not do that, we will help you trust me

The woman and her son grin devilishly,😈😈

The son : Yas auntie trust us we will figures out this problem , I will make sure that Suraj never harasses Chakor again 😈

Chakor mom: yes, but even if you do that, no one will marry her anyway 😓😓
The woman: my son will marry her if you agree with that, because unfortunately the same thing happened to him a girl she just played with his feelings and now he is alone (Of course that was a lie but we'll come to that later)

The son: yes aunt I'm ready to sacrifice because you're like a sister to my mother😏😏

Chakors mom: ok i agree but how do we do that
The woman: nobody should realize that we have seen Suraj, we will make sure that Chakor will hate Suraj and she will agree to marry my son Ranvijay ,leave everything to us and you act as if you know nothing
Chakors mom: ok so we do that,🙏 thank you you have saved our family
The woman: nothing to thank, we are now a family, we will help each other😈😈

The woman left the house with her son

Ranvijay: that was perfect we were there in the right moment😈😈😈
His mom: yes and we will use this opportunity, you take care of this Suraj and I'll do the rest

Ranvijay: do not worry for this loser I already have a plan, he will never dare to face Chakor again hahhahahah....😈😈😈

Oh No,
what will happen,
what kind of plan does Ranvijay have
and will Suraj and Chakor find it out ???

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