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noun ~ the red liquid that circulates through the body via arteries and veins

I glanced at my clock to see it was seven o'clock so quickly began to get dressed for the long trek ahead. I knew to pack extra clothes in the small backpack I had been given. It had long elastic straps so it wouldn't break when I shifted forms. It was invented by a wolf from the New Moon pack of course; the innovators of all wolves.

I chose just leggings and a baggy shirt with some lightweight shoes. Today would be the longest I had trekked in wolf form. I had hunted sure, but never for longer than an hour or two. This trek was estimated to take eight hours, and that was without stopping for breaks.

I swallowed, everything in my bag double-checked as I stared at my parent's guest door. I knew I had to talk to my parents; they got in late last night and I gave them the grace of settling to bed before I spoke to them. I can't wait to hold them again, even if it was brief. I felt so many emotions but I knew I couldn't drop them all at once or I'd break down.

I sighed and began my way down the stairs. I was surprised when I saw Phoenix standing in the foyer, his back against the wall and arms crossed. His eyes snapped to me as I descended the final flight downstairs and I held his gaze steadily to not show myself up.

He smirked at me and pushed off the wall. "Hello again."

I smiled in return. "Hi."

He chuckled but walked beside me as we made our way to the kitchen. I wasn't sure I could eat-my nerves getting the better of me. I could feel the energy of every wolf in here; they were buzzing with the excitement of the adventure. But I felt scared, the haunting men there had scarred me.

A comforting hand met the small of my back and I turned to look up at Phoenix. He smiled and pulled my bag off of my shoulders to place it by the door. He pushed me through the groups of people to the breakfast area. Wolves were littering around and chatting, but all bowed in greeting when we came in.

"Alpha, Luna, nice to see you this morning."

I turned to the man in surprise as he raised his bowed head. He smiled at me in amusement but cast his gaze back to Phoenix behind me.

He chuckled. "Thank you, Noah."

Noah bowed his head again before walking off to the dining room. Phoenix began to sort his meal out as I made my way to one of the drink fridges in search of my orange juice. I was delightfully surprised when I found an entire shelf full of orange juice.

I felt the huge grin on my face as I made my ice orange juice, finishing it off with a straw because why not? As I began to drink I noticed Phoenix watching me with an amused smile.

I frowned at him, swallowing. "What?"

He chuckled and shook his head without a word. He gestured for me to follow him and I did so with hesitance, still not used to his outward affection. Once I reached him he fell into step behind me, his hands full of food and coffee.

As I entered the dining room a small hush fell over the room as people blinked up at us. I paused, unsure of what to do. I licked my dry lips, casting a glance at the forty or so wolves staring back at me.

"Morning." I greeted hesitantly.

A few broke out into smiles as a small chorus of 'Morning Luna' met my ears. I smiled shyly but made my way over to the table where Sean and Molly sat. I knew Phoenix was behind me the whole way, and as I sat next to Molly he took the chair opposite me next to Sean.

Molly glanced at him before turning to me with a massive grin. "Morning Luna."

I rolled my eyes, hyper-aware of Phoenix's eyes on us. "Morning sister."

My teasing had the wrong effect as she began to giggle and squeal. "Ah, I can't believe it. You're my sister and my Luna... oh my that tops the Gamma brother role sorry Sean."

He chuckled and shrugged, shoving bacon into his mouth with his bare hand. I frowned at him, looking away from his ill manners. If that man ever learns to eat politely I will eat my shoe. My eyes automatically found Phoenix who was innocently eating his pancakes with a knife and fork.

He smiled at me as he placed a forkful into his mouth and I looked away with a smile.

"You ready for today then?" Molly asked.

"You not coming?" I wondered.

She gave a small smile, her hand meeting mine on the table. "I'm not cut out for death and gore. I'm gonna be here... getting to know your parents!"

My eyes widened. My poor parents are gonna sleep well tonight.

"That's...great. Glad they have company." I chuckled.

She shrugged. "Sister in mating, daughter in mating... gotta get in there."

"Speaking of, have you seen my brother?" I wondered.

She nodded, waving her hand haphazardly towards the door. "He went to wake your mum and dad, said something about saying bye on time."

I nodded. "Oh good."

We fell in for a comfy silence as they ate, Molly drinking her coffee as I did my juice. It began to grow tense as the clock ticked by, nearing half-past seven. We were due to leave this afternoon; to arrive in enemy land when the sun went down.

"So... we all ready?" I asked.

Sean nodded, finishing his food. "Everyone is geared up and ready. Alpha just needs to brief them again and we're good to go. Are you sure you're up for this Nova?"

"Of course, she is," Phoenix grunted. "I believe in her."

I smiled, my heart flipping at his attitude. "I am. I'm just nervous... about going back."

Molly rested her hand back on mine and squeezed. "Hey, you got out of there. It's time to do that for everyone else. They need you, Nova, it's a lot to take on. But you're stronger than you look, okay?"

I chuckled and nudged her shoulder with my own. "Thanks, Molls."

She nudged me back and winked. "Besides, you have a whole army behind you. We are the best warriors after all."

I rolled my eyes and settled them on Phoenix who was smirking as he drank his coffee. I could tell he felt proud; his hard work being spoken of so well. I couldn't help but give a small smile in return.


I turned in my chair to see the familiar brown eyes of my father. Instant relief flooded through me and I held back the tears that wanted to escape at the mere sight of him. His brown hair was the same as always; long and curly, tucked behind his ears.

I climbed out of my chair and quickly meandered my way through the tables of people. Mum stood beside him, her blue eyes teary as she waited for me. I felt my lip wobble as I launched myself into their arms, surrounding myself with their familiar smell.

I felt Phoenix step up behind me, his presence making my parents loosen their hold on me.

"Alpha, thank you for having us." My Dad bowed.

I stepped to the side so I could see the three of them. Phoenix smiled and nodded his head in return.

"I'm glad you're here safe, Nova has been worried."

I blushed when his attention turned to me.

"I do admit I am confused what's going on? What's code Berry?" Mum wondered, her hand taking mine.

I sighed. "I don't have a lot of time to tell you, since you arrived so late, but I will try my hardest to explain what I can."

They frowned but nodded, so I gestured for them to follow me. Phoenix fell into step behind me, saying I can use his office instead of climbing three flights of stairs.

I thanked him when he shut the door behind us and turned to my parents. My mum was grinning at me, her eyes darting to the door when Phoenix had disappeared. Dad was looking around the office being nosey, but never overstepping behind the desk.

"What's going on?" Mum finally asked.

I sank to the sofa and sighed, contemplating my words. I decided to go simple, keeping it as basic as I could.

"A lot has happened."

Dad snorted, sitting opposite me. "We can tell that. You're hardly stuttering and you've gained weight."

I frowned at his comment, glancing at myself. I always felt insecure but I was feeling better about myself.

"I mean it in the good way Ember." He laughed. "You look good...different."

I smiled at him in thanks and there was a silent pause before I decided to get on with it.

"I have a twin brother."

They blinked at me, utterly confused. I had to bite my lip to stop the laugh that wanted to escape from their expressions.

"Come again?" Dad frowned.

"I have a twin brother, his name is Pollux... and he's a Lycan, which means I'm a Lycan, and I'm actually not twenty but I'm twenty-one so it's all a bit confusing and I don't really know what to say-"

"Nova." Mum cooed "You're rambling honey."

I let out a long breath and nodded before continuing with the explanations. I told them about my blood, about my past, and found myself tearing up when I got to the part about my birth parents. I felt guilty for even mentioning my blood family, which was strange.

I sobered up once I began to explain the situation we were dealing with. How we suspect Alpha Steven is supporting the kidnapping of women and young girls. I told them that I had been one of the girls and that we couldn't tell them as we didn't want Steven suspicious. They sat watching me in silent observation; Mum's face contorted in horror a lot but Dad stayed sombre.

When I told them I was going back to help defeat them, the sombre mood broke.

"You cannot put yourself in danger!" He snapped.

I frowned. "I have to. Those girls need me."

"They need an army Nova, not an innocent girl like you. You don't need to surround yourself with all that; death and fighting." He frowned.

I sighed, understanding his frustration. "I have to Dad. I know the way, kind of, and I promised I would help those girls get out of there. I am stronger than I look, I'm an original bloodline I can help people Dad. And Phoenix won't let anything happen to me."

His frown didn't waver but he slouched in the chair. "He would keep you safe by marking you, but he hasn't."

"He hasn't because the mate bond could weaken me and put me into a deep sleep." I huffed. "And there's the fact I would've had to fight to the death for my spot."

Mum gasped. "You shall not."

"Kings law Mum." I frowned.

"Well, it's preposterous! You're a Lycan you're better than anyone!" She shrieked and threw her hands in the air.

I chuckled but rested my knee against hers beside me. "He announced me as his mate yesterday...but it's all so after the battle today I don't know what's going to happen."

She sighed and Dad came to stand beside us. "You just have to be safe Nova...If anything you've learnt is to stand up for yourself. You're a strong woman, you just need to show yourself that you are the Nova we know."

Mum nodded. "Your brother has done nothing but boast about how strong you've been, and now we know the full extent of it, he couldn't be more right. You are a Luna Lycan Nova, and you need to help this pack as their Luna."

My mind ran a million miles a minute, so many thoughts going through my head until I settled on one.

I nodded and pulled them in for a hug. "I will. I promise... but I have something to do before I go... I'll find you before I go."

They nodded and we made our way out of the office. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Phoenix had gone and entrusted me with his office space. I lead my parents toward the dining room before parting ways and heading outside.

I swallowed away the nerves as I walked through the hospital doors with determination. Kate rounded a corner at the same time I did and I smiled up at her.

"Luna- what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting ready to go?" She gasped.

"How much of my blood can you take right now?"

She frowned, confused but led me into a spare room. "Sorry?"

"My blood heals. I'm a Lycan blood, surely you have realised?" I wondered, sitting.

She licked her lips nervously, "I did notice a few anomalies like those of Lycan blood... but I assumed you didn't know and I didn't want to surprise you with it... you had just gotten here."

I smiled in understating. "It's okay. Just how much blood can you take without it affecting me? And what do you know of my blood kind?"

She grinned, happy to share factual information. "Well from the archives I know your blood heals but weakens you. From what I've read through the reported research...depending on the severity of the injury, a patient may need anywhere from 50 to 500 millimetres, so just shy of a pint. But it can send you sleepy and prone to bruising, dizziness and vomiting if too much is taken. They've given it via an IV but it's rumoured that drinking it can it is a bit of a grey area..."

"And how much can you take before I get too weak?"

She paused, frowning. "I'm not sure. I'd have to guess."

I nodded, thinking it over. If we were to bag up my blood we could do transfusions on the field and help any injured wolves. It was an honour for me to do it, so I felt as though I should help them.

"Let's do it. Let's test the waters."

"Are you sure?" She frowned.

I nodded but she still hesitated. "I am."

"Does Phoenix know?"

"This is my idea, not his, and as your Luna, I wish for you to continue. People may need this, it could stop them from death." I grumbled.

She nodded frantically, arranging the supplies she needed. I was forced to eat a sugary cereal bar the moment I said I had skipped breakfast and once it was gone, some fruit and water was next. I looked away when she produced a needle, despite my previous confidence I was not looking at it happening.

I winced when it entered my skin but took calming breaths as she gently continued her work. It felt like forever as the needle stayed in my skin, but when I began to feel light-headed I tapped out on the chair. She understood the message and stopped the flow, removing the needle. I kept my eyes closed as the ruffling of plastic and paper met my ears.

When she cleared her throat I opened them to see the sight of needles gone and Kate stood at my feet.

"Right, I managed just over a pint, about what humans usually get taken. So that's an interesting feat considering you almost heal like one." She chuckled, handing me an opaque bag. "I separated it into small bags with needles and necessities and spare bags in case you need more. Even as an experiment I've put a few 50ml vials in there if you feel like making someone drink. Hopefully, it'll tie you over."

I frowned and cocked my head. "Are you not coming?"

She chuckled and shook her head. "I'm a doctor, not a warrior. Someone is going who is medically trained; her name is Imani. Give it to her and she'll help."

I nodded. "Imani... got it."

"Good luck Luna." She smiled, her hand resting on my forearm. "Bring them back safe."

I smiled gently. "I will try."

I hoped my blood would help but I hoped more than no one got so hurt that they would need it. If they needed more I just hoped my brother would be willing to help out too.

I took a deep breath and made my way back to the house. The nerves were eating away at me. But it was time to go.


Hi everyone!
I just want to say thank you sososososososoosossoosososososososoooooooooooooo much for everything you do. I see your comments, all your interactions. I don't have time to reply to every single one but just know that you're amazing and funny and I'm so happy you're on this journey with me! I only hit 1m views 8 days ago and I'm nearly at 2m already! It's incredible so thank you! And number one on the werewolf hotlist!!!

If you ever need to talk to me about anything, book-related or not, I'm here!
I gain over 3k comments overnight and around 300 an hour so sometimes I don't see every notif, but
I always read my messages and check my message board. Every day. I'm here if you wanna chat!
Obviously, there are time differences as I'm British and I've found most of you are not hahaha, but it's easier to talk to me personally this way than through comments.

Anyways! Hope u enjoyed this chapter! See you Wednesday!

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