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noun ~ a person who is qualified to help those who are ill


The creature was after me again.

Its blue skin dripped greenish blood. Somehow it had survived Sean's attack, minus an arm and some flesh from its torso as it staggered towards me. Spit flew everywhere as it snapped incoherent words.

I shrieked and tried to run, but before I could, it knocked me over again. I crawled to the best of my abilities, but my shoulder prevented me, bent at a weird angle.

A sudden warmth crept upon me, and before I knew it, my clothes were burning. I screamed, trying to pry the burning fabric from my body, but it was melting me. It lapped up my skin, climbing the long sleeves of my top. The ghoul laughed, pointing a clawed finger and clapping its hands.

"Help me!" I screamed, the flames creeping up to my shoulders.

But no one was there. The ghoul had vanished. I looked around in panic, spotting a stream in the distance. Moving through the pain, I pushed myself into it, being swept off of my feet. The flames died out easily, but my nightclothes stuck to me like glue. My skin was black and bleeding, and blisters of puss formed instantly.

I cried in that water. Frightful of what to do next since the attack. I was alone. And in pain. A piece of large tree bark floated by, and I clung to it in desperation. The cooling of the water helped my wounds, and the gentle rocking support of the river kept my nerves at bay. Eventually, I passed out, floating down the stream as tears poured down my face.


I woke the next morning in bed.

"It was just a dream." I mumbled, scratching at my arms.

It felt so real. So terrifying. I could still feel the burns on my arms as the fire consumed my skin.

I pushed it as far away in my mind as I could and looked around my room. Someone removed my IV, but left my arm in the sling. Eyeing the clock, I found it was ten in the morning, so I slithered out of my bed and into the shower. Stripping off my clothes and the sling, I had to be careful of my arm movements, but I managed. It had improved a little through the night, weirdly.

The warmth of the shower's embrace was comforting after spending so much time asleep. I felt the grogginess wash away as my body slowly came to life with each passing moment.

Whilst I had showered, someone had entered my room and placed a tray of food on my bed. Drying off, I wore a large black jumper before putting my sling back on and some leggings. I hummed and sat down, eying up the plate that Lucie had brought. I hardly had an appetite in the mornings, but I hadn't eaten in two days and the bacon sandwich looked really good.

My attempt at eating took time, not wanting to rush myself in fear of nausea. When I finished, I lounged around the window seat with a cup of tea. A knock sounded on my door and I eyed it suspiciously.

"Nova?" It was Lucie.

"Hey," I called. "Come in."

She cracked the door, smiling timidly. "Doctor Green wants to see you."

An icy bolt of dread shot down my spine and I froze in my seat. I could feel my heart racing as my vision blurred, my hands shaking.

I shook my head vigorously. "N-n-no!"

"It is to check you over." She frowned.

I shook my head again, my hand's grasping my mug. "I c-can't."

"Why not?" She pressed.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I just c-c-can't."

"I will go inform the alpha." She sighed and disappeared before I could protest.

My deep routed doctor fear was overwhelming. They always got me at my most defenceless states; in the hands of their mercy. I couldn't deal with the prodding, the wondering if everything was okay. The pain they inflict and the drugs they administer to knock me out. The fear of what could happen was intense and waking with no memory was worse. I had to trust their words, but how could I when they caused me pain?

My door opened again, but this time Lucie arrived along with-wait Beta Charlie? He was on a "holiday" looking for his 'mate', so I hadn't seen him since my old pack.

"Ah, it's little Nova!" He smiled and approached me.

I frowned at him, unhappy to be called 'little'. "Beta Charlie, how c-c-can I help?"

"You need to see the doctor. Alpha insists on making sure you are okay." He spoke gently.

"I c-can't g-go." I mumbled, my eyes focused on my toes in their fuzzy socks.

"Are you afraid?" His head tilted in curiosity.

I mutely nodded, staring at a loose thread on my sock. Charlie had a weirdly calming aura, and I felt my body lose some of its tension.

"Why?" Lucie wondered.

I shrugged, trying to appear indifferent.

"Is it to do with your old pack?" Beta asked.

I shrugged. "Kind of."

Setting my cup down, my lone arm wrapped around my knees as I turned to look back out the window. Wolves walked by, pleasantly chatting as they strolled. They didn't have to go to the doctors!

The hairs on the back of my neck rose, and goosebumps prickled at my skin. Authority filled my senses, and I turned just as Phoenix walked into my room.

I swallowed harshly as he walked through Lucie and Beta Charlie, the latter scowling at him. My wolf was purring at his broad and strong demeanour, but I knew he could crush my world in one flick of a finger.

"Nova, please come see the doctor." He stated.

My lip wobbled, my heart clenching in pain as my breath caught in my throat. Panic rose and tears formed in my eyes. My mouth opened and closed but no words came out because my tongue felt heavy.

He sighed. "It is very important they check you over. I will not have a weak may-member of my pack."

I shook my head vigorously, recognising his quick change of words. I felt the frustration in the room to grow and both Charlie and Lucie had both dropped their heads.

"I didn't want to do this." He muttered. "It is for your own good."

I nearly hyperventilated when my wolf automatically made me look him in the eyes. My body was frozen on the outside but a war consumed me within in. His gaze softened slightly at my tears and he paused what he was going to say. But then he shook his head and sighed.

"Nova." His voice held me at his command. "You are going to see the doctor. Right now."

I whimpered at his firm command but could not fight it; I was too vulnerable right now. He directed all of it at me, and I felt the full force of its wrath. My head dropped and tears cascaded down my face. I shakily rose from my chair, staring at the ground. Charlie's hand brushed my back as I passed him and followed Phoenix out of the room.

It was a short walk, but my anxiety never left. I wanted to run, to scream and shout at him that I didn't want to go. But I couldn't.

It felt like forever waiting for the doctor before someone escorted me into a private room. Alpha came in with me, but I refused to meet his eyes as I sat before a desk.

I thought I heard him whimper a sigh, but put it down to his disappointment.


I jumped at the sound of his voice. My head raised to glance at him, spotting him standing stoically by the window. His face was hard and stern, arms folded across his chest as he stood like a statue.

"I'm sorr-

"Nova Hope?" An unfamiliar voice interrupted as they stepped into the room.

Seeing the white coat and green scrubs had my breath hitch, and I stared at the woman wide-eyed.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I will do nothing to you. I'm just going to sit and we are going to talk. Okay?" She cooed, and to her word, took the chair in front of me.

She passed me the tissue box, which I took with a cautious glance. After sniffing them to make sure they were not a trick, I dried most of my face and neck.

"Much better. Now I can see your pretty face through all those tears." She hummed. "I'm Doctor Farrah, but you can call me Kate, okay?"

I nodded, wiping at my face again. For an hour, Kate continued to speak to me and before I knew it, I was calm and talking like she was a friend. Alpha stayed in the back of the room, mostly on his phone, but I could feel him glance at me now and then.

I had never felt so content in a doctor's office, but Kate made it seem like two friends chatting. She asked me about myself and back home, but I didn't splurge on a lot. She mentioned my stutter, and I wasn't sure how to answer.

"So it just developed?" She quieted.

I nodded. "When I w-w-was about thirteen."

"I have a feeling you can grow from it. Something must have triggered it." She smiled sadly and rummaged through her desk. "Now we've had a wonderful chat, Nova, but I am going to need to take a sample of blood."

My eyes widened, and the dormant fear came back to take hold of me.

"Now, Nova, we are friends. Remember, I will not hurt you. It is a simple needle. You won't even know I'm doing it after a scratch. I'm sure a girl such as you can handle a minor scratch. It will be over within ten seconds; I just have to check for ghoul poisoning."

I swallowed, but nodded and eyed her warily as she approached.

'You can trust her.' My wolf whispered. 'Mate wouldn't put us here if not.'

She hummed and busied herself with my arm and her equipment. "Alpha here says you had a lot of bruising and scars when you first arrived? Possible broken ribs? What happened there?"

My breath sharpened, and I stared wide-eyed at a spot on the wall. I was unsure of how to speak.

I felt Phoenix move closer and soon he was sitting beside me. I shyly glanced over to see him watching me. He wanted to know more, too.

I chewed my lip and got lost in my thoughts. I winced at the memories, feeling the familiar ache of their claws sink into my skin. The fear of anyone turning on me had ingrained itself in my brain. It was a dark monster. It waited for me to think about him and he would never leave me alone.

"Nova?" Kate called me out of my lost thoughts.

I swallowed, wetting my lips. "My p-p-pack hated me."

"Oh, I'm sure they didn't!" She responded.

I shook my head and closed my eyes. "They did."

She went silent at my sterner voice.

"They found me f-floating... in their st-stream as a child. Th-they do not know where I came from...officially. I was burnt and ha-had to have skin grafts. L-lots of pain." My eyes welled. "They h-hated me. I t-t-took up Alpha's time, so they gave me to my p-parents. They raised me and love me. B-but even they d-didn't know that pack members h...hurt me. Alpha Steven f-found out and g-gave me his blood."

A door slamming shut snapped me back to reality, and I saw Phoenix had left. Kate's hand sat on my shoulder and I turned to eye her. She held the vial of my blood in her hand; the equipment sat used on her tray. I had missed it completely, so lost in my thoughts.

"Well done, Nova. I know that was hard. I'm proud of you." She smiled sadly. "If you ever want to chat, just come see me. I will make time for you."

"Thank you." I sighed.

"I think it is in your best interest for me to see your skin, Nova. Injuries can be ugly if not healed right and I need to check everything is fine for when you shift. Is that ok?" she asked gently.

I just nodded, accepting my fate as she helped me out of the sling and jumper.

"You can keep your underwear on. I just need to see your bone structure and the skin grafts you spoke about. It will stay between me and you, and, unfortunately, Alpha Phoenix, if he asks. You didn't transfer with any medical history, so I need to make my own."

Standing there in my underwear was humiliating at first, but Kate was helpful and gentle with the situation. I was thankful Phoenix chose her. Coming to the doctor wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"The grafts look good. Your skin has regenerated a lot, so the scars are minuscule. The doctors did a good job there. Someone correctly healed most of your bones, but they are fragile. We need to get you on a good diet and exercise routine; your body cannot support itself. If you were to get sick, it would not be good for you."

I knew I was underweight by the fact I had protruding bones and pale skin. I often had to steal and sneak food when certain members weren't looking. But it was normal. I lost my appetite eventually.

Just on queue, the door opened, and I jumped a mile high before darting behind Kate.

"Alpha! Please, she is not decent."

I heard him curse, followed by a shuffle of clothing. Peeking around Kate's arm, I found Phoenix stood with a hand over his eyes. I could see the blush forming on his tan cheeks and the awkward tension in the air.

A small giggle left my mouth before I could stop it, and it caused him to tense. Kate glanced at me before eyeing him with a curious look. It caused me to sober, sealing my lips closed as I grabbed my clothes.

"Alpha, while you are here, I have a few things to inform you about Nova's condition."

She helped me dress as she spoke, before announcing he was safe to look. He quickly glanced at me with a set jaw, yet the embarrassment still hung in his features. Alpha or not, he was flustered.

"Nova needs a better diet plan, an exercise routine, and to be treated with care. I have found many of the burn marks healed fine. They are; the left leg to the knee and the right leg to the thigh. Also, lower stomach on the right, right arm to the collarbone and left arm to the elbow. There are no bruises that I can see. Most bones are fine, a few seem weak, but I believe with exercise and diet, that will change."

I stared at her in curiosity.

He clears his throat. "Thank you. I apologise for leaving so abruptly earlier."

She quirked a brow. "It's okay. I understand that hearing about past trauma can inflict emotional pain on even the strongest of wolves, especially those that are mates."

My eyes widened, but Phoenix just nodded along. As if repeating her words in his mind, he stiffened and grunted.

Left speechless, we both stared at her in anticipation.

"Your secret is safe with me, Alpha and Luna." She winked. "Now that is all I need. I will continue with the blood tests."

"Th-thank you, Kate." I whispered.

She grinned and left the room with my vials, leaving the two of us alone. We stood quietly for a moment before he clears his throat, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Come. I believe lunch is soon."

My head whirled at the rollercoaster of this morning, but quietly followed him from the room.


"You must eat more, Nova."

I pouted down at the sandwich in defeat. The chef had made me some kind of chicken sandwich with fries on the side and a leafy salad. I had managed one-half of the sandwich and a few fries and most of the salad. It was good for me, I thought, but not good enough for Phoenix, who sat beside me.

I swallowed some of the cold water beside me and peeked up at him. We were alone in here, most of my pack life in solitude. Phoenix being here was strange, though. I wasn't sure why he lingered, but it appeased my wolf.

"I-I-I am honestly full."

"Are you sure?" He sighed.

I nodded and cast my eyes down to my lap. "I-I have never eaten this m-much."

It was silent before I saw him nod with pursed lips. My eyes locked onto the motion, briefly wondering how warm his skin would be against mine. My wolf purred and my cheeks flamed. As if sensing my embarrassment, Phoenix turned to eye me.

"Anything else?" He wondered.

I shook my head.

"Good. I.. I have to go. I have work to do." He murmured.

As normal, I thought.

I mutely nodded and watched him hesitate before he left the kitchen. I stayed sitting for a moment longer before deciding to wrap the sandwich in film and leave a note on it stating it was mine. For later.

Just as I closed the fridge door, a figure blocked my way and had me jump out of fright.

"Hey, Novie!" Sean grinned.


"I got you good, huh?" He teased.

I grumbled and crossed my good arm. "What d-d-do you want?"

He shrugged and raised a ladder cupboard full of snacks. "Smelt you in here and thought I'd come to see you now you're back from the dead."

I frowned. The gentle giant was stuffing his face with cookies, and here I stood, owing my life to him. He took out the ghoul and saved me from death, from having my windpipe crushed.

"I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you," I murmured.

He swallowed harshly and turned to me. He put a cookie down and sighed as he embraced me.

"You are my friend. I see you as a little sister. Maybe it's the luna bond, but I feel obligated." He whispered.

"You got h-h-hurt because..."

"Shush!" He shook his head on top of mine.




"Shush!" He grinned.

I growled a little, and he chuckled before letting go of me to keep me at arm's reach. "I'm glad to see you out of your room."

I smiled. "I-I-I saw Kate today."

He frowned, as if he wasn't sure who I was talking about. "Oh! Doctor Farrah! Wow, she lets you call her Kate? Damn, I need to injure myself more to get on her good side."

I chuckled at his expression. He seemed to contemplate the idea of hurting himself and I had a feeling the pros and cons were piling up in his mind.

"Hey," I spoke. "Movie day?"

He eyed the clock that read it was nearing two in the afternoon. "Sure! Since we can't train with your arm and I have no more training for the day. So you are very lucky to have me."

I smiled and cast my blushing gaze away. He took my good arm and gestured me forwards.

We watched movies in my room since I had a bigger TV and a better bed, apparently. We chose popcorn, chocolate and Haribo for snacks, and Pepsi as our drink. Although I found myself unable to eat most of it, Pepsi was a fresh experience and the bubbles made my eyes water at first.

"Nice, right?" He mused.

I swallowed my large mouthful and smiled at him. "My old pack never let me have fizzy drinks."

His eyes widened. "Clear sentence!"

I laughed, actually laughed for the first time in what felt like forever. And it felt good; great actually. It felt like the world was being lifted from my shoulders and I could actually embrace my emotion without fearing consequences. I felt safe around Sean. The enormous giant was becoming my new friend.


wc: 3177

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Heather Miller, aka XDeafening_SilenceX on Wattpad

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