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noun ~ a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something

"How soon can we move my parents?" I asked.

Phoenix's had snapped up from where he had been scribbling words into a notepad. His eyebrows knit together in confusion as he stared at me.

"Move them?"

I nodded. "Just temporarily...I don't like the idea of them being there whilst this goes down."

His eyes lightened in realisation and he gave me a small smile. "I can arrange a taxi to bring them here by six o'clock this evening."

"How long is the drive? My mum will moan about car sickness so got to consider that." I chuckled, waving my pencil at him.

"Half six it is." He mused. "I'll have a room made up on your floor if you like."

I grinned, happy he was so willing to move my parents to safety. For a moment I wondered if he empathised with my fear, having lost both of his.

"That'll be amazing. Thank you." I breathed.

He smiled and nodded at me before grabbing his desk phone. I watched as he typed in some numbers before almost instantly a man picked up on the other line. He was phoning a taxi company, and I listened intently as he organised the transfer for two hours from now. Once he was done he handed the phone to me.

I dialled my mother's number and she picked up on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Mum it's me."

"Oh, Nova! Didn't expect a call so soon, what's the matter?"

I licked my lips, thinking of a good enough excuse. "I really miss you, and Leo really wants you to come to visit."

"Oh of course Nova! We can come anytime baby, I'll speak to Alpha-"

"Don't! No!" I panicked which made her pause. "I mean..."

"What's going on Ember?" Dad's voice suddenly came to the phone.

I pinched the bridge of my nose to stop the tears. "I just need you guys here, today. Please, I will explain everything when you are here... it's just... it's just not berry enough."

I heard them hesitate at the old code word we used to use. Berry was a simple world we could interpret into any conversation. They taught me that if I ever needed desperate help and couldn't find a way out, to call them and use the term, Berry. It was mainly for bad dates or creepy guys, but that never happened. So I hoped they would remember.

I heard them inhale and exhale simultaneously through the phone. The sound of it being passed between them rang through the speaker.

"Of course dear!" Mum chimed. "We will be there as quick as you can say strawberry."

Message understood.

"Okay, mum. I'll text you the location from a phone. Love you, bye."

We exchange final pleasantries before I hung up. I didn't have a mobile yet but I knew Phoenix had one I could use.

"Berry?" He wondered, passing me his phone without me even asking.

I blushed. "It's a code word. If I ever call them and use Berry they know they need to come help no matter what and don't talk to anyone but me."

He hummed and stayed silent, accepting the weird answer. I text my mum the details of the taxi and told them he knew where to go and not to worry until they were here. I got a prompt smiley and peace sign emoji so assumed that meant they were okay with that.

Phoenix cleared his throat after I put his phone down. "Plan so far?"

I leaned back in his comfy chair and nodded, scanning the paperwork we have. "We head to the mountains, by foot. We take Gaia with us and request her to contain our scents. We find my markings in the trees and follow them to the magic border."

"Then we hope Raven senses her mother and comes to see us." He added. "We bribe her somehow to allow us in, and we track them down and kill them in the night."

I nod. "Patrol men first, then we work in on the drunks."

He frowned and nodded. "If Raven doesn't appear we go to plan B... I really don't like plan B."

I sighed. "Gaia said she's fine with being bait."

"What if they don't accept it or fall for it?"

"They have to." I frowned. "She's more powerful than Raven."

He frowned but nodded again. "We will have to finalise this with the group going tomorrow."

"Has Sean brought numbers yet?" I wondered.

He shook his head. "He's spoken to a few but they're not interested until they know the plan or fight. But once we are done here I'm going to call an emergency meeting."

I nod. "Okay... To be fair, I think we're done here anyway. What more can we plan? Charlie is on weapons and supplies... Pollux has done his part... I say we call the meeting."

His eyes widened and he allowed a huge smile to cover his cheeks. I blinked at him a few times, wondering why I was being stared at like that. His smile never failed to make my heart splutter and right now I could feel the butterflies in my stomach trying to break free.

"What is it?" I asked timidly.

"When you are you, right now, taking charge... I have never been more proud, my Luna."

My eyes darted away in surprise to stare at the desk and I tried to hide the upcoming blush from his words. I felt so watched now, previously unaware of how bossy I had become. I had worked alongside him simultaneously as we drew up the best plan we could. I never once thought how out of character it had become; me taking the lead in his office. It just felt so right.

'That's because it's what you are meant to do Nova.' Cel chirped. 'You're a Luna for a reason.'

It's all so new to me Cel. I sighed.

'You're doing a great job.'

So are you though. I chuckled. We're in this together.

She barked and I felt her acceptance of the bond. 'Own it.'

I will.

"Thank you." I blushed, raising my eyes to look back at him.

He winked at me before standing, which made my already racing heart practically fall out of my chest. That was it. Never have I seen him grin and wink, I think I'm just going to melt into a puddle right here.

That damn mate bond... That damn handsome man...

Cel grumbled in agreement as he turned to walk to his door. He opened it and held it with one hand, turning to me expectantly. I was too busy in shock and slight awe of him to realise I had meant to be following.

I shook my head rapidly to clear the foggy thoughts and leapt to my feet. He chuckled at me as I passed by, waking easily under his arm through the door frame.
Didn't even have to duck! Damn tall handsome man.

Also who I'm still slightly angry at...

Even though what he did is recognisable as saving my pathetic ass.

Dang brain.

"You okay there?" Phoenix asked as we walked down the hallway.

"Y-yeah... just... yeah." I shook my head, a small laugh escaping my lips.

'Calm down Nova, you're fretting over nothing.' Cel chuckled at me.

"You sure? Do you need to see Kate? Maybe for some more pain killers..." He wondered.

I shook my head. "I'm good. Thanks... Just thinking a lot about the-the plan! Yeah."

He hummed at me, and I could tell he didn't believe me but he gratefully didn't push it. We made it to the meeting room and he once again held the door open for me. I was surprised to see it already full, wolves gathered around the central stage.

'Alpha perks.' He mused in my head.

I jumped in surprise at the intrusion, forgetting that an Alpha can invade your head to portray a message. Stealthy if you ask me.

He smiled at me before dropping back to hostility as he made his way around the crowd. It was fascinating to watch up close how he relaxed certain muscles in his cheeks and tightened up those in his jaw and forehead. Into a completely different man. A true King's Alpha.

He stepped up for the centre stage and I found my way towards Sean and Charlie at the sidelines of the group. They both gave me small smiles when I approached, greeting me quietly.

"I have called you all here for a very important reason." Phoenix began, the room falling into silence. "As you all are aware, wolves have been taken from our land."

Eyes darted over to me and I looked away awkwardly. They had a lot of questions I could tell.

"The reason is there is a pack of rogue wolves taking in females from all over the country. Nova as you know was one of those taken, but through remarkable circumstances, she escaped with barely her life and ended up in ICU most of this week." He explained, the eyes looking at me now with awed interest. "She believes that they are attempting to take over packs by destroying the one thing we hold above everything else; our mates."

Shocked murmurs ran through the crowd and Phoenix gestured for me to approach the stage. I shook my head with wide eyes but he narrowed in on me as he waved his hand again. I swallowed harshly and debated over it.

Charlie's warm hand came to my back and he gave me a gentle smile. I took his comfort and followed him up to the stage, standing between the two of them.

Questions were immediately thrown at us, and it was hard to distinguish who said what. Phoenix raised his hand and they stopped immediately. One man cleared his throat and Phoenix nodded at him.

His brown eyes darted between the three of us, settling on me for longer than necessary. Phoenix grumbled at him and he bowed his head automatically.

"I apologise... but how do we know this is their plan?"

I licked my dry lips and looked across the room at the other confused faces. I kept my voice gentle and controlled to not stutter.

"I heard them discussing it one night. They think women are weak and plan to take us all and harm us."

His eyes met mine and his eyebrows furrowed. "Harm you? How would that solve anything?"

I chewed my lip as I debated my answer. Phoenix's hand left the tight fist from behind his back to rest on the small of my back. I tensed in surprise but took the gesture as an act of support.

"They beat and rape the women," I mumbled. "They plan to somehow draw male wolves in with the help of a witch. They plan to ruin the mate bonds and therefore the men, to take over packs."

Silence met my ears before they once again began hurtling words at us. I winced and found myself leaning more into Phoenix's arm. He growled at them to all hush as soon as it got too loud.

"Enough. They are large risk. And we need to take them down." He snapped. "Whether you believe her or not is out of the question, that is evidence. We are to ambush them tomorrow. Those who wish to come stay behind once this meeting is concluded. We need all the power we can get. Those who don't come will stay under the power of Beta Evans. Any relevant questions before we conclude this meeting?"

They stayed put on their feet quietly but one stepped forwards. I almost rolled my eyes in annoyance. Had she not learnt her lesson?

Phoenix growled and stared down at her. Jade shuffled on her feet at the intensity, but her gaze darted to me and her eyes narrowed. I didn't know what her problem was with me when I had hardly done anything to her.

'She's just a power-hungry bitch.' Cel growled. 'Her wolf knows we are stronger but they still want what is ours.'


My eyes looked up to him as his hand ran across his face and through the short beard he had grown. I found myself suddenly frowning at it, missing the short stubble he usually had.

"What is it, Jade?" He grumbled.

She licked her lips and let out a dry laugh. "Many of us don't see how we could trust her. What if the only reason she 'escaped' is because she is one of them? You expect us to believe some Omega moves into our pack, then gets wolfnapped and somehow makes it back?"

Cel grumbled and I found my vision shifting to her sharper sense. I heard a few wolves grumble and noticed them step away from the threat. Cel was dominant and demanded attention well. Her green eyes held power, which many other wolves recognised straight away. She had successfully shown herself in defence, so backed down until she was a mere hum beside me.

"What are you suggesting? That I'm a spy?" I growled.

She lost the snooty expression. "You may as well be. How does an omega escape a group of rogues?"

I took a step closer automatically but Phoenix's hand came to clutch my waist in response. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye but he was surveying the room.

"I barely survived, that's how. I ran through the storm and they lost my scent. They have a witch! They are taking and hurting women and girls. Isn't that enough a reason to want to take them down?" I snapped.

She flinched at the sound of my canines snapping together and I heard many wolves agree with me in the background.

"Look, I just don't see why we should believe someone like you."

"Well, you should," I grumbled.

"I don't." She shrugged. "I will not be attending this death trap."

"Fair enough. It's not like you'll do any help." I grinned tauntingly.

She gaped at me and turned to Phoenix in her defence. "She just downright insulted me! The omega whore insulted me!"

I felt his hand tighten on my waist and he growled. I turned to look at him as he let go, to see Ares has come to take control of the situation. Her eyes widened as he descended the few stairs to tower over her. The room fell silent; the fear coming from some of the wolves was pungent enough to halt my breath.

"You dare insult her? You have not listened to me once Jade!" He snapped and she bared her neck. "I have given you plenty of warnings that if you step out of line there will be worse consequences than before. Laundry duty will be nothing compared to what I have in mind."

She whimpered as he backed away. Raising her head, she adjusted her jacket and glanced around. She was embarrassed, and her pride was too much to hold onto.

"Why do you protect her so much? She started on me..." She muttered.

My eyes widened as Phoenix descended on her again, his hand wrapping around her throat. She squealed in surprise as he lifted her onto her tiptoes. Despite the intense situation, Cel was bounding in my mind at his act of dominance to 'defend our honour'. Hòrny wolf.

"You dare insult me? You dare question my leadership?" He roared. "To the cells! Take her to the cells!"

She cried out in fear when he released her and two male wolves immediately grabbed her shoulders as she tried to run.

"I will not be taken as a weak man!" He shouted across the crowd. "I do not tolerate disrespect! I do not tolerate harassment and judgement of others! If anyone else has anything to say about my leadership speak now!"

The room stayed silent apart from Jade's cries for help. She was begging to not be taken, but no one could do anything. Part of me felt bad, wondering what the cells held for her. But Alpha had the last say.

"If anyone so much as disrespects me, or my mate again you will be in the same situation as Jade here." He growled lowly.


Did he just...

'Call us mate...' Cel whispered.

Hey everyone!
Hope you're all good, and liked this chapter

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