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noun ~ a garment for the upper body often made of cotton or other similar materials

Wolves launched at each other, and I found myself under immediate attack. I winced but Cel took care of it easily. The male wolf had jumped from the other side of the field, his claws swiping at her thick fur. He missed thankfully but I couldn't help but flinch in my mind. I was glad Cel had control because I would want out. The sounds and scenes in front of me were so overwhelming I felt myself panicking.

Cel had pinned the wolf in a matter of a few strikes, and he grumbled before accepting his fate and moving to the sidelines.

'It's okay.' She yipped. 'I got this.'

I know you do.

She charged through wolves, and I cringed at her eagerness to fight them. She fought and won many, targeting male wolves more so than females. She had no official training other than hunting, but it seemed to come naturally to her. A couple of wolves sunk their teeth in good and a few managed to pin her but she wriggled out.

The side-lines were getting fuller, most of the wolves who had been beaten had sat on their haunches or shifted human again. A lot of them cheered on the fights and as I passed the corner where I shifted, I saw Molly standing dressed in her clothes again. She cheered my name when I approached and Cel came to a stop before her.

Cel recognised her as my friend and yipped at her before turning around. She swished her tail in Molly's face which cause a moan of disapproval in return. Cel barked and ran back into the fire, seeking out her next target. I tensed when she found it.

A dark red wolf stood facing me. It was fairly small but from the muscles and build, I could tell it was strong.


Cel growled and threateningly took a step forward. Jade's wolf growled in return, bowing her back up and lowering her head at the threat. Cel's claws dug up the ground beneath her and there was a long pause. I thought she was going to back away when suddenly Jade's wolf charged. Cel met the challenge with haste, and they collided.

Jade sank her claws into Cel's chest, but Cel's teeth clamped down on her shoulder in return causing a surprised yelp to escape her throat. Cel dug her claws into her side as she threw her along the fields. Her claws dug into my fur as she fell and Cel growled.

Wolves around us avoided the confrontation, not having the guts to interrupt. Jade scampered to her feet and shook out her fur. Cel wasted no time and charged at her. Jade ran out of the way but she chased her and snapped her jaw around her hind leg. Jade yelped as Cel pulled her to the ground and rolled onto her back, kicking out with her other legs. Cel grumbled and shook her leg to try to get her to stop.

Jade reared her head back and snapped at Cel's nose which made her release her leg. Jade shot up and dived for our neck. Cel moved out of the way just in time, but Jade' jaw clamped around her hip instead. She let out a loud bark of pain as her teeth sank deep into her flesh.

Cel bucked and dragged her front paws along Jade's face. Jade growled and released our leg before trying to drive for our throat. Cel moved out of the way just in time. I noticed our larger size was easier to target and harder to get out of the way. Jade spat out nothing but black fur when we backed away to run at her side.

Cel bowed her head and charged like a bull. Her head collided with Jade's chest and I picked up the sound of ribs cracking under the force as she flew to the ground and slid across the grass. Cel ran right after her, teeth bared in threat. This wasn't training anymore, this was revenge.

Cel's claws pushed at her so she couldn't get up. Jade tried to block and defend herself but being winded and, on her back, meant she didn't have the upper hand. She got a few good scrapes into Cel's underbelly, but Cel successfully forced her to the ground by standing one paw on her rear hip and one on her neck. She let out a low warning growl, clearly enjoying this more than she should.

Jade wasn't quite submitting but wasn't staying still enough for Cel to win. She scraped weakly with her claws at our furry chest before Cel found an opening. She growled and her jaw clamped around Jade's shoulder and neck in replace of her paw. Jade's wolf growled and tried to wriggle free, but she tightened her grip. She found joy in holding the life of the lesser wolf in her jaws. I could taste her blood and the thrill through the bond.

Jade grumbled but finally submitted, her body going soft beneath us. Cel growled a warning before releasing her jaws and eventually stepping off her midsection. The wolf huffed in annoyance but gently bowed and slinked away to the side-lines where her minions stood waiting. They tried to comfort her, but she snapped her jaw at them.

I glanced around becoming aware of the area to see there was only one other wolf and he was huge. He had to be a warrior because he was literally massive. I wish I didn't have to fight anymore but I was thankful Cel was taking charge still.

We circled each other before he charged and took Cel by surprise.

She growled threateningly and fought back. Her claws sunk into his skin as much as he did hers. He jumped on us from behind and Cel had been too slow to react. He managed to pin us down harshly, but she managed to kick him off and wriggle free.

They battled for what felt like a lifetime, neither of them was able to get a good enough hold on the other because he was too quick, and she was too agile. Cel was panting hard now, the sun roasting our skin through the thick fur. The pain in her hip was clear and distracting her as it bled through our fur and onto the ground. His claws had scraped it a few times when he found it a weakness and made it worse.

Eventually, a low whistle sounded, and we turned our attention to the Alpha. Sean's grey wolf trotted into the circle and growled at us. The male I fought bowed gently and, despite not feeling his command, Cel swallowed down her pride and bowed back.

'How boring.' She grumbled.

I chuckled at her need for more and happily took back the reins when she handed them over. I raised my head and found myself panting for breath. I could feel all the cuts and sores on my body from the fight, briefly wishing Cel could come back and take the pain instead. But she was tired and merely held on for the shift.

Wolves around us howled in joy when Sean barked. Those in human form clapped and I turned back to see the male wolf in front of me shift back into his human form.

I avoided his nudity and studied him. He was large, well-built and not much older than me. Must be where his energy came from. He had pale blonde hair and brown eyes; a warrior symbol tattooed into the skin on his shoulder; it was a wolf head. He was covered in scratches and dried blood, the imprint of my teeth on his torso.

He held out a hand and I stared at it, uncomfortable in shifting human. "I'm Alex."

The name sparked a resemblance in me and I realised this was the wolf that was meant to help me move the things in the garden. I shuffled on my feet before falling onto my haunches, a whine of pain left my throat. I lifted my paw and laid it in his hand. He chuckled but shook it anyway.

"Good fight." He smirked.

I dropped my paw and barked in agreement. I turned when I sensed Phoenix approach with clothes. Sean shifted back and caught the shorts he threw at him, the same with Alex.

He held a shirt in his hands and stood beside me, his gaze unwavering. If I was in human form I would be blushing right now at his nude torso. He had taken off his top to give to me and going by the looks I got from other wolves, this was unheard of.

I was still shy about shifting back so took the shirt in my jaws and trotted into the heavy treeline. I shifted behind a tree and gasped at the pain that raced through me. I pulled on the top as quick as I could before falling to my knees and taking in lungfuls of air.

I gasped for breath, my chest restricting at the broken ribs. Cel took more damage than I expected, my body was not strong enough to heal fast. I brought my hands to my face and stared at them, the amount of damage Cel had given with these same hands, well paws was astonishing.

Closing my eyes, I calmed my heart down as much as I could. I shakily stood to my feet, wincing at the large bite I could feel in my hip, the blood dripping down my thigh. I ended up walking back to the field with a limp and once I broke the treeline, I could see Phoenix already watching me as Sean spoke to Alex.

His eyes widened in concern, and he quickly began to walk over to me. I gave him a small smile and went to tell him I'm okay, but he growled at my lack of balance. His arm came around my shoulder and I knew he was intent on picking me up.

I shrugged his arm away, settling for it to sit under my shoulders. "Let me walk it off."

He growled, not liking my defiance. "I can smell your blood."

I laughed dryly. "Looks like Cel can take more than I can."

His arm stayed supporting me as I limped over to Sean and Alex, and I was grateful he didn't push it. Both of their eyes snapped to us, and Sean took a hesitant step forward. He glanced at Phoenix and swallowed before staying put. I could only imagine the death glare.

"You okay there?" Alex wondered.

I nodded. "I'm okay. Good fight."

He winced but smiled politely. "I'm amazed someone so small could have such an amazing beast."

Phoenix grumbled from beside me, but I boldly elbowed him lightly in the ribs in return. I thanked Alex before stepping away from them all to make my way over to Molly. She wasn't too far away and met me halfway to help. Some wolves congratulated me on the fight as I passed, and I gave them small thanks or smiles.

"I got you water and some wet cloths." She spoke softly. "You did so well, Sherbet."

I laughed thanks and made it to where she gestured. I collapsed onto the floor and pulled on my cotton undies. Together we cleaned up my injuries; the biggest of all was the large bite on my hip, the one that I felt hit the bone.

It was thankfully healing well since they had come in wolf form, Cel had already stopped the bleeding. I waited until the sharp pains dulled before standing to my feet.

"I think it's time for snacks and a movie." I sighed.

She chuckled. "Took the idea right out of my head. Let's go."

We made our way to Molly's room where she offered up her shower and soaps. I changed into some of her smaller clothes and leggings. I debated on my top half, the ache inside of me wanted to keep Phoenix's shirt on. It smelt so strongly of him and in a weird way it soothed the pains.

I chose his shirt. The aches in my body had eased with the hot water and I noticed most of them had started to scab over. Once Molly was washed and dressed as well, we decided to go down to get something to eat since it was lunchtime.

I debated on what to eat, the spread had so much choice that I was uncertain about what to have. In the end, I chose the easiest and that was mac and cheese. A few more wolves congratulated me on the fight as I served myself and I blushed and thanked them in return.

Seeing my escape, I took my bowl to the usual table and waited for Molly to join me. Eventually, she came armed with pasta, garlic bread and a pint of fizzy drink. She grinned at me and practically threw her food onto the table.

"I am starved." She gasped and sat in front of me. "I hate working so hard."

"I often wonder why you are even in this pack." I mused, taking a forkful of pasta.

She grunted between mouthfuls and chuckled. "Damn birth heritage. I'm old enough to leave but I'd rather go with my mate."

I smiled softly, knowing how much she wanted her mate. "I hope he comes tomorrow. I have a good feeling about it."

She smiled. "Me too. I've been waiting long enough."

"Not as long as your brother." I winked.

She groaned. "I don't know why he hasn't gone looking for her yet. He's twenty-five!"

I shrugged. "Alpha is however old and he's... you know... It just takes time I guess."

She chuckled, a naughty hint to her smile. I narrowed my eyes at her, daring her to speak.

"You're wearing his shirt still." She pointed out.

I grimaced and fought back the blush. It's not like I made it obvious but having her point it out made me wonder if it was worth the hassle that she was going to give me.

A clattering tray had me tear my eyes away from Molly's teasing to see who interrupted. It was the twins, and I smiled at them in greeting. Miley sat beside me and Maisie beside Molly. Are all my friends gonna have the same first letter of their name? Because I'm going to get muddled.

"Hi Nova, I'm so sorry again for hurting you." Miley smiled.

I chuckled. "It's okay, it didn't hurt for long. You're a good fighter."

She smiled and sat up prouder in her seat. Her sister rolled her eyes before landing them on Molly beside her

"I'm Maisie, and this is my twin, Miley." She greeted Molly.

Molly studied them, and I could feel her reluctance to accept new people to the table. I kicked her leg and she turned to look at me with a glare.

"This is Molly. She's not used to human contact." I spoke eventually.

Molly scoffed and folded her arms. "So not true."

The twins giggled but didn't say anything to aggravate her further. We ate through mindless chatter about training until we were all finished with our food.

"Your wolf did really good today, Nova." Miley smiled.

Cel bristled in pride, and I chuckled at her. "Thank you, she appreciates the feedback."

"I noticed you were bleeding quite badly, are you okay?" She wondered.

I nodded. "I'm good, my wolf just doesn't seem to know when to stop."

The three of them giggled in response before I noticed Maisie's eyes glancing at my attire.

"And you're wearing the Alpha's t-shirt... like... that's crazy." She whispered.

I blushed and pulled at the large fabric on my body. I didn't know what to say but my silent response didn't affect them as they began to gossip about Phoenix instead.

"He's so hot. Like when he took his t-shirt off you could see every single muscle just tensing." Maisie grunted. "It's even better when he's sweaty! I could just stare at him all the time."

Miley nodded in agreement. "He just reeks of pure dominance it puts my wolf into a frenzy."

Cel growled and I cringed at the sexualising of my mate.

"Well! I'll see you guys later; I'm going to my room now..." I stood from my seat, not wanting to hear them gossip about it.

They grinned up at us as we stood and gave us waves goodbye. Molly exchanged her pleasantries and when we left the room, I nudged her teasingly.

"What did you think of the twins?" I asked as we walked back to her room.

She shrugged. "They're loud and gossip fuelled."

"And you're not?" I laughed.

Her head snapped to growl at me, but I just laughed at the threat. She didn't scare me in the slightest and I knew she secretly found it nice to have someone else to sit with us.

"They're not gonna be there all the time, are they?" She wondered.

I shrugged. "I don't know, I run with them every weekday so I can't escape them."

We laughed, entering her room and collapsing on the bed. Molly switched on her TV and quickly opened Netflix.

"So, Sherbet, what will it be today?" She hummed in thought. "Friends or Vampires?"

"Deffo vampires," I smirked.


Wc: 2955

Question of the Day:

What's something you don't like that everyone else seems to?

Mine would be avocado & tv programs like love island

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