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noun ~ a state of unconsciousness

Safe to say I couldn't sleep.

My brain was running too many thoughts at once and in frustration, I kicked my sheets to the floor. Huffing, I sat myself up on the edge and groaned, my head falling into my hands.

I felt so tired but so guilty. I couldn't get the image out of my mind. It was a little past midnight now, but I felt scared, tears brimming in my eyes. I brought myself to stand, sniffing away the feelings and made my way to my bathroom. I splashed water on my face in hopes to calm myself down, glaring at the plug in frustration.

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't get comfy. And if I did begin to drift off I was haunted with my memories, waking in a cold sweat. I was restless and desperate.

'There is one place we could go...' Cel sighed sleepily.

I glared at myself in the mirror, my eyes red and puffy with sleep and tears. I frowned, watching as my eyes began to glow greener as Cel forced her way forwards. My pupils narrowed and I felt the shimmer of her energy hum along my skin. She was comforting me, reassuring me that she was beside me.

'Always Nova.' She mumbled, blinking back at me in the mirror.

She fell away gently to the back of my mind, and the vision of her curling into a ball met my mind. I sighed and debated over what she was hinting towards.

I had always felt comfortable in his embrace, in his scent. It may be the only way for me to get any sleep, but this time he would be there in his bed and I wouldn't be alone.

I chewed my lip, was I bold enough? I mean, he is my mate. But so much has happened and so many things have come to life I wasn't sure how I stood within our relationship. Would this make it rocky? Would going to his room for comfort backfire on me? Would he want me there?

'Just go and see.' Cel breathed. 'You're his mate, he admitted it publicly today. He cares for us Nova, he's made that clear.'

True. I sighed.

He has. His intentions were clear now, how he kept things from me for protection. I was wrong, I admit. I blew my rocket too quickly and struggled to come down from the anger. He was always at the sidelines, I just wish he could've made himself clear.

'Let's go.' She demanded.

I nodded and left my sink, turning off my light. With determination and a sleep-deprived brain, I made my way out of my room and up the stairs, seeking the comfort I had dreamt of. I instinctively punched in his private code and made my way inside, shutting the door gently behind me.

I could hear my breath through the quiet night, my heart racing from my exertion here. I could feel the gentle hum coming from his bedroom door, the quietness of his suite startling me. With my heart rushing in my chest I slowly tiptoed my way to his door.

I stared at the wood for a moment, debating on just turning around or going back. I felt like a little kid again, wondering if I should wake my parents because I couldn't sleep.

I shook my head and went to grab the handle. I've gotten this far I may as well go the rest of the way.

The door opened with a gentle click and I peeked my head around it to peer inside the room. I made out his figure on his bed and laid facing me on his side. His duvet had been thrown to the floor, a light silk sheet covering his curves. It was warm tonight, I didn't blame him.

I swallowed nervously, fully intending on ignoring the voice that told me I was walking into the wolf's den. Phoenix was a powerful man, with strength I have never seen. I hoped he was a heavy sleeper.

I quietly turned to shut the door, wincing as it clicked closed. I took in a deep breath and hesitated before turning back around. I gently let go of the cool metal, my palms sweaty.

I began to turn around, taking small steps. I hoped he didn't have creaky floorboards...

I lifted my gaze from the floor back to the bed and froze. My breath hitched as two honey-coloured eyes stared back at me. Despite the beauty of the colour, the dark and stillness of the room set me on edge. I felt the hairs on my arms raise with goosebumps, his gentle gaze holding me.

"Are you just gonna stare at me? Or you gonna get in?" He grumbled.

I let out a shaky breath and nodded, making my way over to his bed. I kept my eyes on him as I settled myself into the bed, laying down on my back. I stared at his ceiling, immediately relaxing at his presence.

The bed shifted under his weight and I watched as he lifted his arm, sheet in tow. I squealed when his arm came around me and pulled me into his front, wrapping the sheet around me in the process. I froze at the sudden movement and laid still on my back but when his face buried its way into my neck, I felt myself begin to settle. His gentle breaths as he drifted to sleep lulled me into a sense of security.

His dark hair was soft against my cheek and I gazed at it from the corner of my eye. He kept his arm wrapped around my torso, his long legs curled so his knees touched my own. I breathed deeply, relaxing my muscles into his mattress. It held me as tightly and comfortably as Phoenix did, and I smiled in contentment as I closed my eyes.

Cel and already drifted away from me, and I felt my own body relax to the comfort of my mate. His small breaths told me he wasn't in deep sleep but I found myself matching his rhythm as I succumbed to my silence.


I woke to the sound of an alarm, my nightmares at bay for once in a while. I became away of how warm I was at first, and how comfortable I felt. My senses were filled with my mate, his smell overwhelming me as I began to wake.

I blinked away from the sleep and found myself face to face

My eyes widened when I remembered last night and I pulled my head away to find myself tightly pressed against a bare chest. Phoenix grunted beside me, his large arm flexing under my neck.

I gently pulled myself away, blushing furiously as he woke. He blinked away the sleep, his face peaceful. He must've slept as good as I did. His eyes met mine with a smile before he rolled halfway to smack his alarm on his phone. He glanced at the time on it before sighing and turning back to me.

I found myself admiring him. His hair was tousled on his head, sticking in all kinds of directions. His cheeks were rosy, despite his tan skin. He looks soft to touch; his face smooth. He must've shaved last night.

He chuckled, his voice a deep rasp. "Good morning sweetheart."

If it was possible I blushed more and glanced away to my legs. "Morning."

His voice was rougher, deeper as Ares was. It made my skin prickle and my body shudder with every syllable. He chuckled again and climbed out of bed. It was a calm morning considering we were due to go an attack a pack this evening.

I watched as his bare body climbed out of bed, my eyes widening at the sight of his bare ass. He must've heard my gasp because he turned around and walked around the bed to my side. I shrieked when he did so, my eyes automatically staring at all of him.

Oh, my goddess.

I squeezed my eyes closed, my cheeks so hot I could fry an egg. "I-I-sorry-I-"

He chuckled again before I felt his rough fingers brush through my hair. I risked a peek upwards, my senses guiding me to find his face automatically. He smiled, his eyes glazing a little as he stared down at me in wonder. He smoothed my hair down my neck, curling it behind my ears.

"You look beautiful." He smiled.

I sucked on my lip and cast my gaze away. This man will be the death of me...

"And I apologise." He began, his hand cupping my chin to look at him.

I frowned in confusion but he began to grin. "I always sleep naked."

He chuckled at my expression, pressing a small kiss to my lips. His hands fell from my face and he turned to make his way to his bathroom. I couldn't help but watch him as he walked away, too shocked to even look away.

He was just a stunning specimen. The way his hair curled at his neck, to the strong deltoids tensing as he walked. I found myself licking my lips as my eyes travelled down his spine and to the curve of his waist. Even his ass was too good to not look at, causing Cel to come to attention.

She bristled in my mind, her lifetime fancy for his backside always confused me. But his whole posterior was magnificent so I didn't blame her. She raised to the emotion and forced out a purr that settled in my chest and had me clenching my legs at the emotions behind it.

Suddenly, Phoenix paused at the door, his hand coming to grasp the door frame. His head turned a little to the side and I could see the gentle slope of his nose and the chiselled sharpness of his jaw. The muscles tightened as he clenched his teeth, his nostrils flaring made me shuffle on his bed.

"I may suggest you calm your thoughts before I come over there and do it myself." He smirked, his head raising to look at me fully over his shoulder.

I blushed, and Cel yipped in my head. She wanted the challenge, she wanted him to dominate her. She was such a suck-up, she didn't care for formalities and she was making it known to me.

"It's taking me a lot of strain to stay away from you Nova, so if you'll excuse me I need a shower." He grunted with a laugh.

I slammed my eyes closed when he turned to shut the door. I was so naive about male anatomy, I wasn't sure how to feel right now.

I let out a shaky breath, my body overcome with so many emotions. That mate bond sure knew how to work. I was attracted to every piece of him, and the growing tension between us wasn't helping.

I shook my head, chanting positive thoughts to myself. The sound of the shower turning on had me make a strange sound and I shot up to go and get dressed. I found myself chewing my lip as I briskly walked down the hallways and stairs back to my room.

Once safely inside I leaned against the door and let out the breath I had held the whole way. I needed to calm my mind and settle my emotions. It was hard to do in there, his scent surrounded me in every way. And I liked it, a little too much perhaps.


Ahhhh I loved writing this one!!!
My son is sick today, so thankfully had this written

Question of the day:
What's your go-to routine/comfort when you're sick?

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