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verb ~ emit a shrill, clear hi-pitched sound

The next morning Sean was in my bed again. He had fallen asleep on top of my covers, his head at the foot of my bed. It was him kicking me in the chest, that woke me up.

"Sean." I groaned.

"What time is it?" He mumbled.

I blearily checked my watch and sighed. "Seven o'clock."

He cursed under his breath. "How about just a run today?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Fifteen miles it is." He grunted and pulled himself from my bed.

I gaped at him. "You serious? I've never done more than twelve!"

He shrugged and cracked his knuckles. "It's that or a whole range of things."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Great. Meet me for breakfast in half an hour?"

I nodded. "Okay, okay."

"See you in a bit Novie." He smirked as he opened my door.

I rolled my eyes and he disappeared behind it. I pulled myself from my bed and sauntered to my bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped of my clothes but just as I was about to get in, I heard a knock at my door.

I cursed and pulled on my robe. "Have you forgotten something, Sean?"

I opened the door and was surprised to see it wasn't Sean but someone else entirely. His brown eyes widened at me in equal surprise before he cleared his throat.

"I just came to talk to you about something..." Charlie smiled.

"I just woke up." I yawned

"Sorry... Did-Did Sean spend the night?" Charlie wondered, looking behind me. "Is he here?"

"If you're here to complain about Sean sleeping in my room, tell that to him and his lazy butt. He's the one who moans about my bed but falls asleep here." I grunted, crossing my arms.

"I can come back later?" He asked.

"I'm about to shower so that would be better."

"Will you be coming down for breakfast?" He wondered.

I nodded, keeping my guard up. Something was strange here; Charlie never usually comes to my door.

"Okay, I'll see you down there."

"Okay..." I waved and quietly shut my door.

Was there something going on I wasn't aware of? Why was it everyone was having breakfast at the same time today?

I shrugged out of my robe and finally got in the shower. I forgot to shower last night so remnants of mud and grass are still stuck to me and no doubt my bed sheets. I will have to change them after working out.

Once I was washed, I secured the towel around me before going to open my curtains to see what weather I had to deal with. Looking at the sky in the distance I'd say the sun was in my favour.

Too busy looking above the trees I only just saw a flash of something dart through them. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, a prickly sensation surfacing on my skin. It even made Cel's hackles raise in my mind, something didn't feel right.

I hummed and went back to my wardrobe to choose my clothes for the day. Do I dare brave shorts today? I'd be running in the heat which could mean sunburn however most of it is under the trees so protection? But did I have the confidence yet?

I eyed the pretty green athletic shorts before shaking my head in dismissal. I chose some plain black leggings instead, pairing them with my sports bra, a tank top and my trainers. My hair was still wet, so I tied it into a low bun for now. When I ran the wind would dry it for me.

I left my room, feeling ready for the day. I hated waking up in the morning but I did love the morning once I was up. It was weird but something about the sunrise and the bird song made me feel peaceful.

I made my way quietly into the kitchen in hopes to avoid the bunch of people getting ready for a day of work. It was 7:45, so thankfully the quieter part of breakfast.

I grabbed a bowl and filled it with a couple of scoops of porridge, drizzled syrup and fruit on top and called it a masterpiece. I walked over to the fridge to get my juice when I saw that there was no orange juice left. I pouted, about to grab the apple juice instead when Sean shouted my name.

I narrowed my eyes at him for shouting at me and drawing attention. He gave me an apologetic smile before holding up his hand. I dropped my facade when I saw the ice-cold orange juice in his hand. I'll forgive him.

I walked over to him with my bowl and sat beside him. "Thanks!"

He chuckled. "I noticed it was nearly empty so grabbed you a glass. I don't want a grumpy Nova to deal with today."

I rolled my eyes and nudged him. "I'm not grumpy."

"You are when it comes to your orange juice." He smirked. "Anyway, looking forward to the run after this?"

"Oh yeah, as excited as I am getting shot with silver." I groaned.

"Hey, it's not that bad, you'll have me."

I laid my head on the table, closing my eyes. "Even worse!"

He chuckled and kicked my chair leg, making me sit upright with a smile. We ate in silence, my head wandering to what I may have seen out of my window. I debated on telling Sean, but for all I knew, it was probably my sleep-deprived imagination.

We finished breakfast but stayed and chatted for the next half an hour whilst it digested. I tried to keep my head in the conversation, but I kept getting distracted.

"What's going on?" Sean asked.

"Huh?" I asked, glancing up at him.

"You've been drifting off and staring at the wall." He pointed out. "Somethings off."

I shrugged. "It's n-nothing."

"Nova... you're gonna be spending the next couple hours with me, so you either tell me or I make it a living hell. You hardly stutter anymore so it's not nothing."

I sighed. "I just think a little PTSD or something•


"I thought I saw something dart through the trees this morning."

His face scrunched in confusion. "In the trees? Something in the tree?"

I grumbled. "Trees yes, what I said. It's silly just forget about it."

He hummed but stood from the table. "Don't worry, I'll be right by your side."

"Yeah, trying to kill me with exercise."

He dragged me up by the arm and I begrudgingly followed him. We made our way outside and to the beginning of the trail on the training grounds, many wolves greeted Sean as we passed.

"Going for a run Gamma Sean?" A slim build girl approached politely.

"Yes, Miley. We are doing a 15-mile run." He smiled down at her.

"Do you mind if me and Maisie come? We don't like running alone in the woods." She wrung her hands together.

I could see Sean debating and as I stared between them, I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. Just as Sean was about to reject their proposal, I accepted them.

"Of course, always good to have numbers." I smiled.

Miley's eyes snapped to me and she gave me a small smile in thanks. "Really?"

Sean grumbled. "If Nova says so."

"Great thanks!"

Her blue eyes were excited as she waved over a replica of herself. We all began to stretch our muscles in sync before Sean took lead. We synchronised our watches and paused on hitting start.

"Follow me, do not stray and do not fall behind." He commanded.

The twins replied with an agreement and Sean turned to me with a raised eyebrow; I tended to drift in other directions and he knew it.

"Yeah okay," I grumbled.

"Let's go then." He smirked. "Slow pace to warm up."

We all nodded and began our jog into the tree line. The sun was not too hot at this time of the day and most of the birds were already on their adventures since being up at dawn. I didn't mind the jog, enjoying myself too much as I took in nature's beauty.

I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes in a long link. The smell of wood and bark, leaves and all kinds of sweet flowers invaded my nostrils. I felt secure in nature, something so relaxing about it.

"Up the pace a little let's go," Sean shouted as he began to run.

Now for a human, the speed he had us going would be classed as a run, to us wolves it was about fifty perfect efforts. Sean liked to keep long runs at this pace since I didn't have the best coordination. Not that Cel helped, she's too busy in her own head to realise I'm about to fall.

We ran for a while, my watch telling me we hit four miles at 10 minutes in. The girls were behind me, even going as far as expressing light chatter as we went. We were fairly deep in the forest now and approaching the border area.

We ran across its length but kept a good ten metres away. The occasional patrol guard appeared in wolf form and bowed in respect to Sean. I started to get suspicious so pressed at his mind link to let me in.

'Yes?' He breathed.

Why are we along the border? I asked.

He paused. 'I wanted to see if they had seen anything today.'

Because of what I said over lunch? I asked. I could've imagined it.

'But you may not have.' He sighed. 'Plus knowing the borders are fine will help relax you. So, hush and run. Halfway there.'

I grumbled but left him to it. We kept our direct link open to each other and I sought comfort in it, his mind was intent on running with no other thoughts. I tried to keep mine the same but ended up getting distracted by the ache in my chest and legs, or a cute animal nearby.

Once we hit ten miles, I was ready to call it a day but both Sean and the twins were eager runners. Their athletic slim build now made sense to me.

'You got this.' Sean's voice floated in my mind.

I nodded when he turned his head, keeping my mind focused on moving my legs in time. We eventually drifted away from the border and began to make our way back through the forest.

"Last three miles, push all you have! Let's go!" Sean bellowed.

The twins gave small howls in excited agreement and I found myself exasperated at their energy. They pulled forwards and overtook me, my own body envious of their spirit.

'Want me to help?' Cel chirped.

No, I gotta do this myself.

I forced myself to go further. I know that three miles usually takes me no more than five minutes. So, I could be done before I knew it.

My breathing was becoming ragged as I pushed myself. I could hear the heavy breaths in my ears and the underwater sound it created. My legs were sore and thighs aching, but I was halfway there now. I could smell the twins before me just beyond the next clearing. Sean still kept his link open to me, and since I had fallen behind I was grateful for it.

One mile left and I was desperately clasping for strength now. But suddenly something whistled past my head and as I looked up I stumbled. I shrieked in alarm as I fell, my arms catching my fall as I rolled down a small slant and crashed into a hedge.

I cursed at myself and crawled out of the prickly bushes. I was thankfully fine, nothing but a few scratches. My mind link had closed off in embarrassment but I could smell Sean still which comforted me. I brushed off my knees and hands and scanned my surroundings. I don't know what the whistle-type sound was, but it sounded like something passed by my head and the air couldn't take the force of the speed.

I growled lowly as a warning, checking around me one last time before I began to sprint off. I had newfound energy, eager to get out of the forest now. I completed the last mile in just over a minute and came running through the trees as though they were on fire.

Sean's alarmed face saw me first as I ran towards where he and the twins stood getting a drink. Once I arrived, I bent over my knees and forced the air into my lungs. The sudden inhale had me almost wrenching, and the smell of Phoenix nearby definitely didn't help

"What happened?" He came closer to me and laid his hand on my back.

I shook my head, staring down at the ground. "Not now."

My mind was muddled, did I make it up? Was it linked to what I saw this morning? Was I just losing the plot because of tiredness and stress? Was I being slipped hallucinogens in my food?

One of the twins called Sean over and he excused himself for a second to talk to her. The sudden approach of Phoenix's smell had me pulling myself upright. He stepped around Sean with a hard frown but handed me a cup of water. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion but took it from him. What was he doing here?

As I downed the water, I kept my eyes on him as he shamelessly scanned me from head to toe.

"Another?" He smirked.

I nodded and watched as he filled me another cup of water. I drank that slower this time, both of us looking at each other in silence.

"What happened?" He wondered.

I gave him a confused glance but followed his gaze to see the cuts on my arms. "Oh, I fell."

He rose an eyebrow. "You say it like it's nothing, are you okay?"

My heart fluttered and I swallowed another mouthful of water to distract myself. "Yeah, happens all the time."

"You should be more careful." He warned.

I scoffed. "Tell that to the floor."

He smirked again but shrugged indifferently. He took a step closer and I tensed when he stood next to me. He began to pull things out of my hair and off the back of my shirt. I watched as leaves and twigs fell onto the grass, Cel purring in my mind at his attention.

I blushed when he was done and looked around me to notice a few wolves had been staring at their strange Alpha. He cleared his throat when he finished and stood before me again, the smirk still in place.


His eyes lit up. "Anytime."

Did he really mean that? Cel was pawing at the seams and I sighed before letting her through a little. Ares rose to the challenge and I observed as they sent each other their emotions through their eyes alone. Cel thanked him and he practically bowed through the mate bond.

When they backed away Phoenix became serious suddenly. "Did you happen to notice anything... strange today?"

I hesitated. "Strange?"

"In the forest."

I chewed my lip but shook my head, but he narrowed his eyes.


I shrugged. "I had... a weird feeling, sure. Thought I heard something."

He hummed and was about to question me further but thankfully Sean came to my rescue and stepped up beside me. He must've been a little too close because Phoenix growled at him and he took a step back. Sean gave him a polite smile as Phoenix glared at him.

"Ready for round two?" Sean turned to me.

I groaned. "There's more? Isn't 15 miles enough?"

He grinned and clapped his hands. "Not if you're gonna be the best. Weight time."

I growled but marched my way to the weights. "If I was six feet tall, I'd beat you into the ground. Stupid tall wolves."

I swear I heard two chuckles as I made my way over, but I put it down to the possible hallucinogenic pills I must be taking.


Next chapter is gonna be goood I can't wait to get it finished 🤩

Question of the day:

If you could be stuck in an elevator with anyone alive or dead, for an hour, who would you like it to be?

Wc: 2762

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