Happy Valentine's Day

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Dear Crazy Amazing One,

I rewrite and rewrite this letter over and over again
It gets longer and longer each and every time
Because you deserve so much more
I feel like it has to be perfect and measure my true feelings
But nothing can ever hold what I really mean

You believed in me
You said that I was gonna go far
Now I'm gonna take that same faith you had in me
And put it in myself

I miss you
All the times we spent together
It keeps playing in my mind
It's on rewind

How are you?
I'm sorry I haven't written to you in so long
But there is a person that reminds me so much of you and it hurts
I wish you could meet them
But you're gone

Yesterday I visited your grave
I swore I saw you siting besides me
And you were just crying with me
And telling me everything was going to be okay

Today I dreamt of you
By the candle just trying
Yearning to just have one last time with me
Me pleading at the autumn wind to let it so be true
But that can't ever happen now can it?

Tonight I have thought about you again
I have thought about all my life decisions
And my worth
And although you would say I'm lying
I'm amazing...I just wish...you were here with me
To take everything away and make it all better


Your special ass type of person ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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