Like You and Me

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I sat near the window just staring out at the trees.
Terrence came over, setting a mug next to me making me jump.
"It's just me." He told me softly, for some reason that didn't calm me down, I just rubbed my arms, turning further towards the window.
"I lost my parents when I was younger." He told me sitting across from me.
I looked over at him, getting a good look.
His hair was a blood red at the roots, but turned to a sort of fiery color near the tips. It almost looked dyed.
His eyes were a piercing red that I couldn't look at for long, which was probably the reason I hadn't taken the time to look at him before.
"What happened?" I mumbled, my eyes wandering further down from his face.
He was wearing a T-shirt that matched his hair and a black leather jacket that was tight around his shoulders. The red head was taller than my mate, not too much so, but his height was probably do to his other half. Vampires had a tendency to be unnaturally tall which to some people, was attractive. I didn't really care, that was another perk of having a mate who'd accepted you. When you first became mates, no one else compared. Through time it changed by how strong you kept the bond, but I was no cheater.
"I killed them."
My eyes snapped up to his face, though he was looking away with a frown.
"Oh..were they?" I started to ask if they'd been terrible to him or something but he shook his head.
"They were good parents...I just got hungry." I frowned also, he looked regretful.
"Couldn't your Um..vampiric parent, do something?" I asked and he sighed.
"You'd think, but I was stronger thanks to my werewolf genes."
I winced.
"Did you at least bury them?" I asked but he shook his head again.
"After I was full, I didn't fully understand what I'd just done. I think I was about 4 or 5 when it happened. Another couple found me, and took me in. I killed the husband when he tried to get rid of me, he knew I was unnatural and had gotten scared, he scared me, and that was his mistake."
My gut wrenched and I looked out the window again.
"Can about something else?"
Terrence blinked at me surprised, as if he hadn't a clue why I'd dislike the conversation.
"Oh, is that not making you feel better?" He asked and this time it was my turn to shake my head.
"No...I don't want to talk about death right now."
"Then what do you want to talk about?" He asked raising a brow.
I sighed glancing at the mug he'd given me, it had a brown sort of liquid in it. Curious, I took a sip before spitting it back out and coughing.
"Sorry, I didn't know how you liked hot chocolate." He told me and I wiped my mouth.
"Chocolate? This is cocoa, it's bitter and-gag-very strong!" I coughed as he hummed.
"Really? I hadn't noticed. Though, I guess my tastebuds are defective, being part vampire." He shrugged as I swallowed uncomfortably.
I gently pushed the mug away and looked back at him. Now that I knew he wouldn't hurt me, at least for now, it was a bit easier to look at him in the face.
"So what are something's that are different about you?" He asked and I blinked at his face. His eyes were slightly squinted as he tried at a smile which was very crooked and awkward.
I pressed my lips together but it didn't hold back my giggle.
Terrence dropped the smile for a more confused look.
"Sorry, you have a nice smile." I smiled back and he hummed softly rubbing a finger on the table.
"Thank you." He said.
I would have guessed he was bashful, but it was hard to tell, he was rather unexpressive.
"Um, to answer your question, I can't really shift, not unless it's life or death, and when I do, I black out. I'm basically a regular wolf." I shrugged and he looked back at me.
"I black out too, just when I'm hungry." He told me and his awkward smile was back. That made me smile, he was seeing similarities and I guess that was good. Maybe, all this time, Terrence just needed a friend, someone like him that he could be around.
I thought for a minute before looking over at him.
"Do you, have any blood that you store? I mean, like they have at hospitals." I said quickly, I didn't want to know if he collected his own blood.
"Oh, Yes. Jacob gives me blood from the hospital store rooms." He told me and I frowned, my grip on my arms tightening.
"Does he..come here?" I asked hesitantly but thankfully, the red head shook his head.
"No, he usually just calls me and gives it to me."
"With a link?" I asked raising a brow.
Terrence had his crooked smile again before holding something out to me slowly.
I hesitated, looking at his hand and then back at him.
It was a small whistle white like it'd been carved from a bone, I shivered a little, just looking at it made my skin crawl a little.
"Is that...human?" I asked and his smile disappeared again.
"Buffalo bone." He answered and I looked sheepish before gently taking it.
"But, wouldn't a whistle hurt Jacob's ears?" I asked, again, the red head shook his head.
"No, when you blow this whistle, it's like a low hum. I'll hear it where ever I am and I can come directly to you." He told me calmly.
I looked at it again with a hum.
"Sounds handy." I said handing it out to him, but he closed my hand with his own.
"Keep it. I want you to have it." He told me, making me blink in surprise.
"Oh. Thank you." I smiled a little at him and he hummed, his awkward smile came back for just a second.
"No problem."

Was this long enough? Are you enjoying this chapter? Hopefully so! I'm gonna try to post another one today, but if I don't, please don't be throwing the tomatoes.

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