Another Dawn

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I woke up with a gasp, barely swallowing a scream. Sitting up in my bed, I looked around the room before seeing the tray Jacob had left for me. The food was dry and hard after being left out all night.

Staring at it, I let the memories of yesterday bubble to the surface. Swallowing as I remembered, all of the kisses I received, whether I wanted to or not.

Taking a deep breath, I got out of bed, and walked over to the vanity, sitting down and staring at my reflection. My skin was pale from the scare I'd had. But I pushed the night terror to the side. It could wait. The burns on my lip were almost completely gone, but the pigment it left was almost like a painted banner. I looked myself in the eye, giving myself a stern expression.

"You're not going to let this scare you. This will not torment you either. It won't happen again, you won't let it." I told myself before nodding. I didn't really know if this approach would work or not, but it was worth a try.

I got up once more and dressed myself, pulling on my jacket and gloves. Then I looked at my beanie. All of this mess happened due to my hair. Try as I might to hide it. Why hide it anymore? The worst had passed. At least, that's what I told myself. Either way, it soothed me, and let my heart beat a bit calmer.

So I left my beanie in my bag, striding over to the door. I wouldn't let Jacob intimidate me. If he wanted me to listen to him, then he'd have to sit down with me and have a conversation like an adult. I'd also have to keep myself in check. I'd become too comfortable pressing his buttons.

I opened the door before flinching at the sight of someone standing just outside. The girl jumped in tandem, having been about to knock. She gathered herself more quickly than I however, clearing her throat and giving a bright smile.

"Are you the half human?" She asked as I still had a hand over my heart and a bit quicker paced breath.

"Yes?" I asked, still staring at her with wide eyes. She gave a small curtsy in her jeans.

"I'm Jeanie. I was told to make sure you ate some breakfast." She told me, to which I glanced down the empty hall and back at her.

Had Jacob told his father about his friend bothering me? But why make the fuss? And why refer to me as a half human? Did no one tell her my name? Was this Jacob's attempt at an apology? It wasn't much of one, but I wouldn't complain. Not being bothered while trying to eat was something I never used to consider a luxury. But today, the assurance felt relieving.

"Ok." I said, deciding to go along with it. She smiled and backed up, letting me walk ahead of her. It was still unsettling to be walking ahead of people like this, but I didn't exactly know how to say so without causing hurt feelings. So again, I went along with it.

We found ourselves in the smaller of the two kitchens, closer to the back of the house. Seems this kitchen was used less by Jacob or his friend. The thought was comforting. Jeanie and I had a pleasant and quiet morning, making some waffles and eating together.

I did notice her glancing at me once and a while. But decided to leave it be. If she was staring at my lips, well, there was nothing to be done to hide it. Even if there were, I wouldn't. I hadn't done anything wrong.

"Have you had your fill?" She asked, once I had finished my meal and I nodded. Quick as a rabbit, she had taken my dish and hers, washing and drying them before setting them back in the cabinets, as if we had never been there.

She walked me back to my room afterward before offering another smile in farewell.

"I hope you enjoyed, I didn't get your name." She said a bit sheepishly, I nodded.

"It's Moon, and I did. Thank you, Jeanie." I offered a small smile. She blinked at me as if confused before nodding.

"Yes, right. Well, I have other things to do. Enjoy the rest of your day." She told me and walked briskly down the hall.

"Spritely." I murmured before closing my door. Perhaps she hadn't been very comfortable around me because of my rank. But for once, I really didn't care. It wasn't my fault I had been born, and I was a bit tired of people acting like it was.

I began to sit on my bed with a huff, only to quickly stand again when I heard a clatter and realized I'd nearly sat on the tray Jacob had left for me. I waved it off for now, not wanting to deal with it as I thought.

I'd only gotten in trouble with Jacob because I had gone to see Nathaniel again. But, now that I knew what we were, how could Jacob expect me to stay away? Didn't he understand? Of course he didn't, he'd taken his burns like an old friend. He probably didn't even care about his own mate, why would he understand my want to see mine?

I pouted, looking down at my lips as if they were a smack mark on the cheek. How would I explain this to Nathaniel?

Another knock at my door made me pout at the wooden portal. Who was it now, and why was I so popular all of a sudden?

Patting off my butt incase I'd gotten crumbs on my pants, I walked over. Once I answered, I saw that it was the Alpha. Quickly, I bowed my head, just like before.

"Good Morning, Moon." He said softly, and I looked up at him with a small nod.

"Morning, Alpha." I spoke with a reverence that made his smile twitch a little. But then he reached a hand out towards me and I realized he'd been looking at my lip.

"Are you alright?" He asked, but I stretched a smile, taking a step away.

"I'm fine, thank you."

He paused before lowering his hand. "I, see...I was wondering if we could talk a little more." He spoke slowly, as if he didn't quite believe me.

My confusion showed through, but I nodded all the same. Our last conversation had ended off a bit awkwardly. But perhaps that's why he felt he needed to try again.

Either way, a nice conversation was one I welcomed the idea of. It would keep my mind occupied.

We walked through the halls again as the Alpha made conversation. Avoiding the topic of my reddened lip. He could probably tell I didn't want to talk about it.

"So, what do you like to do, for fun?" He asked, and I glanced around us at the plain walls. There were pictures here and there, mostly paintings. But otherwise it was just, walls and doors. Not too much decor, it made the house feel almost empty in my mind.

"Uhm..Run." I said somewhat absentmindedly. It was something every werewolf liked to do. One of the only things that reminded me that I was still part werewolf.

"Do you like to hunt as well?" He asked as I swung my arms a little, trying to think.

", not particularly. I'm not very good at catching." I admitted, resisting the urge to bite my lip.

"Not good at catching? Is there something else you're good at?" He asked, and I thought about the last few times I'd hunted with my dad.

"Spotting. I use the trees for a vantage point." I told him as I remembered pointing out animals to my dad when we were low on food.

Bows were expensive, and I didn't know how to make a proper one. So the most I could do was point out prey to my dad and let him give chase.

My shoulders sagged as I remembered my father. "Papa always enjoyed the time together, and appreciated the help. Especially when his eyes got tired." I said with a sad smile.

Our pace down the hall slowed and we stopped at the stairs. The Alpha gripped the railing tight. "Home sick?"

I nodded before brushing my hair out of my face. "It feels silly to miss him so much, when it's only been a day. I've just, never been gone this long." I said sadly before wiping my face. This wasn't the time to be getting weepy, not in front of the Alpha.

"It's alright.. I understand." He told me, gently patting my shoulder. I looked over at him softly before offering a little smile.

"Thank you, this is, very nice. Having a moment of peace." I told him as his lips twitched in a sort of smile.

"Hectic day?" He asked and I heaved a sigh.


"This house is like that sometimes. More often than not." He chuckled as he looked around the front room.

We walked around towards the back of the house as we kept talking, when the topic found its way back to my mother.

"She was always rather energetic, and had a talent for making others laugh." He told me, smiling at the memory of her. I thought about what he said, and compared it to what my father had told me. From what I heard from both of them, The Alpha seemed to have been rather close with her. I was lucky to have run into someone else who knew her and didn't look down on her.

"Did..she have white hair?" I asked coyly, looking up at the Alpha. He stopped, looking at me in surprise.


I looked away, rubbing my arm. "Sorry, yesterday you asked if I, had any questions about her. I said I didn't but.. I guess there's just the one." Pulling my hair over one shoulder, I started to braid it loosely. "I know it's not a typical human hair color. I just, sort of wonder where I got it." I murmured softly. Though I tried to keep my voice loud enough for him to hear me.

"I..your hair is..well, I, I'm not sure I..." He checked his watch before speaking quickly. "I'm afraid there's no time left. I lost it-yes-lost track of time. Why don't you go ahead and get something to eat, I've distracted you so long it's now time for lunch."

I blinked repeatedly at the hasty dismissal before quietly moving away to let the Alpha head for his study. What a busy man, and he'd still taken the time to come and talk to me. It was very nice of him, and I appreciated the effort. But at the same time, I couldn't help but wonder, why?


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