Bargains Made

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I pulled my beanie firmly over my head, my hair tucked up inside. After grabbing my satchel, I put it over my shoulder.

Jacob had mentioned I would be a guest for as long as he saw fit, but didn't care to specify the desired amount of time. Best to be prepared for a longer stay.

One deep breath, then another. I fidgeted with my leather gloves and jacket. The fabric wasn't uncomfortable, but it was more for smell than anything else. An Omega in the Alpha house was already a rarity, I didn't need a bunch of people poking their noses at me for being half human also.

My father knocked on my open door, catching my attention. "Are you ready?" He asked, but there was a heavier somberness to his tone than usual.

I stared at his shaggy, mud brown hair before lightly tugging at my beanie. My hair wasn't a normal human color, but whenever I asked my dad about it, he just said it was how I got my name. White like the moon on a pure night. Usually, I hid my hair under my beanie. I never dared cut it, my father loved it so much, as did I. But it felt like something that would gain me unwanted attention. Jacob's reaction meant I was right to hide it.

Not much to be done about it now.

"As ready as I'm going to get." I shrugged and walked over. He leaned on the door frame as I approached and tilted my head up. With little movement or effort, he kissed my head.

"Be careful. Stay Alert. If anything bad happens, I want you to go to the Alpha. Do you understand?" I nodded silently before offering a smile.

"I will."

A rap on the front door made my father flinch from the sound, but I simply took a third and final deep breath. He was here.

We both stepped out of the house, but I kept in front of my father as I stared at Jacob. He had brought his friend with him again. They weren't in wolf form, but still smelled of alcohol from last night.

He had his hands behind his head, looking into the trees with a bored expression. While looking at him however, I noticed another person standing in the shade. I only noticed him because of the red hair covering his head. He was staring at me with curious eyes.

I dismissed the entourage. Refocusing on their leader as he gestured for me to come closer. "I won't go with you unless you give me your word that you and your friends won't bother my dad anymore." I said sternly. To which, Jacob's underling glared at me.

"Excuse me?" He asked indignantly, stepping towards me. But Jacob held out an arm, stopping him.

"You have my word, your father will know peace for the rest of his moon cycles. Is that satisfactory?" He asked, arching a brow. I blinked at him, admittedly, rather surprised. Not only had he agreed, but I don't think he'd ever spoken to me other than last night when drunk. Who knew he could speak eloquently?

Wearily, I nodded. Jacob then tapped his friend's shoulder, as if in reassurance before gesturing me closer again. Looking at my dad, I waited until he was ready. He gave me a little smile before gently nudging me forward, and I walked over to the Alpha's son.

"You'll be a guest in the Alpha's House for three days. Are you ready?" He asked, though the invitation was clearly an order. I tried not to make a face, instead, answering calmly.

"I am."

"Then we'll be off." He told me, before holding an arm out in the direction of the Alpha's house. I was confused at first, glancing between him and the road before slowly starting to walk in the designated direction. He followed behind me, almost like an escort.

This was freaky. Ranks determined who walked in front when traveling. Being a guest didn't give me that privilege.

His friend scoffed irritably as the red head took up Jacob's rear. He was probably just salty that he was the one in the back of the line. I gripped my satchel strap, trying to still the tremble in my hands.

What was going on here? What was with Jacob? I didn't know him personally, but even when I briefly went to the pack school, He never once so much as glanced my way. Was this really all because of my hair?

I tried not to fidget with my beanie, and kept my gaze forward as we walked up the path. We were making good time, or at least I'd thought, until I heard a groan.

"This is taking forever. Mind if I meet you there?" The male at the back called. Jacob stopped and looked back at him, but I kept walking.

"Fine, you go ahead, Bren. Just don't bother my parents, alright?"

"Psh, it'll be like I'm not even there." He assured the Alpha's son before blasting past me. I squashed my hat to keep it on as I watched the dustcloud he left behind start to settle.

What I wouldn't give for that speed..

"Yeah, unless they go into the kitchen." Jacob snorted and I heard a warm chuckle, far too nice sounding to belong to the brunette.

I glanced over my shoulder at the Red head. He was covering his mouth with a closed fist and eyes. He had a nice laugh.

The Alpha's son caught my gaze however and I looked away, starting forward.

"Hold it."

I paused, frowning back at him. What did I do this time? He stepped towards me when several figures burst from the under brush.

Everything was a blurr, everyone was moving too fast for me to register. I flipped around and around, only able to see the left over movement as I tried to see what was going on. Then I was tackled to the ground. When I opened my eyes again, I was dazed from the fall.

A snout was in my face, snarling at me. The wolf's fur looked like a toasted marshmallow, and their eyes. I felt as if I were laying on a hill in the grass. In my mind, I could almost feel the blades tickling my skin.

I barely realized they had stopped growling when they were yanked off of me with a yelp.

Jacob had plucked them off me like a small animal and began to slam them into the dirt repeatedly. Scrambling to sit up, I screamed. "STOP IT!"

The brunette snapped to look at me with scathing eyes that made me want to flinch away. But I only hardened my expression to be stern, hiding any fear by clenching my gloved hands.

Surprisingly, he let go of them, their body thumping heavily in the dirt. My heart was still pounding as I finally got the chance to look around.

Our attackers had fled, with a couple of bodies that had been left behind, one of which was a wolf without its head. I quickly looked away from the gore, trying to swallow the bile that had crawled up my throat.

I could tell from the dirt and mangy look of them that they were rogues. But why had they attacked us? Were they after Jacob? That must have been the reason. Rogues hated Alpha ranks with a passion, especially snobby ones.

My eyes found themselves stuck on the bright colored wolf Jacob had slammed into the earth. There was no blood, but he wasn't moving. I crawled over hesitantly as Jacob walked the other way, seeming to trade places with me. I set a hand on his chest. His heart was still beating. He was alive, just unconscious.

"We should get moving." The red head spoke as I shakily got to my feet. When I turned to face Jacob, he was holding out my beanie. My hand flew to my hair before I quickly, yet carefully, took back my hat and yanked it back over my head. As I stuffed my hair back up, Jacob grabbed the unconscious wolf by the scruff and slung him over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I frowned as the brunette turned to me.

"They attacked us unprovoked, I want to know why. Perhaps I'll get answers from this one. Anymore questions?" He asked, arching his brows. I glared at him, not liking his tone. But shook my head.

"Very well then. Shall we? " He gestured ahead. I swallowed before carefully making my way past him and the carnage of the battle that had come and gone in what felt like the blink of an eye.

My stomach churned throughout the rest of our journey. It wasn't until we reached the Alpha's house that it settled, only to start twisting again. This time from nerves and uncertainty.

Jacob escorted me and the red head inside before excusing himself to 'take care of the prisoner.' I watched him start to head down a flight of stairs into what I had thought was a basement. But perhaps it was a dungeon of some sort. The wolf over his shoulder had its eyes closed, but they didn't look injured, at least not in their current form.

"I'll show you around." I jumped at the voice, turning to see the red head standing next to me. I'd forgotten he was there. "I'm Terrence." He continued, holding out a hand.

I gently took hold for a handshake, but immediately felt like ripping it away when he squeezed. He shook my hand gently, but his skin was like ice and his grip felt like stone.

"M-Moon." I stammered as he finally let go, and I clenched my hands onto my pack strap.

"The pleasure is mine." He said with a mild smile. His expression helped to put me at ease as he started the tour.

The Alpha's house was big. Like a lodge of sorts. Plenty of guest rooms and bathrooms, two kitchens and even two living rooms, one bigger than the other. Terrence avoided the Alpha's study, and the Luna's gardens. Simply pointing them out. Not that I minded, the last thing I wanted was to bother the pack leaders.

"And this will be your room." He said, opening the door for me.

Goodness Glaciers, alot happened in this chapter.

Now, I'm going to answer some questions that might pop up.

-Yes, werewolves can talk as wolves.

-Yes, werewolves have mindlinks they can speak through. (Like telepathy)

-No, these werewolves are not naked when they shift. (Think of it as putting on and taking off a cloak.)

-Yes, there is a Mate bond. No it is not a burning desire. That's called Lust.

If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask.

I hope that I'm doing a better job of clearing up confusion. I will also be trying harder to reply to your comments.

Have a Restful Evening,
G'Night my lovely Stars.


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