6. Real Love never ends by negativity...

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Thanks for the love and support...

Watty is troubling a lot these days... Too many issues n too many problems... Huh... So kindly bear with the delays....

Sorry for the inconveniences and delays... Don't scold me please...

Now too typing this story with a bad cold n running nose... Achooooo... Achooo... Sorry guys... Worst weather.... Sucking all my energy too much...

So, we are in shot. 6...
Just 4 more to go...

But before going into the story, my heart felt thanks to everyone who have liked this story.... Believe it or not... Just 5 shots posted...

But the votes have almost crossed 940+ and nearing 1000 with a maximum of 123 votes to its credit.. The surprising fact is that all the chapters have crossed
110+ votes from prologue and the biggest surprise is that 4 chapters has 120+ votes ..

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement...

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

Warning: Read at your own risk...

Strictly no bashing is allowed..

Text in Italics: Past scenario...

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁


Pragya comes out after freshing up and she changes herself into a comfortable cotton suit which Abhi loves on her a lot in their happy times as its the first gift from his very own hard earned money... Though it's faded and become old, the soft fabric is soothing Pragya a lot...

Pragya takes a deep breath as she doesn't want to get panic to know where might be her daughter abhigya and whether she is safe or not... She knows pretty well that abhi will bring their daughter safe and sound without getting hurted...

Though pragya hates abhi for some reasons which only her heart knows but nothing can broke the trust she has on him... More than a good husband, abhi is a wonderful father who loves their daughter very dearly and can go to any extreme to protect her...

Pragya's inner self mocks her that its also one of the reason for their separation... The possessive and protective father in abhi is the biggest culprit which has snatched away the best husband abhi from her who has never hurted her before by his words too...

Pragya smiles lifelessly as she badly wants to return back to her dearest abhi who loves her madly and beared all her tantrums and fulfilled all her wishes from childhood... She even feels jealous of their own daughter for snatching her love from her abhi....

Though pragya hates the fact that abhi is hurting her more and more these years, she is not in a mentality to forgive him at all... She can never forget the bitter words abhi spitted on her face... Pragya badly wants to forget it as a nightmare but nothing can change the reality...

But no one who are very close to abhi and pragya can predict how on earth both pragya and abhi who are being separated more than three to four years and is living in a separate house is sharing physical intimacy without minding their hatred...

Even sid and Aaliya were startled to know that pragya has become pregnant again with abhi's child when she fells unconscious on her office (in the court) all of a sudden... Tanu on the other hand is jumping in joy knowing that abhi has become father again ..

Never in the wild dreams too sid and aaliya have imagined this and they were shocked as pragya didn't felt guilty at all in this matter and she celebrated it happily saying that she will get a son soon whom she wish to pamper so much as abhi does with their daughter...

No matter what abhi and pragya are going in a different path, having too much hatred and spitting venoms on each other, the love inside them has never made them apart physically and emotionally... They are two souls in one body and they never regret having physical intimacy...

Its the unsaid promise made by abhi and pragya that whenever the other is frustrated, tired, angry, desired or whenever one need to make love, the other should accept it happily and fulfill the wish whenever and wherever possible no matter in what situation they are ...

Its the love on each other which keeps them together by body and heart all these years while they fake to the outer world that they hate each other a lot... Never they left each other in their hard times and they need each other in their good and bad times even now too...


Pragya feels nauseous all of a sudden but she knows pretty well that what will make her to stop that feeling... She rushes and picks up abhi's shirt which is hanging loosely in the shirt stand which abhi has changed before going to rescue abhigya ...

She inhales abhi's masculine fragrance in it which stirs her feelings and controls her nausea but it takes pragya back to the past when they were left all alone after their parents death...


⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ Back..

Abhi and pragya sits in the living room of the joint house which both the Mehras and Aroras share... Though it looks separate from outside, there is no partition inside and they both share a common hall which they all spend their leisure time together.....

Only the rooms were separated in their house but the kitchen, lobby, outside lawn, pool n the living room are same for them... Even the study room of both their fathers are same and abhi and pragya are also used to study together there only...


Abhi looks at his fuggy's face who is completely became pale and torn out because of over crying... Her glowing eyes are grieving in misery shedding uncontrollable tears, her non stop talking lips are trembling and murmuring something uncontrollably...

The lively and chirpy pragya is completely worn out and is crying like a maniac without bothering about her state... Abhi's hearts bleeds on seeing his fuggy who always wish to fill her stomach is not at all eating anything for the past two days...

Abhi sighs and gets up and goes to freshen up after pecking in pragya's forehead... He cried his heart out standing under the showers wiping all the pain in his heart and to become strong to make his fuggy to get back to normal and to fight back the whole world...

Though abhi is completely startled how they are going to study and survive without any back ups, he want to be strong enough to live a happy life which is the only wish of their parents.... He sighs and get dressed up and went to prepare food for pragya...

He keeps the food on the side table of pragya's room and picks pragya in his arms... He made her to wash her face and changed her dress too by closing his eyes as pragya is sitting without reacting to anything... He makes her sit in his lap and forcefully feeds her ..

Abhi: Fuggy.. Enough darling... How long we are going to be like this??? Its not an end of our life dear... We have to study and set up a happy life for us... I know its not going to be easy for us....

But I am very selfish fuggy... We can't sit and drown in the misery all our life... I need you very badly and I want to live my whole life with you.... Cry out fully dear.... But after that no more cryings....

Trust me... Your abhi is there for you... Though we have lost our precious parents, your abhi is there for you in their places... We will fight together and we want to make our dead parents soule to see us living happily...

Will you do it sweet heart... Atleast for my sake fuggy... Please.... We have to become very strong to face this bad world and we should never make our parents soul to feel guilty of leaving us alone...

Our parents has trusted us so much that they know well that when abhi and pragya are together, they will win this world with their love... What are we going to do now??? Tell me...

Pragya hugs abhi tightly and cries her heart out... Abhi too cried and in between the cries, he consoled pragya with his fuller might... They promised on each other's head to stay strong and fight against the odds and live a happy life ..

Abhi made a hard decision and sold the half part of their house which is in his name much to the protest of pragya... Abhi doesn't want to stay over there as he knows they will be haunted in their dead parents memory for sure...

Abhi buys a classy double bed room flat in that money as he doesn't want to take the savings of their parents which they can use for their studies and household expenses... He keeps the remaining half of the house so that they can go and stay there whenever they want to feel their parents presence around them...

Abhi started to do part time jobs to look after their personal expenses much to the protest of pragya... Only thing which made abhi and pragya keep going is that the love and trust on each other...


Pragya comes out of her trance when her mobile starts to scream aloud... She fumes in anger and picks up the call as the call is from Tanu...

Pragya: What the hell is your problem you bloody bitch... Why are you not allowing me to live in peace... What do you want now.. why are you disturbing me unnecessarily....

Pragya barked and poured out all her frustrations and anger on Tanu who is silently sobbing as pragya is not at all trusting her and allowing her to speak too... Tanu doesn't know how to make pragya believe that abhi is no less than a elder brother to her...

Tanu: Pragya bhabhi... 😭😭😭😭😭... Please listen to me once...

Pragya: Shut up .. 😬😬😬😬😬... Don't call me bhabhi from your flithy mouth and never and ever utter my name from your mouth... Call me madam... Spit out what you want to say...

Cut it short... I cant spare my time for bloody bitches like you who is hell adamant to steal my happiness and snatch my love and my husband from me...

Tanu cries : Sorry madam... 😭😭😭... Im so sorry to disturb you...  Did abhi bhai is with you??? A big problem here in the office... Im helpless and don't know what to do...

Some goons have come and attacked all of us... They have broken down the office premises and has threatened and attacked me, bulbul and purab.... They warned us to leave our jobs or else we too have to lose our lives for working  with abhi bhai...

Purab is injured very badly... I don't know who they are and what they want or what enmity they have with abhi bhai... Is abhi bhai back to home and is abhigya baby is fine now???

Bhai is not picking up my call and his mobile is switched off too... We just came back from hospital... I just want to inform this abhi bhai and ask him to be safe and if needed ask him to arrange for security too...

So I thought of calling you to know whether abhi bhai is with you... Nothing wrong over there right... Hello...  Madam... You there.... Hello... Hello... Hello...

Pragya cuts the call abruptly and she starts to cry as fear got to engulf her soul... She starts to take deep breaths to control her cries and pats her tummy assuring the baby in the womb to stay strong that his father abhi will come back to them with his sister for sure...


The screen shifts to the place where abhi is hugging his daughter abhigya... He pats her back and consoles her and kisses her forehead lovingly assuring her that they will leave from there asap...

The monster is fuming in anger with broken face and blood is oozing out from his body... He couldn't understand as how come abhi has understood that he only have did all these and how he reached there at the correct time...

Abhi smirks on seeing the confused face of the monster...

Abhi: So much confusion haan... You son of a ba****d... I know you in and out, you bloody as*****e... I know how you eyed and desired my pragya lustfully... Wont you just stay away from us after making as part apart with your dirty tricks...

How dare you to kidnap my daughter... I would have killed you, if you have done anything to my daughter... These years of jail life too has not bring sense in you right... Get ready... The police is on the way....

Abhi has failed to notice that the monster has silently picked up the gun which fell from his arms when abhi punched his face... He aims the gun at abhi when he is about to walk away with his daughter abhigya...

The monster is completely startled as abhi turns back with a teasing smile pointing his hands which has the bullets from the guns...

Abhi: Better luck next time... Oops... Sorry sorry... Never and ever you can do anything to me or my family... So no luck for you... Dare to mess up with Abhishek Mehra, I will show you what a living hell is...

Abhi shouts angrily and punches him again hardly making the monster to stumble completely... But abhi couldn't understand the smile in the lips of the monster and he walks out after the police arrested the monster and filed charge against him for kidnapping abhigya....


Abhi drives through his flat with  a least hope that pragya would be there in their love paradise... He looks at his mobile which has died already because of low battery... He picks the sleeping abhigya in his arms and enters his flat with a heavy heart expecting his fuggy to be there...

Abhi is shocked to see his wife, his life pragya in a very bad state and he remembers the same vulnerable fuggy whom he lost to the terror prosecutor pragya years back... He places their daughter abhigya in the bed and covered her with duvet and kisses her forhead...

He comes out and shooks pragya hardly who is not at all aware of their presence too in the house... Abhi starts to panick as pragya is not at all reacting  and responding to anything and is sitting like a statue...

Abhi is way too startled and pats pragya's cheeks hardly as he finds that pragya is not at all breathing too... He gasps in shock as pragya's body  is completely cold and what startled abhi is that pragya falls unconscious in his arms all of a sudden....

Abhi's heart starts to thump hard as he can't see his fuggy in this state and he prays to god to keep his fuggy and their unborn kid without any problem... Hot tears oozes out from abhi's eyes uncontrollably.....


The next morning, sid and aaliya were ringing pragya's home for a long time as they doesn't know why pragya is missing from the previous day afternoon.... They start to think of various possibilities and nothing strikes their mind...

They rushes to the court to check whether pragya is there... Aaliya fumes in anger to see Tanu coming into the court premises hurriedly... She barges on tanu and slaps her hardly but aaliya is startled as she get a slap back in return from her love of life sid itself....


So, what's going to happen next???

Who is behind Abhi and why is he threatening tanu, bulbul and purab???

Who is the monster and what relationship he had with abhigya???

What happened to pragya and will she be fine ???

Will abhi and pragya get rid of their hatred and will be back together as couples???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

A long update as usual with 2700+ words....

Cast your votes n pen down your views without fail...

Sorry for errors and mistakes as I've not proof read....


Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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