Found You

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Here's the final chapter of 'Lost Ninja.' I hope you guys have enjoyed the story. Enjoy and leave a comment. 😉😊

Nya and Cole were the first two ninja up. They were up before the sun rose, ready to continue looking for Jay.

"You ready to start looking for Jay?" Nya asked Cole as they ate energy bars, their breakfast.

"Yay I am, and this time, I'm not going to go to sleep until we find him." Cole said, taking a big bite out of his breakfast.

The others were fast asleep, so Nya and Cole decided to wake them up. Nya used her water power to wake up Kai and Lloyd, while Cole just shook Zane wake -they were afraid he would short circuit if they sprayed him with water.

"Hey!" Kai said as soon as the water hit his face. "What was that for?!?"

"Nothing, just wanted to wake you up." Nya said with a smile, something she had not been doing lately. Then she sprayed Lloyd.

"Hey!" Lloyd said, looking angry.

"Let's get going guys, we need to find Jay." Cole said as he handed all of them energy bars.

They quickly ate their breakfast and continued searching. They found the footprints and followed. But none of them talk the whole.

"Guys, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually miss Jay's talking." Kai said, finally breaking the silence.

"Me too; if we find him, I'll never complain about his talking again." Cole said, also missing Jay.

Soon the footprints lead to a small cabin, but something was wrong. The door was torn off it's hinges, the inside was trashed, and their was still no sign of Jay.

"What do you think happened?" Nya asked.

"It could have been the bear." Suggest Kai.

"That is very unlikely Kai, although a bear is very strong, it doesn't rip hinges off doors." Zane said.

"Well, it wasn't a bear, but I think it's something worst." Lloyd said and showed the others what he found.

In Lloyd's hand was two things. The first was some blue fabric that was the exact shade of blue Jay wore. The second was a white scale with some purple marks on it.

"Pythor!" They all shouted at once.

"If he's hurt Jay, I'm going to make him sorry." Nya said.

"Hey, I found more footprints!" Cole said excitedly.

The others came out of the cabin to see the tracks Cole found. Zane scanned the tracks, just to make sure.

"My scanners show that some of the footprints are Jay's foot size." Zane said.

"Then let's go!" Nya said and took off after the trail. The others followed her close behind.

They followed the trail for what seemed like forever until it lead the to a steam, were the trail went cold.

"How are we going to find Jay now?" Nya asked, looking really upset.

Just as Lloyd was about to answer, the heard a voice yell "HELP!!!"

They all ran over to were the cry for help van from and saw none other that Jay. Pythor was towering over him with his staff, readying to kill him.

"Not what I would have gone with, but suit yourself." Pythor said, unaware the ninja were sneaking up behind him.

Just as he was about to end Jay and a girl the ninja didn't recognize, the girl said "The ninja, behind you." She said.

"Ha!, I'm not fall for that again!" Pythor said.

He was about to strike when Nya shot water at him.

"Get away from my boyfriend!" She yelled as she kicked him in the face.

Pythor was so focused on trying to kill Jay that he didn't even notice the ninja sneaking up behind him. Since he was out numbered he did the only thing he could think of, he ran away like a little girl.

Once he was out of sight, Nya ran towards Jay.

"Jay! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you-" Nya asked, but was cut off when Jay said "I'm fine Nya. Great now that you're here."

Nya hugged him and the others joined in. Sara smiled at the sight. In mere minutes they had gone from about to die to being saved by the ninja.

"We're so sorry Jay." Cole said after they were done hugging.

"For what?" Jay asked.

"For not noticing that you were missing sooner. I mean if any of us had noticed you'd be alone at the temple, we would have let you come along." Cole said, looking extremely guilty.

"It's alright." Jay said, trying to stand up, but failing.

"What happened to you leg?" Zane asked as Nya and Cole helped Jay off the ground.

"He broke it in his bike reck." Sara said.

The ninja all looked at her, like it was the first time they had noticed her.

"Who are you?" Kai asked.

"That's Sara, she's been taking care of me while I was injured, and she's the master of healing." Jay said.

Sara gave a smile, and looked at all the ninja.

"So you're an elemental master too." Zane said, smiling at her.

"Yes, and thank you for saving my life." Sara said.

"Thank you for helping out Jay." Lloyd said.

"It's no trouble, but I'd better get back home. I have a door than needs fixing." Sara said. "Also Jay, What were you going to say before Pythor showed up."

"I was going to say, don't be afraid to explore Ninjago, it could be an amazing adventure." Jay said and smiled at her.

"I might just do that." Sara said and was about to walk away, but first she said "If you're ever in trouble, don't be afraid to come find me." Jay nodded and with that, Sara left.

The ninja took Jay back to the temple and examined all his remaining injuries. They were all in Jay's room, waiting to hear what was broken.

"It appears it's just your leg that needs to heal now. Sara managed to heal you arm, rib, and concussion." Zane said as Jay laid in bed.

"Thanks Zane." Jay said and smiled. "And thanks to all of you for coming after me."

"Your a brother, we'll always come after you. Even if it's off a cliff." Lloyd said, and Jay gave a small laugh.

"Okay, it's time for bed. Jay needs rest if he wants that leg to heal." Kai said.

And with that, all the ninja were safely in their beds, sound asleep and safe from serpentine, bears, and an other enemies.

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